It took me 4 Months to beat Minecraft in 15 Minutes

Published 2023-01-28
I spent far too much time doing this

EPIC @BitzelBlockington Music:    • Introducing The 4 Corners  

Thx for the speedrunning tips:
Little Trolls by Frank Schröter

jeeze it's 3:22am rn. I shouldn't have stayed up this late xD

Where I get my music:
Epidemic Sound

All Comments (21)
  • @Melt
    If you’ve attempted speed running before, you know how insane this is, congrats rek this was great
  • @fervader
    It's so crazy how you make something so one sided funny and interesting even for people who don't speedrun.
  • @AgileJay
    So the teacher wasn’t lying when they said that you’ll use math irl
  • @mysticat
    I never imagined i could learn so much from one video!!!
  • @MulletDude24
    This man is insane. For all we know, his next episode will be "I beat Minecraft in 4 minutes."
  • Remember when this guy was struggling to beat the game in an hour and now he can beat the game in under 15 minutes? Truly amazing stuff.
  • @dagamerdeer
    I never knew something that takes 15 minutes can also take 4 months at the same time
  • @jameseden740
    What an incredible amount of story telling! This was meant to be a passive watch whilst I got myself some food. Instead I stood up holding my phone in the kitchen and watched every second.
  • @C.DFootball
    That was so cool! Not only did you get sub 15, you guided us through your journey there and I learnt a lot! Great video rek
  • I can't believe he OPENLY learnt math to do this. I'm still awe, instantly subscribed
  • Your storytelling is always so amazing. Fantastic job dude! This was awesome.
  • @Daybroken
    huge respect to rekrap for having this much dedication when most of us can barely get out of bed in the morning lol
  • @dacvucat
    The video explains everything about Minecraft Speedrun that we thought we wouldn't need, thanks for the big effort you put in the video so people would be able to understand how speedrunning works, by that make more and more players to join the community.
  • @zClown6
    Congratulations man! You deserved it. I have never seen a person as determined and hard working like you! Mind blowing
  • The amount of dedication you put into these videos!!! This was incredible Rek! :))
  • @RodPrimata
    this was an insane video, so entertaining
  • @GuffGuffGuffy
    You know what’s crazy when I watched your melon farming video a couple months ago I was like I wonder how good this guy would be at speedrunning. Today I realised this is the same person! You’re an amazing fella love all the hard work and this vid was so well made!
  • this video explains speed running so well. Congrats rekrap on your sub 15. I love watching your videos.