The Sea of Monsters Broke Me (Movie Review) - The Mythology Guy

Published 2022-06-12

All Comments (21)
  • @LordyT34
    "You guys didn't follow the books" "There were books?" "Yes! They're based off Greek Mythology!" "Greece has mythology???"
  • @sentinal2229
    I think Poseidon is more accurately described in spongebob than in this film.
  • "Our expectations were on the ground, but Hollywood brought a shovel." That might just be one of the best lines I've ever heard.
  • @Aerowarrier
    To be fair, a lot of the sexual tension between Percy and Clarisse is due mostly to them making Annabeth basically Clarisse in the first movie and so Clarisse kind of takes over Annabeth’s role as a result. They kinda ducked themselves with that :/
  • “You know, the Christians have a guy who can do this trick in reverse. Now That’s a god!” I haven’t watched this movie since it was in theaters (and really, who can blame me), but I gotta admit that’s a pretty clever line.
  • I'm honestly so relieved that they decided to end it there because I could not have been able to stomach seeing them ruining Nico and Zoë
  • You know what’s sad the character of Percy Jackson was actually passed on Rick’s son, his son had ADHD alongside with Dyslexia and he didn’t like to read or write in school so he didn’t do his homework but then one day his son became fascinated in Greek Mythology in his school and started learning more about the myths and even played Hades in his school play, Rick read stories about Greek mythology to his son every night before his bedtime one day Rick ran out of stories to tell so then one day Rick made his own fictional story about Percy Jackson the sea of monsters just for his son then he showed it to his seventh grade students and they loved it, Rick wanted to publish it to a editor after some time he got an editor who was interested in his books and loved it so then they fully published it back in 2006 and voila The Percy Jackson franchise was created. But hey not all hope is gone there is going to be a series out of it.
  • I think I found a credible theory to why Poseidon never responded. Percy was talking to a freshwater lake, but Tyson knows that Poseidon isn't Achelous
  • @typo1345
    For those who havent read the book, the reason Tyson was able to get through the barrier: When Tyson saw Percy in danger battling the Colchis bulls, he fought tooth and nail against the barrier, crying "Percy needs help!" trying to help his friend, and Annabeth, in a moment of desperation, grants him permission to enter camp (the only way monsters can enter the barrier is if given permission), and he's able to rush in and join the fight against the bulls
  • @theoverthinker8179
    Me and my friends have a theory that the actor for Annabeth actually read the book, because in the first movie she looks like she’s actually trying to make the movie good, but in the Sea of Monsters she just…. Gives up
  • To quote something I found on the internet: “The bar was so low, it was practically a tripping hazard in hell, but here you are, limbo dancing with the devil.”
  • @TeddyBruises
    "I know this isn't a very well known thing or anything but POSEIDON USES A TRIDENT!" Got me absolutely cackling 😂
  • @lovefromwonderland
    I will forever be salty that we don’t have a good Percy Jackson adaptation that has Nathan Fillion as Hermes and Stanley Tucci as Dionysus. Those are perfect casting choices
  • @JuMixBoox
    If I recall correctly, Percy was also a bit of a dick to Tyson in the books. He felt like the fact that his dad had kids with other people in the same time frame he was supposed to only love his mom was a betrayal. He was also looking down on monsters and seeing them as lower because his introduction to them was having to fight and effectively "kill" them to protect himself and his friends. So even though they were established as friends (I think Tyson was also homeless at the time and Percy tried to help him), it took him a while to come to terms with him as a brother. I probably haven't looked at these books in a decade though, so my expertise is limited to what came back to me when you described what the movie did wrong.
  • The "he isn't a son of Jesus" killed me more than Hollywood ruined the series.
  • Him just saying "grab the golden fleece, just grab it. Grab it. Just grab it." Was way funnier to me than it shouldve been lol.
  • @katstrait-_-
    At the end of this year's school year, my school put this movie on for the entire school in our auditorium. Every Percy Jackson fan wanted to die the entire time. I heard several groans and sighs of disappointment. We all hated the experience and we all hated the school for it.
  • @justsomeguy2825
    I remember in the 4th book, the buildup of the first 3 books plus the circumstances under which the event happened definitely Gave the ressurection of Kronos the impact of "Yeah, so we're completely fucked" The movie did the equivalent of Lord Voldermort getting resurrected by the philosophers stone in the first Harry Potter movie.