Halloween Kills Review (IDIOTS EVERYWHERE!) - The Mythology Guy

Published 2022-10-30

All Comments (21)
  • What else should I review? Also what are some mythology-based Halloween films I might not know about?
  • holloween kills is actually about Micheal myers trying to heroically save humanity from the stupid gene
  • @Frashaw27
    The Halloween Franchise is like people trying to take a good recipe from a cook book or a famous chef, but they to add their own twist on it. Sometimes the results can pretty good, but most of the time it just doesn't taste quite right.
  • @brookepearson
    I've never seen any of the Halloween films (unless watching this video counts) but I think having his motive be as simple as "he just enjoys killing people" would've been infinitely better than "he likes the view outside of his window"
  • Honestly, the only ‘gripe’ I have with the firefighter scene is that when we see Michael getting hit with the hose, he didn’t stumble. On one hand he’s getting hit with thousands of psi all over his torso, which would cause even the strongest person to fall on their ass. But on the other hand, he’s practically unkillable so it’s not too out of the question that he’s just this mythic being where physics don’t apply to him. But still one of my fav scenes of the movie and saddest deaths besides the escaped inmate.
  • I’m gonna be honest- I really would have liked an anthology Halloween series. I would’ve been fine with two movies with Michael and then the rest just - other stories
  • Bruh Michael really just kicked a car door and caused a girl to shoot herself in the head.
  • It’s like two beautiful pictures being drawn by talented artists and then handed to a rampaging angry toddler.
  • "You're trying to have some sort of deep message in your movie, and it doesn't work - because it relies on people being the dumbest dummies that ever dumbed in the history of dumbassery!" This is so wonderfully said... couldn't agree more!!
  • "GiViNg MiChEaL a MoTiVaTiOn lIkE LaUrEy BeInG hIs SiStEr MaKeS hIm LeSs ScArY!!" Well for this whole story to work, that motivation would make a lot more sense. Michael is still a rampaging killer regardless, just with a goal in mind.
  • EVIL DIES TONIGHT! God, I got so tired of hearing that every five minutes.
  • @humburger9998
    I haven’t seen any of the Halloween movies but watching your videos on them seems a lot better than actually watching. Thank you for making these
  • @skaughtsmith
    I didn’t even realize Laurie wasn’t his sister anymore.
  • @dragoness7181
    I feel like the plot to Halloween Kills (with some tweaks to the script) would have made a better conclusion to the new trilogy. The first one mainly focused on Lori and her family. In the sequel they could have had the cast expand to the other legacy characters, the other people directly impacted by Micheals murders in the very first movie. One of the legacy characters was even a nurse, so she could be working at the hospital when Lori was brought in and warn the others that Lori was injured by Micheal again. Everyone goes to make sure Lori is alright, then they all hear Michael survived the fire. The newly formed legacy crew can then go on a hunt for Michael. Lori’s wound can even be an important plot point. Have Lori fix herself up quickly before she heads out with the crew, only to have her injury get progressively worse throughout the movie, until it completely reopens at the climax. The legacy characters will then have to forfeit the hunt in order to save Lori, letting Michael escape. Then in the third and final movie, they rally the whole town to take down Michael. Everyone gangs up on him in the end, but have Lori finish it. Maybe even take off his mask to see his face for the first time before Lori delivers the killing blow. And his motivation could still be to go after Lori, even without the familial connection. He could just want to finish what he started all those years ago. (Sorry this was a long one 😅, had a lot of thoughts)
  • @leonides1527
    As a favorite YouTuber short maker once said. THIS MAN GOT JUMPED BY THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!
  • I definitely agree with you that the second movie should be considered canon, including the second movie could make Laurie's trauma and ptsd(not that she wouldn't have it either way) of Michael alot stronger in the 2018 movie, it also would've made more sense for her to be preparing for Michael to return again as Michael came to the hospital to kill her, I think it would've improved her reasoning to prepare that much
  • Fun fact: Halloween was originally supposed to be called The babysitter murders and the reason why he killed his sister is because she did a crap job at watching him it's all in the title.
  • Ok, I Definitely appreciate your intro as the Halloween franchise was indeed a rollercoaster in terms of following the continuity and making sense of the reboots! I have been evasive to Michael Myers due to the franchise's confusion and could never take him as seriously as Jason or my other boy Freddy. That said, thank you for this video! Its greatly appreciated and I hope you have a great Halloween! 🎃
  • @LacieWhy
    To be fair to the dumb characters, when I started hearing weird noises under my house I tried to fight it too. (Thankfully it was just a possum & not a giant serial killer.)