Depersonalization Disorder: You CAN Recover!

Inspirational clips from people who have recovered from Depersonalization Disorder!

⚡ Start YOUR 💯 recovery from DPDR today! 👉🏼
⭐ 1-on-1 DPDR Coaching 👉🏼

Watch the complete interviews here:

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Disclaimer: Please note that the medical information contained within this video is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a professional physician and is not a recommendation of specific thera

コメント (21)
  • This was amazing! So glad to be apart of this! Your book honestly is one of the best things ever! Thank you so much Shaun!
  • @t091293
    I HAVE MADE A 100% RECOVERY. I haven't even thought of derealisation for half a year now, even though I went through hell with it last year. Everything fell apart around me, I thought I had gone insane, entered another dimension, everything felt absolutely terrifying, dark, devoid of hope and I felt like I got stuck in a place that I couldn't exit evem through death. I had brutal intrusive thoughts all day every day about dying, freaking out about philosophocal questions of consciousness, reality and afterlife. I thought I was gone forever. But day after day, I actually spent more and more time with my normal self. By following Shaun's guide, not stopping my life and gritting my teeth even though I thought I am literally going mad actually helped me make a COMPLETE recovery. Stop researching, stop looking at forums, stop analysing your thoughts, stop trying to engage with and interact with your scary thoughts. They mean absolutely nothing, they are a symptom of anxiety. You do not have to address the content of them, ever. I have forgotten so much about derealisation, that I have only come back to this channel to leave this comment here to give hope to others. YOU WILL MAKE A COMPLETE COMEBACK AND YOU WILL BE A 100% YOURSELF. You might not believe it right now but believe someone who had it so bad they wanted to kill themselves and STILL MADE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE. It's beautiful on this side and I can't wait for you guys to arrive here as well! Life is beautiful, you are NEVER alone and nothing is as dark as it may seem now. Hold on, the darkness PASSES FOREVER. ❤
  • @xofjordan
    Just wanted to say, I remember finding this channel years ago when i was suffering really badly with this condition and just being aware has helped me out so much and now i have been feeling symptom free for 2 years. IT REALLY DOES GET BETTER. Thank you so much for helping people out!!! 🙏🏻
  • @gerp9870
    I remember years ago nonstop researching depersonalization/derealization. It took years of working on relaxing my body and not fearing symptoms before it vanished, and I just never thought about it again really. It is wild to think I used to spend every day feeling like I was in a dream and fearing everything about existence and I just can't relate to those feelings anymore. It certainly was not all at once but day by day in 2021 I thought about it less and less and now has just been gone. I remember also hearing recovery stories and not believing them, I would think that my case was special and that I was doomed to suffer from it forever. All the people that say you can recover are 100% correct. I had hundreds of DP/DR symptoms in the past but none of them bother me anymore. Be patient friends, you will recover!
  • @vhc79onyt
    Thanks man im 18 currently going through it rn and feel crazy, your videos helped me relax and clam down without thinking im about to die. I love you for helping me through this ❤
  • @lisag6626
    Absolutely you will !!! Literally one of the best things that ever happened to me it changed my life for the positive And strengthen my faith when I had nothing left ..
  • @yugmehta6698
    Here me out guys. I know you are scrolling comments to relate as much as possible. I know it is frightening. I know it feels like you won’t make it. I know you relapsed again and came here to sympathise. My name is yug mehta, i am from India. Now whatever you call it, Dp, Dr, Anxiety, fight or flight etc. You will certainly overcome this. Been here in Jan 2022. Been here in Aug 2022. Been here in Nov 2022. Each time feeling much more better. Just live your life. Here i am completely out of this never ever thinking about it again. And if i do, i laugh. Don’t be in your head 24/7. Go outside, meet your friends, spent some time with family every day. Most importantly do things that you love to do. I know sometimes it is so irritating and overwhelming but trust me, you will learn to be more patient. Just hang on. :) Special shout out to this guy ! Doing such a great job. You are a blessing man !
  • I've opened up to my friends very detailed about what I'm experiencing and I'm not afraid to talk about it. And my mom and brother have been my biggest support. I'm currently going through derealization really bad to where I'm having severe panic attacks which i think gets worse around my menstrual cycle. But I came here realizing I need to stop fearing this because it's just causing more stress and panic. And i want to call of you my knew family because we are so strong to be going through this and don't even realize how strong we are to go through something so scary! I'm excited i found this channel and going to purchase the book! One day i will be a recovery story♥️ let's speak this into existence!!!
  • Hi Shaun!!! I used to comment regularly a while back when I was suffering but I thought I should leave a comment now just to show my progress. I suffered with Dp for over two years. I would have panic attacks everyday, but I found your channel and felt seen. I knew I wasn’t crazy and I wasn’t alone. When suffering with dp I found that the loneliness was the worst of it. I haven’t recovered fully yet but my life is so much better and I just wanted to say thank you 🙏 I hope anyone else reading this knows that it will get better and that we aren’t alone ❤
  • @Bacho5
    It has been looking good for me, i feel like everyday gets better, and also you will recover, don't worry, once the worrying stops, the recovery starts
  • @switzerstudio
    Truth be told i almost was losing hope wanting to pull the plug. But this is helping me. Im going to keep on even though my attacks are very scary. Im switching my life around living clean.
  • i watched thousands of of videos and followed many people claiming they can guide you to recovery. they make recovery so complicated to people already suffering from memory and focus issues. they only want you to join their program inorder to make profit from you. but you are really different. you are actually trying to help and you make recovery simple and you share everything about recovery. for people suffering out there i can say that the manual is not just for DPDR it's your way out of any anxiety condition. i have generalized anxiety disorder and i found the book really helpful. granted i'm not recovered yet but i'm on the way and started to see some improvment.
  • @parkerowens5775
    Your videos are the best! Every time I start getting anxiety and think I’m going mentally insane I watch your videos and it calms me down so much. Thank you again!
  • From the bottom of my heart, i wish u the best in ur life , god bless u bro for helping us ♥️♥️
  • @user-yk4up9fy9s
    You know how much strange the dp/dr symptoms are but........whenever i stuck in the situation i always go to read your book Dp Manual or see your youtube Video and within secound i will get out of the situation.........You are the Mighty Boss.... honestly.........may be you doesnt know.........Thank you so much.........for me you are the real you😘😘😘
  • @audiovisualss
    guys trust me it is a way to get back 100% ik this about to sound like generic advice but just accept your symptoms / dp ONCE YOU ACCEPT IT THE DP/DR WILL FADE AWAY AND SO WILL ARE YALL Symptoms i was able to recover from the worst symptoms in just a couple days by accepting i had it for a month prior it was weed induced JUST PLEASE ACCEPT THE DP AND EVERYTHING WILL RETURN BACK TO NORMAL YOUR INDUCING FEAR ON YOURSELF WHICH IS CAUSING THE DP TO STAY LONGER ( I WAS IN YOUR SHOES THINKING I WILL NEVER GET BETTER)
  • @Futur3.
    Love this video this will help so many people
  • @crayonangelss23
    I love this compilation! Shaun, I had a very funny dream about your channel last night. I dreamt that I was doing a recovery video with you, but I hadn’t recovered 😅I kept having tons of technical issues through the video, and I was freaking out! Someday when I recover and do make a video with you, let’s hope I don’t have any tech issues 😂😂