How Anxiety & Depersonalization Recovery ACTUALLY Looks Like (People Who Recover Know This)

Published 2021-01-20
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#anxiety #anxietyrecovery #dpdrrecovery

All Comments (21)
  • @-livi-2181
    Thanks Shaan! Your videos have helped me so much. I feel almost 100% recovered and your videos contributed a lot to that.
  • There's a petition on change to raise awareness of dpdr titled: "Raise awareness of depersonalization/derealization disorder. More research is needed" I urge everyone to sign it!
  • @rigas333
    You dont even know when you have recovered. You dont just wake up one day and you feel 100%. Its a slow gradual process
  • @ImprovementPath
    100% anxiety recovery isnt as glorious as we make it out to be. In fact I didnt even realize I was completely aware that I have recovered as it was a very gradual process. Only really noticed it after looking back
  • @nitesh7397
    True! Recovery really teaches you a lot of important skills for life. :)
  • @rfinn9898
    Thank you so much for all your content. You have helped me so much. I am 90% recovered because of your content.
  • @johnlant1730
    Its amazing how you can watch a video and it doesn't quite apply yet and your like.....ok. Then when you get to the point where it does apply and you watch it again.....your like ah yes! Brilliant!
  • Exactly how my recovery is ! I’m at the point where I have symptoms and I’m almost out of it but I don’t care about the symptoms so I’m not like omg I’m getting better I’m just like oh yeh it’s a symptom I’ve been through worse
  • It's exactly about recovery like shaan described!, You don't noticed when your symphtoms go away and forget about whole thing. I know been there. I have anxiety relapse for 3-rd time now but it's not bad as first time senzitized in 2012 when i didn't know what is hapened to me. Just i wish to figure out why its relapsing and where i go wrong? 🤷‍♂️
  • @NC-cf7kl
    Ive been going through it going on 4 months, ive felt like ive got better but then days like today I feel horrible. I have the panic part down ig, I have enough control that I dont feel like ill have a panic attack. But my mind is still going 100 mph most times, I just cant stand it. I always say this is the worst part, thats the worst part, but truly one day one thing is worse and the next day its something else. Today is the day where the numb emotions start to scare me but I have to catch myself in my thoughts. But yesterday it was the feeling like a dream that felt like the worst part. There have also been times where the symptoms are almost gone, but the something like the numbness is still there. Then you get afraid of why the symptoms are going away. Like you might be afraid of a certain thought, and you know its just the anxiety. Then when you’re not afraid of it anymore you start to get afraid because you’re not afraid. I got caught in that loop way more than once, but its very scary some times.
  • @NC-cf7kl
    It is such a weird condition, it constantly contradicts its self and proves itself wrong and enters a state of a constant spiral. Not downward because it gets better, but its also super slow
  • All your videos are so helpful, great explanation, Thank you
  • @Raz-G
    I think it's the same when we're kids. You know as kids we were open to the world and every thing felt strange but we never knew that it was that, we were just adapting ourselves to the world for the first time, naturally creating our own identity. And dpdr could be similar to that you know? Cause I behave the same way I used to years ago. I feel like im a kid, not an adult, and it sure feels weird cause you have the knowledge of an adult but you feel the world as a kid, not as cognitively matched.
  • @miriammacomson5987
    I've been going through this for 7 months now Sept 4th, and even though it's not as extreme as the beginning I'm stuck in a plateau. I still feel not like myself and still having death existential crisis. Some days I feel like I'm going crazy. I DO NOT understand this!!! It's ruining my life, I have anxiety and severe depression now. I don't think I'll ever be the same, and I don't know what normal is anymore. I haven't had an natural appetite since it began, i got my appetite back for 3 days and it left again. I have to force feed myself because im diabetic, and it makes me very nauseated at times. Why haven't I gotten my appetite back. This is like a bad dream to me. I'm just stuck, I absolutely hate this shit with a passion. It makes zero sense to me that the mind is supposed to be protecting you, but traumatizing you at the same time. I still can't even remember things clearly. It's unbearable at this point, what's the use of living like this? I do NOT see the light at the end of the tunnel AT ALL. I hate life right now, and I wished I was never born.
  • @rohitpatel5206
    I am at that stage where my symptoms doesn't matter for me but my mind just showing me look at this and I'm realising its anxiety which is making me do this and I'm evolving in life more and suddenly symptoms pop up and i noticed it and i try to convince myself its not real but i don't have to do that because they are meaningless
  • @itsisha9762
    When we bring up 'recovery', if you're truly in a state of acceptance then isn't that a contradiction in itself? Because when we are saying 'oh I want to recover', recover from what then? If you don't have anxiety, you don't have it and you're not trying to get out of anything, not even recovery. When were 'trying' to recover, we don't really. We're always going to be measuring our progress and what not, when a person without anxiety, simply doesn't do that. Having any sort of expectation is what holds people back I'd say.
  • @leilamoon5879
    I have chronic illness pots syndrome and this is exactly what I want