Depersonalization: 5 Reasons (You Think!) You CAN'T Recover

Published 2023-08-10
00:53 5️⃣ MY Symptoms Are Different!
03:05 4️⃣ Your Personality Type
05:52 3️⃣ Stressful Work / Life Situation
08:06 2️⃣ I've Been Traumatized by DPDR
11:13 1️⃣ I Can't Remember What 'Normal' Felt Like

Here's the Top 5 reasons people think they can’t recover from DPDR - and why none of them are actually true -- and why you’re really having these thoughts in the first place!

⚡ Start YOUR 💯 recovery from DPDR today! 👉🏼
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Disclaimer: Please note that the medical information contained within this video is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a professional physician and is not a recommendation of specific ther

All Comments (21)
  • @exosapiens2509
    This guy is a prophet on this topic. Every single symptom, thought and physical experience occurred exactly the way he describes it. I am now recovered from DP DR and I tell you all here... YOU WILL GET THERE TOO! Hang in there and try to stay away from social media or researching the symptoms. The mind is extremely powerful, make it your ally not your enemy; Accept the symptoms, deal with the process, embrace the chaos without focusing in it and it will all eventually go away. BELIEVE ME! Believe this guys! Peace out everyone 🙏
  • @LocalMachine
    "Unnecessary anxiety and DP/DR will take up only as much space as you give them." This is so true!!!
  • @alyssab.9994
    Hey everyone! You can ABSOLUTELY recover. I promise you! Just try your very best to go about your life as normal and trust that everything will be okay, because everything IS okay. You got this and I believe in you. I went through hell last year and now it’s difficult for me to fully remember exactly what that felt like. I can’t believe I’m able to say that now because I had soooo much doubt. You WILL recover. I know it. Love you all!
  • I´m currently going through this. It´s tough, really tough, but your videos are so calming to me, even the comments. Everyone thanks for these comments it´s really good to know that someone got through this. Everyone who has DP/DR.. you´re not alone and we will recover. Thank you guys.❤
  • @LocalMachine
    I absolutely love the part about the overly-analytical part, and overthinking. That was me two years ago, and learned so much since then!!!
  • @t091293
    I HAVE MADE A 100% RECOVERY. I haven't even thought of derealisation for half a year now, even though I went through hell with it last year. Everything fell apart around me, I thought I had gone insane, entered another dimension, everything felt absolutely terrifying, dark, devoid of hope and I felt like I got stuck in a place that I couldn't exit evem through death. I had brutal intrusive thoughts all day every day about dying, freaking out about philosophocal questions of consciousness, reality and afterlife. I thought I was gone forever. But day after day, I actually spent more and more time with my normal self. By following Shaun's guide, not stopping my life and gritting my teeth even though I thought I am literally going mad actually helped me make a COMPLETE recovery. Stop researching, stop looking at forums, stop analysing your thoughts, stop trying to engage with and interact with your scary thoughts. They mean absolutely nothing, they are a symptom of anxiety. You do not have to address the content of them, ever. I have forgotten so much about derealisation, that I have only come back to this channel to leave this comment here to give hope to others. YOU WILL MAKE A COMPLETE COMEBACK AND YOU WILL BE A 100% YOURSELF. You might not believe it right now but believe someone who had it so bad they wanted to kill themselves and STILL MADE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE. It's beautiful on this side and I can't wait for you guys to arrive here as well! Life is beautiful, you are NEVER alone and nothing is as dark as it may seem now. Hold on, the darkness PASSES FOREVER. ❤
  • @AnaLiana-wr6qo
    Guys, no one in my life knows I have Dpdr, I’m battling on my own. May we all recover by God’s grace. Don’t lose hope , I know it’s difficult situation
  • @S.C1970
    I find that constantly checking my mental state and questioning how I feel is keeping me in the loop. I’m just not sure how to quit doing that.
  • @Pinocio2305
    Man I love u! I personally suffered from DPDR are just one month ago for me. It really was my drinking behaviour. I had my first panic attack being strongly hung over in the Metro, and after that I had to deal with anxiety for about one month. the anxiety went on and off, so when I was feeling good, I went out to drink like I would normally do and every time after I would wake up with a bad hangover and a really strong feeling of anxiety. Then after a couple of weeks when I thought I had cured my anxiety I went out drinking once again and that time I had the biggest anxiety attack in my life, after that the DPDR kicked in. strangely I knew that feeling from somewhere. it was because I already had to deal with DPDR one year ago from a bad weed experience, which lasted for about 3 month, with only one symptom, which was I was afraid to look into the mirror. After a couple of days, I could finally recognise this feeling and knew it was DPDR again, which led me straight to your channel. The only weird thing was that this time the derealisation was really different then from the weed experience( By the way I quit smoking weed since I had the bad weed experience) and the DPDR, which I had back then went by pretty quickly, but this time the derealisation was linked to anxiety which was really weird and a really new way of derealisation to me. The scariest symptoms for me were that when talking to my mum on my phone, I just zoned out and was thinking about like how she’s not real and how it is possible that I know this person and stuff like that. The other very very frightening symptom I had were the weird thoughts I always had. always when I was watching a movie, or looking through social media. I questioned everything I saw the whole existence of humanity. Everything. sometimes I would even get an anxiety attack from those thoughts in my own room And then the walls were closing in on me so I really didn’t know where to go if I already get a panic attack laying in my bed which then resulted in more panic. It felt like I was stuck in my head with these scary thoughts and the only way to escape seemed suicide to me in these moments even though I never was or have been suicidal in my life, but after I found your channel and followed your depersonalisation manual and informed myself enough, I knew everything I had to know .then I quit the alcohol drinking, and since then I am nearly fully recovered. I get better every and every day I learnt a lot about anxietey and depression. I learnt about how to accept the feeling and how to not be afraid of it, even though sometimes it was hard to manage. but yes summing up I can say that this was the scariest experience in my life, but I’m telling you guys never give up never lose Hope. I really hit the rock bottom of my life and thought this wouldn’t get better any day soon and look at me now I’m super happy again living life to the fullest and I’m telling you guys that you will recover 100% for me, what helped was listening to a lot of music, painting, A lot of cooking, eating healthy, mediating, going for runs (everything which helps anxiety) and facing my fears, meeting up with a lot of friends, even though it’s not really a comfortable experience. I still did it and that would push me forward so much, which I think made me recover so fast. but believe me when I say this once again I was laying on my bed crying talking to my mum. The worst feeling was that was while I was crying on the phone talking to my mum. I had a feeling of talking to a complete stranger which is also really weird and a frightening experience, I thought I was stuck in my mind forever, I even had suicidal thoughts but I’m telling you guys as hopeless, As frightening as it is you will recover! It’s just a question of training your mind into accepting and being patient. What also drove me insane that, even for a short period of time I had to deal with DPD was that I had specific set backs were I thought everything I build up with my recovery broke again, which then led me to being scared again that this is going to last forever, but as soon as this happened a couple of times and I watched some of this guys video. I knew that it was totally normal to have some setbacks that the recovery is not a linear line so you also have to keep this in mind that recovery means you’re gonna have set backs and if setbacks happen you shouldn’t be afraid of them or think everything is going downhill again. You should just know that setbacks mean that you are recovering.You will get through this. Love you guys and thank you to you DP Maunual 🥰
  • @carolinebielby5924
    Yes, I felt that I thought I couldn't remember what normal felt like but when it lifted it felt like heaven 🎉
  • @nvb455
    Dear Shaun, what a blessing you are! I have a suggestion for a video, on how we experience emotions and experiencing some but not (yet) others. Understanding that will be helpful because it's confusing. For me the DP is just being in my own bubble all the time with severe focus and memory issues and a bit of an empty mind with less emotion. Does that sound like DP? It's like I can't take in any information, remember ANYTHING but I do feel real or pretty much myself, but just like I can't really remember my identity. When it first happened I felt like I was unreal and all my emotion was gone and I thought I was dead or in psychoses. That faded pretty quickly and now I can feel love sometimes, although it feels weird and a bit detached, but I still can't really feel emotional PAIN. And when I feel love, it's sometimes hard to understand why. I used to have ptsd and big triggers, now I don't feel those at all. It's like I suddenly don't care. Is that normal? It feels like I don't have ptsd anymore but I actually kind of miss it, it was better than this. And that was authentic. Will all that come back? Because I still want to actually to deal with that. Have a lovely day!!
  • @sandazukovska8894
    Shaun may God bless you! Can’t even express all the thankfulness I have for what you are giving us.
  • Thank you so much for your Videos man! U literally saved my sanity! I'm hopefull again 🎉
  • You just answered a whole 2 months overthinking Ive been in this spiral for almost 3 years Feeling more confident just from this video Thank you!💕
  • @slimeblood-
    I greatly appreciate all the content you produce, helps me very much get a grip on the rational thoughts and continue towards a more normal day to day mindset.
  • @zortik01
    the way you discribe it is so calm and relaxing! just what you need when you have dp/dr. thank you for doing this! video tip : a video that we can show to others on how it feels. i found it really hard zo explain it without thinking im gonna sound like im crazy
  • @juliastradone2104
    hi there everyone. i recently went to the eagles open practice and it was the worst derealization ive ever experienced. i am still having the thoughts i did that day. it’s hard to get out of bed, start the day, and talk to my family. the only place i really feel safe is my room. (where i’ve spent 4 days straight in), i haven’t seen my dog in days 😞. ive been obsessed with finding answers. and i came across your channel. and today… i had a slight bit of hope. i thought it was just me and not to talk to anyone about it. but i learned.. i am not alone and i have had derealization before while smoking weed with friends. but never this badly. i am trying to move forward and your videos are really helpful right now
  • @keekeemykidda5533
    This fella should have such a bigger following what an amazing channel