Depersonalization: Can You (REALLY) Get Back To Normal?

Published 2021-03-18
⚡ Start YOUR 💯 recovery from DPDR today! 👉🏼

Can You Really Get Back To Normal After Depersonalization?

0:45 Introduction
3:37 Depersonalization Can't Change You
6:18 You're Not Seeing Things Differently
9:44 What If I'm Traumatized?
11:26 I Can't Remember Being Normal!
13:43 Conclusions

Depersonalization tends to have lots of scary thoughts and fears associated with it. But one of the most frightening prospects of all is that the condition has somehow changed you fundamentally as a person.

You might worry that:
You’ve flicked a switch in your brain
You’ve opened a door you can’t close
You’re seeing reality differently and you’ll never get back to normal
You’ve been traumatized for life
You’ll never get back to thinking like everyone else does

But can you get back to normal after Depersonalization? And will you really be the same person when you recover?

Any questions / comments / tips of your own? Leave them in the comments section below and I'll make sure to respond and help out!

Connect with me!

Disclaimer: Please note that the medical information contained within this video is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a professional physician and is not a recommendation of specific therap

All Comments (21)
  • @jenniferisacat
    I bought your manual and it hands down helped me more than any therapy I’ve done because YOU understood me. Guys, I totally recommend it and it even inspired me to make my own video. Best of luck! 🥰
  • @t091293
    I HAVE MADE A 100% RECOVERY. I haven't even thought of derealisation for half a year now, even though I went through hell with it last year. Everything fell apart around me, I thought I had gone insane, entered another dimension, everything felt absolutely terrifying, dark, devoid of hope and I felt like I got stuck in a place that I couldn't exit evem through death. I had brutal intrusive thoughts all day every day about dying, freaking out about philosophocal questions of consciousness, reality and afterlife. I thought I was gone forever. But day after day, I actually spent more and more time with my normal self. By following Shaun's guide, not stopping my life and gritting my teeth even though I thought I am literally going mad actually helped me make a COMPLETE recovery. Stop researching, stop looking at forums, stop analysing your thoughts, stop trying to engage with and interact with your scary thoughts. They mean absolutely nothing, they are a symptom of anxiety. You do not have to address the content of them, ever. I have forgotten so much about derealisation, that I have only come back to this channel to leave this comment here to give hope to others. YOU WILL MAKE A COMPLETE COMEBACK AND YOU WILL BE A 100% YOURSELF. You might not believe it right now but believe someone who had it so bad they wanted to kill themselves and STILL MADE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE. It's beautiful on this side and I can't wait for you guys to arrive here as well! Life is beautiful, you are NEVER alone and nothing is as dark as it may seem now. Hold on, the darkness PASSES FOREVER. ❤
  • @tiarajessy9491
    Depersonalization made me feel like an alien, and I can't relate to anybody no matter how similar we are
  • @alexroulston2545
    I’m sorry but this man has no idea how much of a roll he’s now playing in my life… I am so thankful he exists
  • @owenjensen5372
    Everyone. You will get through this, I know its a very scary feeling and makes you feel like you will never get back to normal, but trust me you can overcome this. I was suffering from dpdr for a little over a year, and felt hopeless but I completely overcame it. (Don’t worry it can end sooner). I didn’t get it from a drug trip or anything, in fact I didn’t know what caused it so I thought there was no way out but there was:). The main thing that helped me was distracting myself, and interacting with others. I know other people may not seem real, but trust me the more you interact and get your mind off of dpdr the quicker you will recover. Depersonalization manual, I appreciate you, and want to thank you for helping me on my journey back to normal.
  • @erikplays5220
    I’m 14 and it’s a scary experience for someone my age. Watching someone like you makes me feel more calm so I thank you for these videos. I really am not going to ever smoke weed again
  • Anxiety and panic attacks are the main cause for depersonalization. Stop those and it WILL GO AWAY!!! Prayers to everyone!
  • @epicapple101
    During my worst periods of DR, I would come to these videos and they provided me a great sense of comfort knowing that someone could describe what I'm feeling so perfectly. As my symptoms continue to fade to this day, I look back and understand what it felt like to be in the shoes of someone not believing it was going to get better, and to feel like I had changed something in my head. My advice to those facing their worst right now is to actively treat yourself to things like good food, exercise, and leisure activities. I also think you should make sure to celebrate the small victories as they are stepping stones to getting better and understanding your brain. You've been told this many times before, and may not fully understand it now, but you will get better, just take everything one day at a time.
  • I felt I had become too self aware for my own good. That I flipped a switch and changed my perspective on life to where I could never live a normal life again ! Thank you so much !!!
  • @arsenmalaj8757
    Salute to all my brothers and sisters over here suffering from depersonalization. We're lucky we can recover from this, we just have to endure some time but it's great news to know that eventually we'll recover and we are all in the same boat even though each one of us feels alone. I had dp with panic attacks 2 months ago, now my panic attacks are gonne, just dp remaining and I can feel it that I'm getting better everyday. So It's 100% sure you'll recover as well. Sleep well, exercise, go out with friends , don't think too much about it and also eat good food and don't underestimate the power of vitamine d3 in helping you recover faster
  • @bojanp3026
    Your voice is God sent. Everytime I have a dp/anxiety attack, I just play your videos. Thank you for being here!!! Stay blessed.
  • @777Lxxx
    Got DP after a panic attack in November 2020 (even though I had moments of it before that, now that I see it in retrospective), I remember in December I saw one of his videos that recovery is possible and I felt so happy... now I gave up drugs, started going to gym and started to socialize more than before and I can say my DP is almost gone, I forget it so much that sometimes I am like “what is this weird feeling” then I remember uh its DP and laugh🤣. On my opinion DP comes after a long time of having Fight or Flight response activated (too much stress for a long time) that a panic attack just activates the Freeze response. Basically you are either in calm mode or survival mode (Fight Flight Freeze) I consider it God telling you to change your lifestyle for better. Recovery is close, believe in yourself!
  • i’m almost 100% recovered, it’s taken a few months and it hasn’t been a linear process, it sometimes flares up when i’m trying to sleep or in certain shops but the difference is i know how to handle it and am well aware of what it is, so it doesn’t really scare me but i’m living my life with the same feelings i did as a kid, just worry free and infinite gratitude and love. thank you.
  • I never comment on YouTube but this video was one of the most helpful things I've ever seen in my life, since the worst nightmare I've had to go through is DPDR. Three years ago I was at the lowest point of an anxiety disorder, my brain clicked into survival and I had derealization for months. The worst thing is not being able to explain it to people because it is indescribably terrifying; an alien sensation beyond words, and no one understood. This video was my only ray of light and seeing people that were going through the same was absolutely wonderful. And since I didn't even know the existance of this symptom before, I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't found proper information about it. Props to this channel because it's one of the few examples of why the internet is really helpful. Lastly, to anyone who is going through DPDR I talk to you as if I talked to my past self: not only are you capable of getting through this but you WILL get through it, and you will be so strong that when you fight it, you will feel like you can fight anything.
  • @WencesCasuya
    Dont worry relax everything is normal it will subside nit days its just hours, your not losing your self thats why your here, watching the video and reading comments this really helps me to get back and be brave for just hours , drink more water and listen to this videos and have video games and get someone to chat on or vent out what you feel and relax again everything is normal and pray Thanks this guys who saved us
  • @jfkf939
    Hey friends! Recovery is possible 💗 I feel like my DP was triggered by inability to cope w stress and emotions and my brain was literally checking out. I have been practicing good coping skills after paying attention to and feeling my emotions, and haven’t had an episode in over two years, maybe longer! You can do it 💖
  • @HHBlades
    I just had my first experience of depersonalization after a bad edible trip. You have made me feel so much better from your videos. Thank you so much.