Rocio's Depersonalization Recovery Story

Published 2023-10-30
01:30 DPDR during COVID
04:12 "I was not feeling within myself"
05:23 Seeking medical help
06:53 "It was me in a bubble"
08:56 Umbrella Medication
10:54 Finding the term "Depersonalization"
13:54 Managing life with DPDR
16:30 "Like I had been dead for a month"
20:38 How did recovery start?
22:39 Coming off medication
27:11 What does depersonalization recovery feel like?
32:24 Depersonalization Forums
36:54 Overcomplicating DPDR
38:35 The DP Manual
39:59 Life after Depersonalization
41:18 Can you REALLY get back to normal?
47:02 Advice for people with DPDR

⚡ Start YOUR 💯 recovery from DPDR today! 👉🏼
⭐ 1-on-1 DPDR Recovery Coaching 👉🏼

Rocio Rodriguez (25) is from Miami, Florida. Starting in 2019, Rocio suffered with chronic Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder for about a year and a half. She struggled badly with the condition, and was put on a cocktail of medications after describing the feeling to her doctor as like being stuck 'in a bubble'.

But thankfully, Rocio has since made a complete recovery, and in this brand new interview she tells me all about her experience with and recovery from Depersonalization Disorder.

Connect with me!

Disclaimer: Please note that the medical information contained within this video is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a professional physician and is not a recommendation of specific thera

All Comments (21)
  • @itsnesss
    to anyone feeling desperate and checking the comments to find some kind of hope: ive been where you are right now. i used to think that maybe i was broken and I was never gonna get better. when you are in the middle of the experience you are not rational. the truth is: you can get better and you definitely will. It is not a permanent condition, it is temporary. It won’t define the rest of your life and you won’t be stuck with it. I promise you that. when i was going through it, what helped me the most was spending time outside, meeting friends, having my mind occupied. finding this page gave me the relief i needed. knowing what i was going through was the first step of my recovery. if you are here reading this comment, it means you already know what you’re going through. so, just know you’re not alone and, as many people have done, you will recover too. best wishes to all of you and sorry for my English <3
  • @Yahya-gb8zn
    Hey, i have bought you manual 3 months ago. And i am almost recovered. That you so much. I have no more DPDR, it´s just anxiouse thoughts sometimes. The anxiety is very managable. It´s important to continue living and not stop. And try to adabt a positive mindset. You will 100% make it. And you are not incurable. The thought of it being incurable is the thought, that dirves anxiety even more. Here is the first thought to work on for your progress to heal!
  • @frankvaldes8042
    Hello everyone, just wanted to come on here and spread some positivity. I’ve had DP TWICE in the last 2 years. First time was from a bad drug experience and the second time, which was very recent, was due to a binge drinking episode. Just want to let everyone know that, I have now overcome this condition twice! I know it’s not easy, and I know it may seem like your world is falling apart, but trust me, you can overcome this and quicker than you might think. Listen to Sean’s advice, stay extremely busy!! Movies, TV shows, going out with your friends, going to sporting events etc. trust me, if you stay busy, you’re going to catch yourself saying having a good time and forgetting about it that you’re gonna say to yourself “holy crap, I went all those hours without even thinking about it” and once you get to that point, you’re smooth sailing. You’re gonna have ups and downs. Some extremely good days and some not so good days, but don’t let it discourage you! Stay focused and keep pushing!
  • @t091293
    I HAVE MADE A 100% RECOVERY. I haven't even thought of derealisation for half a year now, even though I went through hell with it last year. Everything fell apart around me, I thought I had gone insane, entered another dimension, everything felt absolutely terrifying, dark, devoid of hope and I felt like I got stuck in a place that I couldn't exit evem through death. I had brutal intrusive thoughts all day every day about dying, freaking out about philosophocal questions of consciousness, reality and afterlife. I thought I was gone forever. But day after day, I actually spent more and more time with my normal self. By following Shaun's guide, not stopping my life and gritting my teeth even though I thought I am literally going mad actually helped me make a COMPLETE recovery. Stop researching, stop looking at forums, stop analysing your thoughts, stop trying to engage with and interact with your scary thoughts. They mean absolutely nothing, they are a symptom of anxiety. You do not have to address the content of them, ever. I have forgotten so much about derealisation, that I have only come back to this channel to leave this comment here to give hope to others. YOU WILL MAKE A COMPLETE COMEBACK AND YOU WILL BE A 100% YOURSELF. You might not believe it right now but believe someone who had it so bad they wanted to kill themselves and STILL MADE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE. It's beautiful on this side and I can't wait for you guys to arrive here as well! Life is beautiful, you are NEVER alone and nothing is as dark as it may seem now. Hold on, the darkness PASSES FOREVER. ❤
  • @dylanteet7074
    I feel like if I ever recover I would never want to talk about it again or be interviewed about it because it would come back.
  • @nottday
    Thanks, I’ve been experiencing this since I was 15, now I’m 17 and still can’t come off of it. It feels like my perception are distorted. The tv looks small and whenever I sit to watch it feels like there’s pressure in my brain and it feels uncomfortable. Also with looking at my phone. I feel blurry vision throughout the day. And So much more.
  • Thank you shaun for making these videos. You are a life saver. Please continue making these videos. Thank you
  • @eman0824
    thank youu for making these videos shaun❤❤ deeply appreciated
  • @dimetrodon2250
    I am currently dealing with a major bout of DPDR. It’s not my first time dealing with this, but right now it feels particularly bad. It’s only been a month and I already feel so far gone and different than usual. The last time I dealt with this, I was in college, and had the support of my friends and roommates to keep me company and busy nearly 24/7. This time I’m all alone. I can contact them over the phone, but meeting in person with anyone is pretty difficult when I live. Up until a month ago I was doing fine. I can’t feel the usual strong connection to my passions and interests, it feels as though EVERYTHING gives me anxiety sometimes, since things that used to look or seem familiar now feel foreign or strange. It’s difficult to know how I feel about anything, what i truly liked, what i was neutral on, what i disliked, etc. i feel like I can’t connect or empathize with anyone, real or fictional. I was already an anxious person, but going full DPDR where I feel completely disconnected from myself, and my interests, is something i haven’t felt in over 3 years. I’m trying my best to stay grounded and focused on living my life as normal, trying to accept that I’m feeling like this right now, and that it will pass, but it’s so frustrating. My usual set of coping mechanisms for when I get either anxious or depressed (engrossing myself in my special interests) isn’t working at all at the moment. Rekindling them is difficult by myself, and without the passion behind them, it feels pointless. I’m also dealing with pretty bad existential anxiety whenever the concept of death is presented, as if I’m not sure how to react/how I would usually react in different situations. When was I okay vs when was I not okay, etc. Same with my sense of humor. It’s like I don’t remember what I found funny or why. I feel like the intrinsic feelings that drew me to my interests are gone, and I keep getting these thoughts of if I was ever interested in them, or in anything for that matter. It honestly makes no sense. I feel like my brain keeps jumping around to different points in my life, or feels like I’m becoming a different person. Random memories from different points in my life, sometimes just because I was reminded of them, others feel random. Instead of feeling nostalgic like before, they now are giving me anxiety just like everything else. I just started an SSRI last week and am in therapy. It’s just still really stressful when I don’t have any outlets and my usual SIs are all missing.
  • @itsnesss
    hey Shaun! i just wanted to thank you for what you do. I don’t know where id be now if i hadn’t found your page and read your manual. thank you so much, you’re saving many people’s lives <3
  • Hey Shaun , I bought your manual and have found it very good. these videos can really help me when I feel like I’ve lost hope too. Can I just ask was your first panic attack on weed or was in while watching a movie at home? I thought I heard both and wanted to clarify
  • @gayeorin7036
    Hello shaun !! Thank you for the vid it's really calming to know that this disorder can be treated and stopped . These days I have this fear of dp dr turning into agoraphobia , I still go outside but when I think about the sky and stuff like that I panic , is it possible that the dpdr will turn into another anxiety disorder?
  • @smhg5665
    I am 16 years old and I live in Turkey. I have been having this experience for 7-8 months. Life feels unreal, as if the people around me are robots. I'm trying to get rid of thoughts like these but it's not working
  • @lu2606
    hi shaun,my doctor told me a long screen time can cause or maintain dpdr alive,what do u think about it?
  • @jackw6660
    Shaun, have you ever known dpdr occur in someone who is already aware of it and knows it’s not harmless? I had it as a kid and did research and was able to overcome it, and have a had it briefly since then but always overcome it. Have you ever know anyone else like this?
  • @jaeespo5413
    Same experience. Dr after dr hospital after hospital kept switching meds on 3 at a time. The worst experience ever.
  • @magdalenazak2748
    Hey, first of all Thank you for all the work you do, I really appriciate it. I have a question. Ever since I had a sexual trauma when I was 17 (which was 16 years ago) I basically completely disconnected from my Body and it has been like that ever since. Do you think your manual could help? I am seeing a therapist, doing mindfulness meditations, tryin to have a healthy lifestyle. I got better mentally (less anxiety, less depression, less anger issues), but I am still almost completely disconnected from the Body and unable to feel physical pleasure. I also have maladaptive daydreaming since I was a little kid. Is that even DP/DR? Would appriciate your answer, I would be happy to get your manual but just want to see your thoughts on if and how it could help me get back to feel my Body, which at this point I dont even know how it would even be, it’s been so long since I Lost that connection…. Thank you