How We Have Fun at −64°C (−84°F)? Yakutsk, Siberia

Published 2023-12-22
Many people wonder how we manage to live in a place where winter temperatures are nearly as cold as Mars and how we find enjoyment in our lives. Today, we will take you on a journey through a typical weekend in the world's coldest city and show you how we entertain ourselves in such extreme weather 🥶

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0:00 Intro
00:33 How to care for your skin and stay warm at -64°C
01:36 Walking outside & transport
04:26 Why locals don't move to a warmer place?
05:55 How Daiaana spends her weekend
06:33 Cost of living in Yakutsk
07:11 Frozen Chinatown
07:56 How locals enjoy thei

All Comments (21)
  • @kuruptzZz
    checks the forecast "Only -40 degrees? It's time to hit the town!" Man you folks are tough. You have my admiration and respect
  • @yestoplans
    I live in Boston, USA and once got to -19F (-28C) with a windchill and I thought I would die on my 20 min walk home. Hats off to you folks, truly in awe. 😊
  • @RobVice
    As a longtime resident of Mars where temperatures can drop to -100C, I completely relate to the Yakutian life. We Martians are also trying to enjoy ourselves on weekends and love to go shopping with friends.
  • @chisomiwunze2282
    I live in the tropics, Nigeria, and find it hard to actually imagine what living in that part of the world will be like. I marvel at the ingenuity to live and thrive in such climes. And the people actually do radiate warmth! Thank you for sharing
  • @Parax94
    There is so much about the world we don’t know about. I had no idea of what Siberian people looked like and how they were living. So different from France where I live. Wow. Thank God for the internet and how it allows us to have a glimpse of the daily life and daily challenges of people from across the globe. Fascinating.
  • @iainmackenzieUK
    I lived 4 years in Kazakhstan where it goes to -40 and yes, I understand why people say how beautiful it is. The air is clear, the stars at night are amazing. crystals growing on the trees. Its a really deep life experience of nature. Thank you for your wonderful video - it was inspiring !
  • @TuskanDelight
    Very interesting! Я живу в Японии. Выходные - я иду на кино, кафе, магазин, и изучаю по-русски! Я хочу поехать в Якутск. 😊
  • @Maqing
    I loved watching your video! Hello from Ufa, another part of Russia where it doesn’t get this cold and we also admire you, just like foreigners in the comments from other parts of the world. I like it that the young can speak the native language. This isn’t common in my region here. Please preserve your culture and language. I hope I can visit Sakha one day. ❤
  • @ritafedorova5857
    I´m from Yakutsk and I´m so happy to watch such a cute video about my hometown from very far. Thanks a lot and keep up a great work! 😊
  • @paulhalsall5894
    Here in the UK its just had a cold snap of between -5 to -10 and the country nearly came to a stop, Hats off to you
  • @Cypher84X
    She's beautiful. Taking care of her skin daily does wonders
  • @lsemenov
    Якуты очень устойчивы к холоду. Когда я был студентом в Сибири, то однажды вечером, когда температура была -42°C/-43.6°F (это в тех местах случалось очень редко) один наш студент-якут в одной лёгкой рубашке вышел наружу. Мы устроили танцы на первом этаже студенческого общежития, и внутри было довольно жарко с нашим отоплением и толпой танцующих. Ну, мы подумали что наш друг выйдет на несколько секунд чтобы остыть. Через пару минут мы забеспокоились, выглянули наружу но его нигде не было. Мы побежали наверх в наши комнаты за тёплой одеждой, потом долго искали его около общежития, потом подумали что он наверное уже незаметно вернулся пока мы бегали искали его по окрестностям. Он таки пришёл сам минут через 40 после выхода на мороз. Сказал что гулял по университетскому парку, ему стало холодно и поэтому он вернулся :) Абсолютно никаких последствий. Большинство землян просто замёрзли бы насмерть или по крайней мере получили бы обморожения или воспаление лёгких.
  • @julianfull280
    Yakutsk seems to be a huge city! National Geographic shows it as if it was just a couple wooden cabins broken in a frozen wasteland, instead of the modern 380k habitants full fledged city it actually is. I will go there someday.... Greetings from Colombia 🇨🇴
  • @michaeldique
    I live in eastern Norway, and it's currently -24°C outside. Not nearly as cold as in Yakutsk, but it's cold enough. I like to walk in the forest here on my snow shoes. I look for animal tracks and if I'm lucky I'll see some animals too. It's a magical landscape here in winter, and so incredibly quiet.
  • @giopassino8478
    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful video about the most resilient and hard working people of Yakutsk, Siberia, Russia.
  • @ISeeMatrix
    I know there's “someone” out there in flip-flops and shorts.
  • @nueiart1077
    These types of extreme landscapes fascinate me, but I don’t think I could handle this weather, not even for visiting. Much respect for the people in this town!
  • @Karpp1nen
    I'm from eastern Finland and it got down to -40c a few weeks ago and for anyone who hasn't experienced it seeing people saying it's "not too bad" is mind boggling to me 😬 Love your videos and would love to visit your beautiful country one day. Stay warm! 😊
  • @user-oo8nq6jj9j
    For us folks living in Canada, even we are shaken when the temp drops below -35. Props to you guys
  • I feel like living in such harsh environments makes you truly appreciate the small things in life.