How Long Does Depersonalization Last?

Publicado 2021-04-26
⚡ Start YOUR 💯 recovery from DPDR today! 👉🏼

How Long Does Depersonalization Last?

For anyone who develops Depersonalization Disorder, one of the biggest questions they always have is, "How long will it last?"

The good news is that the answer is a LOT less scary than you might think!

Any questions / comments / tips of your own? Leave them in the comments section below and I'll make sure to respond and help out!

Connect with me!

Disclaimer: Please note that the medical information contained within this video is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a professional physician and is not a recommendation of specific therap

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @MrL8ojames
    I have bought his manual and it helped me 100% This guys knowledge and research on the matter is amazing. You will recover if you listen and follow all the steps. Thank you Shaun, you helped me through some very scary times.
  • @SasaVenos
    At first I didn't believe it but it really is true. It is temporary and the funny thing is, once it's gone you'll wonder what were you even worried about in the first place haha
  • @diamonddoll9675
    Hey guys ,I’m here to tell you that everything’s gonna be alright.I know this for certain because I was once in your position , It all started with 1 panick attack one night for absolute no reason and it changed my life I stared getting panick attacks everyday I had a very bad brain fog , I was soo weak and kepted vomitting I couldn’t eat nothing ,I couldn’t sleep I kepted shaking,and I din’t feel real at all , I kepted having these weird unrealistic thoughts and i was sooo confused. I lost soo much weight I had very bad existential thoughts and I also had nightmares of not being real I was scared of the sky I was scared of my voice and body.I’ll stop here because if I keep listing all of the symptoms we’ll be here for a long time.But I just want to say I was In your place thinking it’s over for me but I just want to say stay strong everything will be okay ,dp took sooo much from me but it can’t ever take anymore from me.Your real your not going crazy ,your okay and your not dying it’s all just the dp and trust me it will go away don’t believe people that say it’s a permanent condition because it’s not ,you’ll get your life back.Stay strong guys I know it’s hard but you can do this💕💕💕
  • @sillysuga6464
    DUDE if u didn’t exist so many ppl would be suffering, Thank u.
  • @t091293
    I HAVE MADE A 100% RECOVERY. I haven't even thought of derealisation for half a year now, even though I went through hell with it last year. Everything fell apart around me, I thought I had gone insane, entered another dimension, everything felt absolutely terrifying, dark, devoid of hope and I felt like I got stuck in a place that I couldn't exit evem through death. I had brutal intrusive thoughts all day every day about dying, freaking out about philosophocal questions of consciousness, reality and afterlife. I thought I was gone forever. But day after day, I actually spent more and more time with my normal self. By following Shaun's guide, not stopping my life and gritting my teeth even though I thought I am literally going mad actually helped me make a COMPLETE recovery. Stop researching, stop looking at forums, stop analysing your thoughts, stop trying to engage with and interact with your scary thoughts. They mean absolutely nothing, they are a symptom of anxiety. You do not have to address the content of them, ever. I have forgotten so much about derealisation, that I have only come back to this channel to leave this comment here to give hope to others. YOU WILL MAKE A COMPLETE COMEBACK AND YOU WILL BE A 100% YOURSELF. You might not believe it right now but believe someone who had it so bad they wanted to kill themselves and STILL MADE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE. It's beautiful on this side and I can't wait for you guys to arrive here as well! Life is beautiful, you are NEVER alone and nothing is as dark as it may seem now. Hold on, the darkness PASSES FOREVER. ❤
  • @killthepoor5858
    The funniest thing is thinking that your experience is so strange and so distinctive that there is no way anyone could feel something even close to it, and then seeing hundreds of comments describing the exact same thing.
  • @Slikback
    one of the scariest experiences I've ever had. So glad i found this channel. got me through a lot last year.
  • @picoriveiria4824
    Reading everyone’s comments and listening to him speak I can literally almost feel the effects of dp fading into thin air. I hope and pray everyone gets through their battles with this. It really is possible! Thank you so much! I really cannot thank you enough. I have to buy your book now
  • I never really say this but I love you man, brought me to tears. The relief is immeasurable. You’re a saint
  • @beegee6854
    Yup, had this when my anxiety started, never focused on it until i got a panic attack, then I started looking at it as a separate problem, which started all “what if” questions and reassuring, which increased the anxiety and fears, which increased the dp and the cycle began. It’s all anxiety, it’s completely normal, but when you focus on one symptom and google about it you freak out, and the symptom gets worse, but just like any other symptom of anxiety, its harmless. Great video !
  • My DP definitely would have lasted longer if it wasn’t for your videos. Thank you so much!
  • @Axxa3095
    Hi shaun, I'd just like to say you've helped me through so much of what I'm going through, almost everything is going away and i can feel a change. i am starting to feel normal again. months ago i had crazy thoughts and feelings and i thought this would last forever. but now I'm feeling almost completely normal, with only a few negative feelings remaining. the detachment from reality has mostly went away, and the existential thoughts too. every week I'm feeling better. For anyone else who is reading this, take my word that this does go away, and over time it will fade. keep living normally and start doing more. if you occupy yourself every day the dp will fade away. Pay no attention to it, don't even think about it (that is easier said than done, i know, but once you start occupying yourself these existential thoughts and detachment will go away) as long as you keep on worrying about it, it will stay with you. thank you again shaun, because i genuinely thought this would last forever, but it's almost gone and your advice has made me happier
  • @Arkeshan
    Hey I had many panic attacks feeling of stuff moving caused by Anxiety at the beginning 6 months ago. Now Since I didnt care about my dp at all, it all became normal. And I am happy now to be like this. To everyone who read this if you want to recover then Do not try to think about it. Just Do Your daily activities and eventually you will even forget some stuff like this even existed.
  • I just overcame my DP DR episode a week or so ago and wanted to share my journey. I bought the manual and it definitely helped keep me calm and trust that the episode shall pass. However, what really helped me was understanding that all of this was caused when my mind decided to dissociate for the first time ever. Although it was scary, I had to go back into the event and ask my subconscious why it felt so scared, causing dissociation. It took a couple of days, but my subconscious decided to reveal the answer and once that answer popped up and I sat with it, just like that I felt a big chunk of the anxiety release and felt emotions again. Previously I could feel anxiety on every inch of my body, but after the release happened I only felt anxiety in the chest. I kept on working for the next week to dig deeper on all the underlying reasons causing my anxiety and also to get back to the normal rhythm of life. Now, I'm happy to say that 95% of the anxiety is gone and life is back to normal. Although DP DR is scary and feels like it will last an eternity, you will get through it and you will be stronger because of it. Take it one day at a time and allow your subconscious to talk to you, without judgement. You might have to go back into the event to understand what happened and why. You will get through this and you are strong enough to get through this. ❤
  • I have had Dp from weed in a bit more than a year. And it is sad that I discovered your channel now. I have physical anxiety attacks everyday and i try to keep myself distracted as much as possible. In the beginning I never knew what it was. Doctors were saying I had something that was familiar with a psychosis but with just panic, and it freaked me out. Today I am a lot more calm but it truly never seems to fade. I know I have to be patient but it sure is making it more difficult to work (make money) and do the things you would normaliy do. Thank you for this video. It means a lot!
  • @4you2seeme
    You are very fortunate that you suffered for only 2 years with this horrible malady. I’m 65 and have been dealing with DP in one severity or another sine I was12 years old. It came out of the blue for no reason at all. Will continue
  • @juliannabanana86
    Thank you, Shaun! I've had bouts of DP as a result of my panic disorder and generalized anxiety for most of my 35 years. Your content is such a salve for my anxious brain. The positive attitude you project is positively infectious! Any time I am having a panic attack I simply turn on one of your videos. Thank you thank you THANK YOU, for giving me the tools I need to win this battle once and for all. Cheers and Happy Holidays! -Anxious in Vermont
  • @Consaga
    This guy is great but it helps so much more knowing there’s are thousands of other people experiencing the same things I am.
  • @lukeflame5782
    I so happy to find this i have been dealing with symptoms of dp for a while and did'nt understand what to do or say to the people around me now i can have a better grasp of understanding.. I'm glad i'm not alone even though i'm not through i have experiences with dp almost daily even if some days only for minute's Its good to know that its going to fade if i work at it! even just listening to this has helped me rationalize my feelings a bit and am thoroughly grateful for what your doing for people thanks so much!!
  • @ekateress84
    Shaun, thank you so much! You are saving my life. I had dpdr a year ago, then had 6months of remission and now I get it back. It’s really hard to describe what I’m going through, but your videos give me hope and peace. 🙏🏻 Thank you