Why Modern Movies Suck - They Hate Men (Part 1)

Published 2023-01-13

All Comments (21)
  • @TheSektorz
    Can't write men, can't write women, can't write people..... Can't write humor, can't write good wholesome messages... Basically modern movies suck because investors are telling Disney, Netflix, HBO Max and the rest to hire writers and directors based on their tweets, not on skills or experience.
  • @Notanymore715
    My father told me this once as a kid "dont change a perfectly normal tire, it will just waste your time" bless him
  • @aurallistine
    Men want to watch strong male characters, women want to watch strong male characters; who are they trying appeal to?!
  • @O-M-0
    Seeing that quote from Feige where the entire character of Doctor Strange was reduced down to simply "white male" really exemplifies the problems with the current creative scene. Writers genuinely seem to care more about the race and gender of a character than any of their other traits.
  • It's funny, they don't want men to stereotype them and yet they sterotype men.
  • My personal biggest grievance is the abandonment of good vs. evil. There IS evil that needs to be destroyed. Not every story needs shades of gray, only a compelling villain that needs destruction.
  • @jaffa3717
    It feels like creative writing is in its dark age. Not just in films and shows, but in games aswell
  • “I’m surrounded by a lot of women in this department. And that includes the men” - Ron Swanson
  • Doesn’t help when the “modern” writers discard the source material & just write about their lives like RoP, She Hulk, Willow, and most fantasy genres today
  • They hate women too. They've taken this "ain't no damsel in distress" concept too far to the point where these female characters aren't compelling at all. I don't think they realize that characters who are seriously flawed are MORE interesting not less. Female characters can't be feminine or beautiful or graceful anymore because we think that's weak now. No it's not. Women have their own strong traits that are different from men. It's the balance of masculine and feminine that makes it work: one can't work without the other.
  • @englishdogs
    Most men like strong male characters; most women like strong male characters, but no... we can't have them anymore, can we?
  • @KFP_Fanboy
    they’ll never write better movies than the kung fu panda movies
  • @Falconlibrary
    I'm shocked to learn that people who went straight from their parents' suburban mansions to Ivy League schools and then into a coveted job writing scripts don't know anything about men, about women, about life. Who could've seen that coming?
  • @maskedvillainai
    Ironically this all began with a push for more open mental health discussion and the expectations of men seen as weak for sharing any emotion. But they exploited it. And it became something completely fallacious
  • @GordoFabulous
    What else is lacking from modern media? Sons. Seriously, pay attention to commercials, and see how long it takes you to find two instances of a man and his son having a positive interaction. I haven't paid much attention to movies, but I am going to start paying more attention there.
  • @jblackly
    After hearing it so many times, "made for a modern audience" translates in my mind as "the beatings will continue until morale improves."
  • Can't have a smart male character who doesn't lose to a woman at some point.
  • @Justin-ic4co
    The main, massive problem I have with modern Luke Skywalker is with his immediate character. Obi-wan in the original trilogy praised him for his insight, "Your insight serves you well." NO WHERE in the new movies does Luke even have much less use this gift. He shows none of the characteristics from his younger version. One could argue that he had a really tough time and all his padawans were killed ok sure blah blah, but the point of insight is to understand something so clearly that a realization dawns upon you. For example, when he figured out that Leia is his sister or at the VERY END OF THE OT when he looks upon Vader and sees he has cyborg parts. He realizes that what he's about to do will make him the Emperor's apprentice so he STOPS. You expect me to believe that after seeing Ben fall to the dark side he's just gonna say, "oh well, guess the dark side wins. GG". No. Absolutely, no. He would have done literally anything else than sit on the sidelines waiting for death. The writers completely FUCKED his character. #notmyluke
  • The concept of a stoic man teaching a toxic boss girl about humblization would be incredibly interesting to watch. I mean think about it, The stoic man executes their actions night perfectly to show how experienced he is at what he does meanwhile the bossgirl keeps ln fumbling on trying to replicate the stoic man slowly realizing she has talents of her own that contributes as well. On topic of the fact that the bossgirl would yell at the stoic man until he simply responds with. "You're not acting like your age y'know." Before the boss girl screams again while the stoic man remains unphased. Would actually watch that.