One Child Policy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses China’s one-child policy, and all its consequences, intended and not.

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コメント (21)
  • "We need a male to continue the family line." Except that male needs a female to continue your family line...
  • Imagine having to take care of 4 grandparents and 2 parents, but then the government also wants you to raise 2 children at the same time.
  • "Single men sit around with nothing to do." The fact they imply that these guys have nothing to do bc they are single is amazing.
  • My childhood best friend was abandoned when her brother was born. Now she's captain of her highschool's cheer squad, has had straight A's her whole life, gets an adrenaline rush from organizing her backpack, and is planning on running for office one day. China lost a DAMN brilliant girl to that policy.
  • @Rungus27
    That woman crying about her 9 month forced abortion was honestly heartbreaking.
  • I think we can all agree that buying a sex doll when you are pretty sure there is no chance you will find a wife is a far better option then paying for a kidnaped bride.
  • Bless that man for making sex dolls honestly. Who knows how many girls has been saved from human trafficking thanks to him.
  • This adds a lot of context to a documentary I saw about the immense pressure and shame poured on women who chose not to marry.
  • @ceceyam
    PLEASE interview Wang Zheng, one of China’s foremost feminist thinkers. In her own words, “Female infanticide was not a concern of the government. But men cannot find wife, that is a concern for the government.”
  • I was adopted because of the one child policy. Living a great life in Canada.
  • I remember a news story that had a lot of people in Australia very upset in the late 90s- a Chinese woman came here as a refugee because she was pregnant with her second child. She pleaded with the Australian government to just wait to send her back until after she’d had the kid (which shouldn’t have been a probable, we don’t have birthright citizenship here), but they didn’t. They sent her back at 8 months pregnant. And what she feared would happen is exactly what happened. Australians were furious! One more month was all she asked for. She knew it would mean her child would likely be taken from her and put in an orphanage- but that was better than a forced abortion at 8 months. Also, for those who can’t seem to wrap their heads around pro-CHOICE. The hint is in the last word. It’s about respecting the bodily autonomy and choices of the person who has to carry the pregnancy. It’s really not hard to understand. No, it doesn’t mean pro-abortion. It means exactly what the label says. Pro-choice.
  • Thanks for mentioning the human trafficking business. That was one of my biggest fears growing up as a girl in Vietnam.
  • @bucca2
    My dad had a colleague whose LITERAL LEGAL NAME was “fined 50,000” so. Yeah.
  • “My money is on Diva Cup because it sounds like what Mariah Carey demands all her beverages come in” Thank you John’s female writers for giving us that comedy gold.
  • @jellysecret
    for anyone wanting an update: in may 2021 the 7th national census was released in china, showing that the birthrate was still declining. the chinese government implemented a 3 child policy in june 2021. in august 2021 they stripped out all of the penalties for more children, so functionally there is no hard cap on the number of children.
  • China: We introduced a policy that made it impossible for 34 million men to have a traditional family, even if they wanted to. Also China: We have strict censorship rules in place to prevent the display of homosexuality on TV, because to show it will endanger traditional family structures. We simply cannot take that risk. We love traditional family structures!
  • As a child adopted from china because of this policy I'm thrilled to see that John brought this issue up.
  • 21:42 "Family planning officers conduct pregnancy tests every 3 months" How dystopian is that?
  • The Rat is taking the pizza to his teenage ninja turtle friends
  • My grandma actually paid for me to NOT be aborted, which is really sad when you think about it as I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for a few thousand dollars.