Coal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2017-06-18
We’ve heard a lot of talk about coal miners in the last year, but what are the real issues surrounding coal? John Oliver and a giant squirrel look into it.

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All Comments (21)
  • @bqianmusic
    If John Oliver ever says he'll get to you later... you're fucked.
  • @GenJotsu
    The saddest part is, the people who need to see this the most, won't.
  • @DWestheim
    Bob Murray died this weekend, aged 80, a month after filing for black lung benefits with the Dept. of Labor. The irony!
  • I can only salute the whole LWT-Team and HBO for receiving that cease and desist letter and saying: "Oh, it is ON, Bob!"
  • @boabdil1974
    One year in jail for the deaths of 29 people? I suppose that's not as serious as selling pot.
  • @lauraciocia6507
    Bob Murray sued my parents for organizing a protest against Murray Energy's labor practices a few years ago. He sues anyone who challenges him and could give a SHIT about coal miners.
  • @pwns247
    The follow "SLAPP lawsuits" episode describing Bob suing and eventually dropping because of this episode is PRICELESS. Oh man the musical number at the end. Damn John you and your writing staff are geniuses for that one
  • @juliaowen8337
    Last Week Tonight really deserves way more credit for putting out their closing segments in their entirety, right after it airs. They essentially put their show out for free because they recognize how important their content is, which is honest journalism with a comedic twist.
  • @yura50597
    The refusal to cease and desist deserves a like on it's own.
  • I grew up in a rural community that was built on coal mining. As the mines closed, the community fell on hard times that it never recovered from. There have been talks of re-opening a mine, which many people are in favor of. But there are other ways the government can help communities like mine. Coal is bad for everybody, and mining is incredibly dangerous work. No one actually wants to do it, they simply had no other options. Create better jobs.
  • @Hornswroggle
    "As we have been explicitly told to 'cease and desist' let us do neither of those things - and let's talk about Bob Murray!" This is one of those empowering moments that earn this show Emmys on a conveyor belt. Lending a voice to the voiceless and standing up to baseless intimidations of overly rich and powerful companies.
  • @shines1990
    18:47 I actually decided to look up the question "why are birds" just for the sake of seeing what shows up. The answer: conspiracy theories of birds being government drones. Fucking beautiful
  • @cboggs413
    I was born and raised in West Virginia in a "coal town". Thank you, John Oliver. Neither the President nor coal company CEOs care about the future of miners. Oliver is correct, if they cared, they would be finding ways to bring WV into the future, not keep us in the past. I've always believed this. These jobs have literally killed so many of us, my family, my friends, and Trump took advantage of financial desperation to gain votes. To gain votes and keep CEOs pockets lined with blood money. WV should want better for future generations, not ensure future generations have to stay dependent on a volatile industry for their income as is happening now. WV is truly a beautiful state and has so much potential, I hate to see my state hurting, but it won't move forward until people broaden their perspective.
  • @ericsmith116
    AAAAH THE ORIGINAL BOB MURRY EPISODE. What a classic piece of american literature. Truly better than shakespeare
  • @codyosborne9307
    My dad is currently dying from black lung. I will never step foot in a mine, even if the jobs come back.
  • @dmeads5663
    Bob Murray once told my dad in a private meeting that he would have spent 2 million dollars to keep him from winning 1. This was after my dad sued the company for 1.2 million dollars after a high pressure underground roof jack exploded and literally shattered his skull, blinding his right eye, and caused him serious mental problems following. This wasn't an accident by the way, Murray tried to save money by not ordering relief valves that would have saved my dad from the horrific incident. Bob Murray claims to be about safety but would rather see many of his workers die then to loose a dollar. My dad got his skull crushed by an exploding hose that was under 14,000 psi when it gave. This is an openly racist man who once said in a meeting that blacks weren't as smart as whites and said that asians were only good for crunching numbers, and that used to pump water in a circle underground at maple creek mine to keep from getting fined because he knew they couldn't inspect it all. John Oliver, please continue to attack Murray so the world can see what kind of monster he really is. These are actual facts that are traceable! This man once told workers in a meeting how to screw people... he said that "you feed the people sweet corn and then when they trust you, you shove the Cobb up there ass" he actually said that. Hell the man demoted my grandfather after 44 years as superintendent of #6 (not official name but that's what we called it) for insulting his son. Keep up with the Murray insults, but I'm serious... he's the kind of man who would have you murdered. I mean this man once called in the FBI to investigate why one of his buffalo died. (it's a tax right off to own buffalo if you have a certain amount of acreage). Lol turns out one of the males horned the other. He's Evil. “Update” Bob is no longer the CEO of Murray energy, the banks own the company now due to Murray’s bankruptcy. He went bankrupt after his business partner died in a helicopter crash and Murray assumed all his debt. The company is currently being run by Rob Moore (another pos but not as bad as Murray) and his son Ryan who couldn’t find his ass with both hands) one might say that the chickens have come home to roost. “Update again” He’s dead. My dad sent flowers and condolences to his wife, being the bigger person is the ultimate victory.
  • @Kerriangel
    Bob Murray: I’m gonna sue John Oliver John Oliver: So you have chosen Death
  • @Canada1994
    Mr. Nutterbutter was played by Noel MacNeal (who was also the seagull in the floods segment). He was Bear in "Bear and the big blue house" a show I loved as a young kid. That is the closest the show has gotten to my childhood since Pokemon was mentioned in the Chiitan segment and the segment about third parties.
  • @metascopefilm
    I can't begin to imagine how many sites of deadly boring governement reports the staff of john olliver has to read every week to to provide that airtight line of argumentation. Let's take some time to appreciate that. Thank you guys!