Alex Jones: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2017-07-30
Alex Jones is known for pushing conspiracy theories, but he also spends a lot of time promoting his own products. John Oliver and a “doctor” “from” M.I.T. test out his marketing strategy.

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All Comments (21)
  • @asaacisimov8621
    My favorite Alex Jones quote: "I don't smoke weed, it makes me paranoid."
  • "the stuff is only found in comets.... and a trace amount in blueberries" That is the single greatest line i have ever heard.
  • Watching this again because of his trial, and this is absolute gold.
  • I wish John Oliver would do a new update episode on Alex Jones. This is one of my favorite episodes.
  • @TeddyPicker191
    To be fair, "WAKE UP AMERICA" coffee is pretty fucking genius.
  • @jessemotte999
    John saying “don’t call me boy” is the closest thing I’ve ever seen to him getting in a fight lol
  • @allegedactor126
    I totally lost it when the good “doctor” kept rubbing that cardboard taint and smiling. Jack McBrayer is a goddamn scream.
  • Who else is here after Alex Jones's lawyers accidentally handed over all his data to lawyers for the Sandy Hook parents to revel in just how awful of a guy is getting what was coming to him?
  • @asiapugh7137
    It's nice to watch a John Oliver episode with laughing in the background again
  • I just have this vision of John and the writers around a conference table, staring down glasses of chilled chocolate chicken carcass slop, each silently daring each other to go first. Someone raises their glass and counts down from three. Nobody moves, not even the counter. Then, without warning, an intern bursts into the room, snatches a glass of Hexxus' ambrosia, and—a "YOLO" as their battle cry—downs it. There is silence. The intern begins to glow, and their consciousness expands, sharing the burden of their experience mind-to-mind. The intern vanishes; whether they have ascended to a higher plane or vanished into a vengeful avian hell, only the dead know. John pales; he may just have to find out on the air...
  • @gentleeyes
    This is so much sweeter today, after Alex’s lawyer “accidentally” dropped the bomb on him.
  • @JavaKittie
    “They want to hear somebody that can speak to them and touch them inside.” I feel violated
  • @jackoo666
    "this stuff is only found in comets....and trace amounts in bluberries" I laughed so hard i nearly spit out my blue berries
  • @dmcyhmw
    This video aged like fine wine with the news today!
  • @nataliabae3149
    So he’s a televangelist, but he talks about conspiracies instead of religion.
  • @MotorTorq_ZA
    Alex Jones is like a cross between Dr Eggman and Yosemite Sam in real life
  • @Steve_Hayden
    5 years later, after his loss in court. He just lost $49 million. I love watching this show.