Adam's Depersonalization Recovery Story (2024)

Published 2024-03-10
03:18 How DPDR Started
05:07 NOT a Massive Panic Attack
07:13 "Like I had taken a strong edible"
09:50 Getting a Brain Scan
12:28 "I'll celebrate when DP goes away!"
13:50 Fear of Airports + Sunsets
16:33 Setting Yourself Recovery "Tasks"
19:35 Chronic Exhaustion
23:44 "You feel utterly alone"
24:19 Finding the word "Depersonalization"
26:36 It doesn't matter how DPDR happened
30:07 "Nobody at the hospital mentioned anxiety"
33:03 Feelings of DPDR after recovery
36:10 "It's good to have anxiety under my belt"
37:00 Adam's Lowest Point
41:03 How Did Recovery Start?
43:35 Post Malone's DPDR
45:10 "I didn't think about DPDR once!"
47:28 Post Malone's DPDR (Part 2)
51:06 Logic's Song About Depersonalization
53:15 Speaking to a Therapist about DPDR
54:55 "I can't remember what normal felt like"
56:50 Experiencing DPDR (briefly) is normal!
59:42 The Depersonalization Manual
1:01:07 Can you REALLY get back to normal?
1:05:46 Advice For DPDR Sufferers

⚡ Start YOUR 💯 recovery rom DPDR today! 👉🏼
⭐ 1-on-1 DPDR Recovery Coaching 👉🏼

Adam (23) developed Depersonalization Disorder last year, triggered in part by anxiety he experienced while coming off a supplement. He struggled with DPDR and its symptoms for about 8 months. As he described the symptoms to me in a coaching session: "I felt disconnected, my vision seemed off -- It was almost like I had taken a very strong edible!"

Fortunately Adam has since made a complete recovery! In this interview Adam tells me all about his experience with and recovery from Depersonalization Disorder.

Connect with me!

Disclaimer: Please note that the medical information contained within this video is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a professional physician and is not a recommendation of specific thera

All Comments (21)
  • @gabesanfran9968
    lol. I love these videos but i think theyre slowing my recovery down because it makes me remember that i have it 😅
  • @ogge8084
    Hi Shaun. Im a teenager and 5 moths ago I got DPDR that I thought/did recover from. A month ago I got a panic attack that made the DPDR come back and I thought that I was going crazy and that I was in some dream or hellusination. I havn't complitly recoverd yet but I get more and more moments where I forget about the DPDR and I just want you to know that you help my so much. Thank you <3 :)
  • @dimetrodon2250
    Shaun, sometimes when I’m calm, I can sometimes think of some of my special interests, but others are further from reach. One of the big ones for me was towards a group of content creators that actually helped pull me out of feeling depressed during the last time i struggled with DP. For some reason, I feel like I can conjure up at least a twinge of my past interests for other things like certain video games, or my love for nature and science, but this one interest, which has become a major component of my life since my last instance of DP, just feels totally gone. I’m scared of losing it forever. It sounds dumb, but it means a lot to me. It’s like it’s become a joke where it used to be. I can sort of think of a lot of my other interests, but this one, why this one? Am I just convincing myself that it’s what’s going on? Am I just lying to myself about it? It feels like anything that happened to me since my last 3 years of recovery and growth was wiped away. Almost as if I’m back to being the person I was BEFORE or maybe during my first bout of DP. I hate this so much. It hurts so much. I can’t lose touch with it. I can’t just give it up. It feels like my life’s been thrown away. Even when I don’t feel anxious, even when I feel calm, that interest is just… not there. It’s only been 3 weeks. Less than a month! How can I feel like I’ve regressed so far in so little time?
  • Hi Shaun! I have a question , if people are able to recover after 4 or 5 months from dp-dr that’s mean that nervous system don’t need years to calm down right , because for me the last to go are dp/dr
  • Hi Shaun! Can you talk about dream flashbacks, or memories without context or have a lot of incoherent thoughts? Is like the brain is not processing things properly. There are a lot of symptoms that I dindt find with facility in any video.. and that has been very frustrating.
  • @bigmac159
    Hi Sean , I’m currently suffering from DPDR and have been for the last 7 months and it started from a bad panic attack from weed. One other thing that I think has been keeping the cycle of anxiety going is that I use testosterone and i think it may be over stimulating my nervous system and throwing my body of balance . Would you say coming off of the testosterone and fixing my hormones would help with the anxiety?
  • Nice video I always looking forward to peoples recoverys gives me hope Your story reminded me of this movie I seen couple years back called NUMB it’s with Matthew Perry the guy from friends anyways he gets DPDR from smoking a joint & the whole movie is about dpdr if anyone wants to see it
  • @inkcityco
    Hi Shaun, Im doing a lot better now with DR, but sometimes I'm not sure if I'm completely back to normal haha. How will I know when I'm really back to normal? It's hard to tell
  • @richtiger19er88
    Hello, is it possible , that you have DP symptoms mixed with something else? I took a very strong dose of weed, which normally had a positive strong higher mind and senses effect on me but i went super paranoid. At one time it was so strong, that i blacked out watching a video. Before i blacked out i could feel, that something was moving in my brain close to the ear, like a waterwheel. Next day i woke up and i was super paranoid and had to analyse and question everything i di
  • @ruslanzzzz3538
    Hello Shaun! Thank you so much. I'm from Russia. I watch your videos using a subtitle translator. They help me thank you. Can you tell me if I can buy a DP manual from Russia and how to pay? Also do you have courses? Is there a translation of the courses into Russian and how to purchase them?
  • @AnaLiana-wr6qo
    My DPDR has made me dislike cooking as I used to do in the past, I don’t eat 3 times daily anymore because it triggers my Dpdr every time.The funniest part is that I feel fake but I feel really hungry when I’m starving
  • @goldenage6720
    Hello everyone!❤️ It all started a month ago when i was going to take a shower & suddenly had very strange & scary feeling that i'm in a dream and life is not real anymore! I was alone at home... And from that moment everything changed! I began to think about it non stop! I dont know how to cope with this awful, stressful feeling! I'm very joyful, friendly, kind and active person but its already 1 month that i forgot myself, seems that i lost my normal life🙈 I experience this very first time in my life before it i had only intrussive thoughts which i could eliminate! Now i'm powerless. I dont know whether i could describe right my feelings or not but wanted to share it with you all! Now i want to bring my normal life back but have no idea how to do that! Please give me your advices!
  • @vidialol3469
    hi shaun, i just wanted to ask i feel my dpdr getting so much better then it was. ive had it for a month now and am on the road to recovery but sometimes hearing people say that it never goes away or that it can come back can trigger my anxiety so how do i help remove that fear
  • @brayanmarin1368
    Hi shaun I have been dealing with dpdr since December after a bad weed experience and I feel like it’s getting worse my family feels like there strangers I feel like I’m not real I feel like I’m losing my mind I feel like I’m not in control of my own body I have bad intrusive thoughts 24/7 , what are some tips on getting better I’ve tried medication I’ve tried doing to therapy and going to the hospital I’ve tried Meditation , what are some things you think I should do ?
  • Hello, i have a bad weed experience then dpdr attack, also having palpitation like im gonna die my feet and hands are shaking i was very anxious that time, my friends try to relax me then dpdr go away suddenly like 10seconds then came back again and now im having it 1month and 1week 24/7, i dont feel real, i cant sleep, my vision was blurry, cant focus, it was terrifying, i told this symtomps from my parents and they believe with me but i was very lonely and think i was in a dream, i could not feel tha happiness inside the reality 😔😓😭
  • @m_benitez
    Does Depersonalization also bring heavy breathing? I’ve been having trouble breathing and i’ve went to the doctor and they think it’s anxiety which is caused by depersonalization. Does anyone have any tips to stop the heavy breathing?
  • @jaeespo5413
    Absolutely brain aneurysm!! I thought I had brain damage.😓I still experience dr
  • @MatthewYauger
    I wonder if DP/DR is due to a neurotransmitter imbalance in some people. Mine started at the same time as I got severe constipation so I wonder if I have some gut issues that are effecting my neurotransmitters.
  • @iamthefiremanjj
    Looking back this thing can take you to some funny places makes me laugh now