Alex's Depersonalization Recovery Story (2024)

Published 2024-03-30
04:01 Panic Attack Triggers DPDR
06:45 Existential Questions
12:36 "Why is reality the way it is?"
15:46 This can't be anxiety!
20:00 Alex's DPDR Symptoms
22:50 "This is the rest of my life?"
27:57 Like an episode of Black Mirror
30:30 Finding the term 'Depersonalization'
34:22 Why Isn't DPDR Better Known?
39:01 Fear Levels
41:00 The Lowest Point
44:46 "I was shockingly functional"
48:05 Loss of Appetite
51:53 Starting to Recover
57:00 The Power Of Habit
1:04:02 What Connects All The Fears?
1:06:14 You're SO Exhausted!
1:08:55 Mindfulness + Meditation
1:14:23 An Analytical Mind
1:19:19 DPDR feels like a Nuclear Attack
1:23:45 Interstellar ❤️
1:25:50 DPDR after recovery?
1:31:32 Feelings of Guilt
1:35:00 The Depersonalization Manual
1:38:15 Can You REALLY Get Back To Normal?
1:44:24 Medication
1:47:25 Alex's Advice For DPDR Sufferers

⚡ Start YOUR 💯 recovery from DPDR today! 👉🏼
⭐ 1-on-1 DPDR Coaching 👉🏼

Alex is 31 years old. Last year, he developed Depersonalization Disorder after a panic attack he had during a 10 mile race. His symptoms included: Existential dread, feelings of unreality, anxious rumination and constant self checking.

Alex struggled with Depersonalization Disorder and its symptoms for about 9 months.

But fortunately he has since made a complete recovery. And Alex with us today to talk about his experience with and recovery from Depersonalization Disorder.

Connect with me!

All Comments (21)
  • Describes my horrifying journey through DPDR. Like a nightmare that you can’t wake up from the terror. Nonstop rumination’s, existential thoughts and the feeling of being so lost and alone because it feels impossible to articulate. Finally after more than a year starting to have more moments of what I can remember of normalcy.
  • I think that I finally understood where the problem is, the reason that dp/dr has lasted me is that I have given it attention and it only exists because of attention, now I am working with myself not to check if the symptoms are there or not. I'm living life even though it's still hard, even though there's still fear about whether I'll know when I'll recover or not, but I'm not giving up. We can do it💪🏻
  • @dimetrodon2250
    I don’t know why it feels so much worse this time around. Like I’m terrified of everything, I can’t immerse or distract myself this time, even the feeling of going to therapy didn’t help. I worried about never being able to be a deep thinker or a daydreamer ever again, never able to read about my interests or enjoy a good mystery novel, worried that the very culmination of my autistic being is being overtaken, worried that I’m not in the same situation that allowed me to heal last time (in a college dorm surrounded by friends at all times, who kept me accountable and distracted me with stuff) I feel like the existential and strange thoughts/feelings are even worse this time around, keeping me from immersing myself into a distraction or work. every coping mechanism/grounding technique is failing (or I’m just self sabotaging). I keep either calling crisis hotlines or binging your videos over and over to stay off of forums/google. I do think a part of this is my meds, but I need to convince my NP first, so I can learn the best way to get off of them. I feel like I can’t enjoy my life anymore, like there’s no life TO enjoy. Three weeks ago depersonalization was just a distant memory, now it’s my entire life.
  • This turned into a normal for me after high school. I dealt with chronic episodes of this after a bad relationship and a lot of tension with parents. Whats worse is I couldnt even tell you exactly when this started. Knowing that this has a name and that there's a way I can work on this has helped. It's been 10 years since then and been a year since I've learned about DPDR, and it's reduced from being a constant issue, to a chronic issue. Hoping this will soon become nothing more than a bad dream.
  • Has anyone ever felt like they’re going to “lose control” because of DPDR? Almost like trying to snap yourself out of it?
  • @acadiaskin
    Wow I’m so happy I found this. This is exactly how I feel. Keeping hope that I’ll get back to my old self soon.
  • Thank you both for verbalizing this so well, and simply...the hope. ❤️
  • This ia such a good video Sean especially you letting people talk about their recovery rather than what anxiety as a whole does to someone. Really appreciate you...God bless you always❤
    the heart issue really resonate with me, glad the "mental" part of anxiety is really light for me.Ive dealt with crazy harm/self harm ocd ,but for me , it was so absurd that i laughed at it😂 snd they went away within days
  • @Leptyzz
    Has anyone ever experienced what feels like pressure in the brain while having DPDR? I feel disconnected, far away from my surroundings, but also experience brain heat and pressure in my brain along with occasional brain “zaps”. Is this common in DPDR? The pressure in my head isn’t uncomfortable but I’m worried about it.
  • @aril7718
    I am pretty confused with Dpdr. I've had it for 4 years and sure, when I focus on it, it becomes a lot worse but even when i dont give it any attention, life doesn't feel as clear as it used to.
  • @RobotRobot-ho6mb
    Sean "The idea of generating a feeling that motivates the behaviour of this DPDR and I can deal with the ideas and I will recover.
  • @erb9956
    Yeah i have had DPDR for like 8 months now. Everything that he said happened to me, i tried to fight constant checking on myself, but it does now work for me. I feel like i can't recover, i feel depressed, i don't want to leave my house, i don't want to study or do anything. Normality became so distant that i can't imagine being normal. I don't know if i should buy your dp manual. I feel like it won't work for me because i'm constantly drowning so deep in my own head if (that makes sense) This is tragedy. In 3 days i have to go back to college. This is insane.
  • @jonathanlay2005
    Hello Sean. I got dpdr from 2 bad panic attacks on weed back in 2021. It lingered for a few months but being at school all the time helped distract my brain enough for it to eventually go away. Fast forward to summer of 2023 I had a panic attack and a few days after that my symptoms of dpdr came back. Ever since then it’s gotten worse and worse throughout the months. The symptoms i experience is distorted reality, blank mind, weird thoughts, frequent headaches, memory problems, and the one that bothers me most is distorted time. Hours and days go by so scared quick and can’t find myself to stop thinking about these symptoms. I’m in such a bad state if mind, I strongly believe something is cognitively wrong with me, like i have dementia or alzheimer’s. I’m really desperate for advice