Putin’s spy network exposed: how covert Russian operations were uncovered across Europe

“We wanted to look from 2022, from that moment of deep crisis and failure, to the present day when it appears that spying activities have gone into overdrive.”

European security agencies have been uncovering Putin's spy operations across Europe, as the Kremlin scrambles for influence after Russia’s ill-fated Ukraine invasion, says The Times’s contributors all over Europe.

Read the full investigative piece here: tinyurl.com/35rjhbp2

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コメント (21)
  • I don't understand why ambassadors were not expelled from EU already. Like everyone is pretending there is no war
  • Every Russian and Belarussian is a suspect that's why I have kept saying since 2022 No one should be allowed to travel into Europe from Russia also via third countries, nor should they be allowed to leave Europe
  • 2 spies both Russian born but Australian citizens have just been caught in Australia & Charged TODAY The woman is a private in Australian army
  • Australia has just charged two Russian-born Australians for espionage...
  • I wonder why there is not any Russian activity in Hungary... mmm I want to guess... they are already there. Many thanks to Times Radio for the Italians insight.
  • @W_Bin
    Germany wants channels to communicate with Russia - have they heard of telephones?
  • Hey Rupert Murdock why cant you do this stuff on Fox News too? Maybe helpy country out a little bit!?!?
  • How come the Russians can do all these criminal things with impunity? Why for example there are no massive retractions of accreditations for Russians diplomats and arrests of citizens who work for the Russians? Why there are no NATO coordinated cyber attacks against Russia or electronic disturbances of communications in Russia?
  • Russia is like a teenager: crossing all boundaries and rules, flipping the bird to half the planet, and then crying that they're the victim.
  • I say charge all persons who are spewing Russian propaganda with assisting them, and we should investigate them along with all of their associates.
  • Moscow horde´s war record :- 1856 defeated by Britain and France 1905 defeated by Japan 1917 defeated by Germany 1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland 1969 defeated by China 1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by Ukraine WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :- a) Hungary 1956 b) Czechoslovakia 1968 c) Moldova 1992 d) Georgia 2008
  • 31:44 they are not comedians , they are FSB AGENTS, under sanctions. They have done this FSB gig 100 times already. Its time to send them a massage ....
  • @W_Bin
    @TimesRadio please write out the names and events these interviewees are mumbling- we don't know who they're talking about. Chapters WBG
  • If they are known, they can be a distraction that helps keep the unknown ones from being observed.
  • @EZLogikal
    Really appreciate you arranging this and sharing it with us
  • All Russians should be required to register at the local police station, so Europe can monitor suspects of espionage.
  • And diplomats launder money for Russia too, that's the advantage of IPP status.