Ardern government policies have created a ‘Maori elite’ who rely on ‘victimhood’

Published 2021-11-13
The policies of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s government have led to the creation of a “Maori elite” which relies on “Maori victimhood,” according to Hobson’s Pledge founding trustee Casey Costello.

Hobson’s Pledge is a New Zealand lobby group which advocates for equality before the law regardless of race in the face of Maori bureaucratic bodies taking control over large areas of life in the country.

“We’ve had the introduction of the Three Waters Reform legislation which is effectively removing control and ownership of water from the local bodies and councils that own those assets into these massive entities which will be 50 per cent controlled by Iwi,” she told Sky News Australia.

“Bearing in mind New Zealand’s Maori population is only 17 per cent.”

Ms Costello said she was particularly concerned by an “undermining” of the democratic process which has been taking place.

“It’s predicated on the concept that all Maori, we all think alike. This idea of self-determination must rely on the fact that all Maori identify with the same views, the same political outlooks, the same needs,” she said.

“What we've actually created is a Maori elite, that their careers, their livelihoods, their relevance, relies on a Maori victimhood and we’ve lost sight of outcomes.”

All Comments (21)
  • @ngallakp62
    As a kiwi who was brought up to treat everyone as a equal and respect i am disgusted with the racism that is being rammed down our throats by these politicians
  • The worst part of it is as long as you identify as being Maori, then you're Maori, and you qualify for all the grants, scholarships and tax-payer charity. So race too has now become an ideology, and then the rest of us are put at an ideological disadvantage. The moment you give one 'race' an advantage over another you're exercising racist policies
  • This isn't a rabbit hole of an issue, Casey has given a salient reveal of our dire situation here in New Zealand but no one dares to speak boldly like her out of fear and being a pariah. We're treading on eggshells in this woke culture that's emerging like a festering blister. We've lost Garrick Tremaine our last inspirational satirist, cartoonist and artist whom for many years was prolific almost daily in delivering the bitter irony of every day topics in our ODT morning news paper. He was sacked because he spoke the truth . Casey Costello is a brave and earnest. I hope she is well protected. She's a treasure.
  • @mattmcrae9513
    isn't it sad that as kiwis we need to watch an Aussie news broadcast interview to see any information on political agenda in our own country
  • @faodail3913
    She is spot on and we NZ'ers are fed up with it. This is no longer a democracy.
  • @pariscuties1786
    As a polynesian from South Auckland, nothing good ever comes from more bureaucracy
  • @ninaaniston1717
    I always thought that discrimination against race, gender or religion is illegal in laws of most developed nations for decades…
  • @camwright2685
    They would never show this in nz,truth is the new hate speech
  • @ChrisBNisbet
    NZer here, watching Sky Australia to see some decent news about NZ. The MSM here are a disgrace.
  • @111mcivor
    Very weird situation, who is a Māori today. I would be surprised if more than 2-4% would have more than 50% Māori genetics. The treaty appears to be an empty vessel that anything can be stuffed into it. Sad situation.
  • @Mel-gv4vo
    So pleased to have found this. If only we had free press in New Zealand, our MSM are gagged.
  • @annviolet4727
    If you think it hasn't happened in Australia, think again.
  • @zaynevanday142
    Not just Arderns Regime it’s been happening since the late 80’s it’s just been ramped up to 10 with Comrade Jacinta
  • @jennynevins6329
    If Ardern and Andrews had spawn, they’d be demons. Both equally disgusting refuse .
  • @kiwigirl8412
    Thank you Sky Australia for giving New Zealand citizens a voice, God knows our media doesn't!
  • @shanemoore8055
    I played rugby league in Melbourne in the early 80`s. The team was comprised overwhelmingly by Maori. As a white person I was singled out and bullied until i was forced to leave the club. The only thing I remember from this experience was the racism, bullying and name calling I was subjected to.