Bolt: Ardern’s ‘woke politics’ leading New Zealand towards ‘a form of apartheid’

Published 2021-09-15
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says he is concerned New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s “woke politics” are leading the country towards “a form of apartheid”.

“The Māori population of New Zealand is about 16 per cent and that includes people who also have European ancestry, some of them,” he said.

“But Ardern's cabinet commissioned a report which sets out a 20-year plan to have New Zealand eventually ruled 50-50 on race grounds, Māori and non-Māori.

“And Ardern has already now created a new Māori health authority, that’s the first step to a divided health system, divided by race. One system for one, another system for everyone else.”

Mr Bolt discussed the issue with NZ Centre for Political Research Director Dr Muriel Newman.

“It is extremely frightening because most Kiwis have no idea what’s going on,” she said.

All Comments (21)
  • @19acn75
    I live in NZ and our mainstream media standards are non-existent. To think that NZ needs Sky Australia to expose this is disgraceful.
  • I'm a elderly kiwis lady. She is splitting our country in half. I feel very heartbroken for the evil this jacinda led government is doing to nz.
  • @michaelfasher
    As a New Zealander this is on the money. The media are running cover for this.
  • Debate?? Don't make me laugh! There is no debate! In case you hav'nt noticed the whole world is living under dictatorship. Wake up, FFS!!
  • @clarkewi
    I'm a Kiwi and this is shocking.
    As a kiwi, I'm learning most of this for the first time from an Australian news outlet. Aussies and Kiwis need to watch each others backs.
  • @fish4198
    You can't speak out about this in NZ without being labelled as racist and risking your career, your networks, and your reputation as all mainstream journalists turn on you.
  • @marksumby3417
    I'm a kiwi, living in the US ... its insane to see what's happening on a global scale with all this woke nonsense ... sometime soon the vast majority of us will push back ...
  • In Finland we call woke people "stalinists" - because their mindset is similar to Soviet union leader Stalin
  • @mljsmith4125
    Labor party - The party of the wokers. No longer the party of the workers.
  • @daviddyson7359
    What do you mean “a form of apartheid” This is the definition of apartheid!
  • @blueskies386
    The farmers are suffering under the Three Waters thing and have presented a loud, united voice. That's another thing, Ardern said, "Dairy Farming is yesterday, it's old, were going to move into other things." She wipes out 200 years of Dairy Farming and NZs biggest export industry all with a sweep of her thirty-something year old hand, and is driving farmers out of the industry with ridiculous legislation and impossible criteria to fulfill. Many farmers under her government have committed suicide. Many. They see a family business that was handed on t them from their generations, go up in smoke because Ms Ardern said we'll export pine trees instead. The UN decided pine and tourism would be the products of NZ. I forget what they said Oz will have, wheat I think. So, I see her just doing shes told,, not what is best for NZ and certainly with no democratic process in place. We've had a number of appalling legislations shoved through secretly and quickly, since she's been PM. New Zealanders get no say.
  • @physiocrat7143
    The Guardian is full of praise for Adern which should be a red flag.
  • @cyrillawless
    Remember what Jacinda said. “The government is your sole source of truth” wasn’t that a quote from the book 1984?
  • I have always been proud of being a kiwi. Nothing is ever perfect but I felt like my country was often ahead of its time in regards to things like equality between different groups, good race relations, most people are friendly and welcoming, and though we are a small country we always punch above our weight on the world stage. Our people were tough, down to earth, united, proud. Now look at us, as infected with these divisive, radical left wing politics as everyone else. I'm not incredibly politically savvy, I don't know exactly what will need to be done to go about fixing this damage to my country, but getting Jacinda Ardern and her ilk out of political power needs to happen ASAP.
  • Great to see we are able to comment , as comments on NZ broadcast are closed to comment on. This is destroying NZ as it is destabilising our way forward as a country. What happened to equality we have all had the same schooling and medical care, this segregation is not helping anything.