'We have evidence that woke politics is making the west desperately weak'

Published 2021-04-20
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says "we have evidence that woke politics is making the west desperately weak" after New Zealand's Foreign Affairs Minister refused to criticise China on COVID-19's origins or on the treatment of Hong Kong and its activists.

"As I’ve said before, New Zealand is selling out Australia – and the west – to keep sweet with the genocidal Chinese dictatorship," he said.

"New Zealand figures other democracies can do the fighting. New Zealand can meanwhile sweet talk China and clean up businesswise. But it may be worse than that. I think woke culture is also to blame.

"New Zealand’s foreign minister is dizzy with her new age earth worship and old nature gods. For her, China is an ally in the fight against global warming, which seems to her far more important than the danger of war. China would be laughing."

All Comments (21)
  • @alexandsim1551
    I'm from New Zealand and I send my apologies. We have a lot of nut bars running this country.
  • @LOW12A
    New Zealander here. You are absolutely right.
  • @andenbrown22
    Its like when Chamberlain was saying Hitler was alright in the 30's
  • @lillyreich6011
    “The psychopaths are always around. In calm times we study them, but in times of upheaval, they rule over us.” ― Ernst Kretschmer
  • this is what happens when you give people jobs based on what they look like instead of how good they are
  • @supercomp7078
    For the first time in my 60 years I am actually embarrassed by our government,
  • @MrBandaman
    She looks WOKE in every aspect. However, if she is so convinced about her mythical dragon then she should speak FREELY and not reading from her research paper.
  • Being woke is just the modern day term for “village idiot” or, as Stalin referred to them “useful idiots”.
  • @pinevale6356
    Politics in the west is now only about what's between your legs, skin colour and your "feelings". What could go wrong?
  • @maggiec7796
    I've only just watched this video today, July 3rd 2021, but I thank you Andrew Bolt for pointing out how ridiculous the NZ foreign minister is. It's great to know that other countries are finally seeing what we long suffering Kiwis are having to put up with having this totally incompetent government in control of what was once a beautiful Democratic country. Keep up the good work.
  • @awestruck9075
    If the New Zealand Foreign Minister is genuinely concerned with climate change, then she would be quite aware, that she has aligned her nation, with a nation that has increased their carbon footprint, by 53% in the last 10yrs. That's woke wisdom for you.
  • @jarrodgeikie870
    The truth really is stranger than fiction... you just can't make this stuff up
  • @duuurs
    Those of us that aren't woke need to stick together to fight this woke cancer
  • @johnconrad9781
    As a kiwi I can tell you the Anzac's are rolling over in their graves this nz government has also closed down most of the RSA's around the country they have no respect or honour a tragedy...
  • I'm from NZ and find it upsetting what's happening to this country
  • @jameszanker8423
    Imagine being so privileged, that you actually think your oppressed 🤦🤦
  • @casuariusisle
    I didn’t think it possible for Canada to become out-woked... New Zealand is giving us a run for our money.
  • @andrewwalsh6401
    Not just China laughing , how about Russia and don’t forget good old Kim in North Korea.
  • @saylorgal0973
    Ok…glad to know that China isn’t laughing at just the US.