Winston Peters on the claims that Māori aren't indigenous to New Zealand

Published 2023-09-10
Michael Laws talks to NZ First Leader Winston Peters about the claims that Māori aren't indigenous to New Zealand.

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All Comments (21)
  • @amirrora885
    Most people in NZ are well aware that Maori aren't indigenous. It's only politicians and Maori with their own agenda who deny it.
  • @mikefinz1856
    The Maori gravy train needs to be stopped. Democracy must be the rule of the country not the lie of co-governance which is rule by racism.
  • @lucial9887
    We all should move forward instead of look back. One person one vote. Nobody get special treatment.
  • @cspace1234nz
    Radical Maoris have created a form of racism that was never previously there. Many of us grew up side by side with Maori people, we went to school with them, played footy with them, worked with them, went into business with them, went camping with them went fishing and whitebaiting with them and then our kids all grew up together and have done the same thing. We were all one people. A close Maori mate of mine who has strong ties to his iwi descrices these radicals as "plastic Maoris". They got their snouts in the trough and have been pigging out ever since, meanwhile, ordinary Maori people are embarassed by them all.
  • @888Sooty
    Its an indisputable fact Maori brag about having travelled here from elsewhere
  • @markturner2971
    You should be running the next government, not national not act. This country is in dire straits and it Needs to turn 180 degrees.
  • @hildashaw213
    Maoris are not indigenous to New Zealand and my husband who is like Winston, a Maori agrees. In fact I think they are not all the same race either. The Maori Party and others want to turn NZ into a country where Maoris are treated like children. It would be like Australia, where there is overreach by the government into the lives of the indigenous people. It happens in the US too. The government needs to realise they work for the people, not the other way round.
  • They are not indigenous! Winnie should know, he's part himself 😊.. apart from that, it's in Maori history that they came from another place..end of!
  • @Osprey6m
    Winston is right. Māori a not indigenous in the classic meaning. They may have rights but they are not indigenous rights.
  • @helenskelton8926
    Winston is 100% right. Both National and Act should back Winston on this and put an end to the Māori claims they are indigenous and have special rights over others. In doing so National and ACT would put NZ back on track to being a fully democratic country based on one person on vote.
  • @chriskiwi2601
    Maori can see the gravy train slipping between their fingers this coming election. 😅
  • @Brucemcleod2345
    Maori have been in NZL shorter than Cockney in London who have been wiped out and lost East London. Maori are not indigenous. Well said Winston
  • @operatorsix6933
    stop handing them billions and assets, RECOVER IT ALL......
  • @greencloud2225
    it would be more accurate to call Maori 'first settlers' given that the only mammal native to NZ is a tiny bat.
  • Truth is, they were chucked out of their home because they were violent cannibals, and they drifted down and arrived by luck in New Zealand. Nothing special there.
  • @StGammon77
    Plants and animals are native or indigenous not people it's ridiculous we all got here by traveling they need to stop imagining they have special rights and the UN can't just suggest otherwise and not look at the history of each country
  • Correct Winston, any one who has read early NZ history.. the likes of Ernest Best & Robert Stout... Stout our first PM in 1842 who lived his life in NZ wrote many books about Maori - a highly learned man his works are very detailed... he died in 1931.... Best born in NZ in mid the 1850's lived amongst Maori and recorded their early history recording 164 generations of a number of early tribes... The vicious activists today (many totally ignorant of their own true tribal histories) have captured and rewritten our history - writing out the Musket wars when Maori wiped out 1/3 of their own population. Robert Stout actually records cannibalism did not end until 1842 and gives a very detailed account of their problems with Maori and changing their taste for cannibalism... he goes into much detail of the tribes and their numbers. It is shocking how Labour has let our history by hijacked and rewritten by activists with their own agendas.. The truth of the matter is Maori were the first colonisers of NZ and early natives of the day fared far worse being colonised by Maori than they did later in 1840 being colonised by the British Crown.
  • @SopwithTheCamel
    When the National introduced this I asked Key what his definition of indigenous was. He duck shoved.