How Aimee recovered from DPDR & an Existential Anxiety Crisis

Publicado 2024-07-19

Todos los comentarios (4)
  • 25:09 YESSSS! even when i studied my violin performance degree, my violin teacher once said, "the goal isn't to have no discomfort. It's learning to feel comfort with your discomfort" in relation to performance/recital anxiety!
  • @thekgo_rapolae
    I thought all of this is happening to me alone on this planet until i came across your channel Robin,i didn’t even know it's called dpdr im only learning about it recently and i have been suffering from it for almost two years now...and im grateful for your content because I was thinking of leaving Medical school but now i feel like everything will be okay🥺
  • Oh god, back when I used to experience DPDR, I used to get moments or sensations much like how you describe at 4.08. Very scary!!! And wow, the psych doctor recognised it? I find that's a rare occurance! And all throughout my experience of chronic DPDR, I had to stop watching one of my favourite youtube channels which is Kurzgesagt! 🥲 I once said to Robin I came to peace with existential question when I said to myself, "Oh well, it's just not my destiny to understand these things" and I came to this realization by trying to help my younger sister with math homework (hi I'm bad math) and I could NOT understand it. I couldn't remember studying algebra all those years ago 😂😂 Congratulations on your recovery ❤