Troom Troom in a Nutshell

Publicado 2021-03-27

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • "Why sneak candy... when you are the candy" that's a horror movie tagline right there
  • "Just take out your scissors, and cut the stains away!" I'm something of a scientist myself.
  • @emperork5402
    You have to give it to them, they're pretty damn creative. If only that creativity wasn't straight-up stupidity...
  • @Pearoo
    "Emergency meeting! I think the guard is the Imposter" dies in cringe
  • @eva2f55r
    Why isn't anyone talking about how the girl ate the lollipop after she used it to wax herself💀
  • @A-Amused
    “I vote for the guard” We’re not on a spaceship, what they gonna do? Push him out?
  • @nocturnaliism
    2:52 Plot twist: The microchip was bugged the whole time Explosion intensifies
  • @trayfr
    ok the soap dispenser for the nutella thing is actually pretty cool ngl
  • @TocomoLom
    Troom Troom are the type of people to tell you smashing your head against a metal pole fixes brain damage
  • @leftysheppey
    Taking your shoes off and threading them through your trousers is hilarious. Such underrated physical comedy
  • "We have our own CDs!" My brain Just melted. Those are blu-rays. CDs are relics now.
  • @zombiesalmon4997
    Whats the point in trying to hide makeup from your parents if you’re WEARING IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM.
  • @foldervtolvr
    2:36 this actually triggers me. As a electronic enthusiast I know that a “CD” can only store sound. A game disk is a separate device that can give the computer the code to run a game.