UK Economy No Jobs?

A huge thank you to everyone who watched and commented on my last video. Here's my reaction and future plans for the channel.

コメント (21)
  • Tip - you are getting new viewers so have hit a nerve - try and spend 30 seconds or less near the start of each summarising your position. Then new viewers are up to speed fast. Over qualified in what for example and what does over qualified mean etc etc. Anyone new should be up to speed very fast.
  • Sad but hardly a surprise, we sold off manufacturing and utilities and as a country we dont make things like we used to. For a while we have supported this with financial and design services but if we keep on buying and borrowing without producing then it will not end well. As high end jobs are replaced by those requiring less skilled the jobs are there if you look at the overall numbers cbut the devil is in the detail. Good luck in your search
  • Louder volume please on video, 1st video was spot on. Nice to see I’m not the only one at 56 struggling to find work.
  • There would be absolutely no such thing as unemployment if it was simply made financially worthwhile for people to SHARE the jobs we NEED people to do and work less.
  • I am 30 currently going through a career change after spending 14 years In the same company and working my way to management level. I have found all companies don't want to take anyone on unless they have been in the sector or role before or are Willing to take a huge pay cut and starting from the bottom. Nobody wants to train staff up anymore or offer anything to help retain staff. The problem is employers having to many options of candidates meaning they can lower the wage of the role
  • Given how few videos you've put out, to pull 30K views in 4 days is fantastic. I think you could make a go of the youtube and do well out of it. I've seen some of channels for the 50+ age bracket about living solo etc. and they are nothing special but pulling in the subs. People over 50 not working have plenty of time to watch youtube and comment, so a lucrative market for monetisation.
  • Hi 54 Busy, up until March, then nothing till now . It's dead nothing at all . Construction manager . I did not believe in ageism, but its looking like it's a real thing .
  • I am observing this in the tech industry too. I really do wish you the very best and that you land the new gig you deserve really soon and get some stability and security back for yourself and you family.
  • Best of luck in the job market, but as a fully qualified accountant could you not go self employed providing services to small businesses and the self employed, builders, drivers etc. You would be your own boss, work from home with no overheads therefore competitive. Your clientele would grow through word of mouth.
  • 😊 I said it on your last video, Once you get to are age , I'm 56 years old , we stand up for are selves and don't put up with being mucked about and bosses don't like that , they find it threatening.
  • 14 years of Tory government have destroyed our economy. In 2010 I was being offered middle management IT jobs that were paying the equivalent of £95-100k in today's money - now I'm in a job paying MUCH less for similar work. And I'm one of the lucky ones - many of my colleagues ended up on the scrapheap.
  • I’m from the electronics sector, and retrained in bookkeeping because of health issues. Now though i care after my parents and I feel as life is passing me by. Being older now seems like a sin.
  • The jobs market in the UK is getting worse imo, I've noticed a massive increase in work being outsourced and dare I mention AI....... we also have crappy wages in the UK which really doesnt help the matter, we have a great deal of skilled workers who have no incentive to work in their given fields due to their pay being so low. ALDI store assistants get £13.35 per hour these days, it's going to get to a point where people arent going to bother training for a skill since employers seem to hate paying above £30k
  • Above all, stay positive, I took a career change at 53 ... I'm now 60 and still gainfully employed in the company I joined (and WFH since the pandemic, which is a plus point!). I took a big drop in seniority to change industry, but the salary's still ok and the reduced stress is a real bonus ... in fact I don't go for the promotional opportunities that crop up as I'm very happy doing what I'm doing. A career change might be the way forwards!
  • I’m 62 and noticed a change in the jobs market including internal promotions etc from the banking crash of 2008 ! Questions about experience were dropped in favour of we can teach you what you need to know for this role ! Added the perception from employers encouraged by government of the day is young people can learn and adapt better and quicker to roles and can be paid less because they know little or nothing about employment law making it easier for some employers to take advantage? This is all well and good however the pension age keeps rising meaning the over 50s are caught “in no man land “ ! !
  • You have touched on a nerve here. As a 50 something in Yorkshire I can understand your position. There are a host of points that can be made and I hope you can bring them to the discussion. I would urge others to consider self employment, if employers are unwilling to give you a job create your own. Even better if it is based around a hobby or interest, at least there is a fun factor as well. Accept that you may have reached a stage where your earning capacity is perhaps not what it was and reorganise your life accordingly.
  • DUDE! Don't start your video like this, asking for subs etc. Start with what you said in the thumbnaiand ask for all the subs in the middle and at the end. People are here for your hot take, not waffle. I say this as someone who's working in this area.
  • We are both 66years old, I run a cleaning and maintenance company here in London so my long term customers are okay new customers are reluctant as soon as they see my face.My husband, an engineer by training, just takes on building work,primarily extensions, as he was finding no work from his field particularly government work as the interviewers were all much younger than him and saw him as unable to cope with tech! So he is hod carrying bricks and mortar carrying this week. Of course this will only continue until we invariably fall ill.
  • If you have a driving license apply with Stagecoach to become a bus driver, they train you with pay and once you pass you get paid 34k, once you have a bus licence you can always fall back on it when you need a job.
  • Hey, I stumbled across your first video this morning, and identify with everything you have said. I'm 47, have had a 25 year corporate career in Talent Acquisition, some very well known companies on my CV, and have been out of work for a year. Have interviewed for a considerable number of roles, but have fallen short at the final stage a few times. Its so frustrating. I have questioned whether some ageism is taking place... Like you say there doesn't seem to be anyone over the age of 45 in the corporate world, and my LinkedIn feed is full of 20 and 30 something's, I wonder where all the over 40s and 50s are? I do also think that something happened fundamentally to the UK economy post COVID/Truss, I know so many people that have struggled to find work recently, and tech companies in particular have made tens of thousands of people redundant. What's also frustrating is that none of this is reported on, it's a silent epidemic of unemployment it seems to me. For that reason alone your channel is a good idea. It's reassuring to hear someone else in the same position. Best of luck...