Vhagar's Size compared to Smaug and Drogon

Publicado 2022-10-10
We have seen Vhagar's size in episode 7 of HOTD and also drogon in game of thrones, and yes, Saug's enormous body size in The Hobbit. But how big are they really and compared to each other? well lets find out.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @DaRougaroux1
    What makes Smaug so much more dangerous is not just his size, but his intelligence and capacity for sheer ruthlessness. He can reason and plan and scheme. He is a smart weapon with rationale. GOT Dragons are just ballistic missiles. SMAUG is a guided bomb with AI.
  • @jeanmelisca
    What’s crazy is that Smaug was small compared to Ancalagon The Black. Ancalagon was so big that when he was killed and fell from the sky, he broke three mountains with his body.
  • @jayjd1996
    Smaug is actually pretty dang small in the Lore like around 59ft or something like that but in the movie they made him look bigger to be more menacing.
  • Tolken's dragons are just on a another level compared to GOT's dragons. Not only were they extremely long lived but they also were able to think and make descisions like humans or even better than humans due to their extremely long lives and experiences.
  • @Lennykins3120
    It's been confirmed by a few sources that Thorin was 5'3". He was described as being very tall for a dwarf. Smaug was the smallest of the Tolkien dragons, so imagine the biggest, Ancalagon next to them all.
  • @tonyb8710
    But what people forget is Drogon is only like 7-10 years old. So he is half the size of Vhagar (who is now almost the size of Balerion) at just 1/18 her age, Drogon being about 10 and Vhagar around 180. That is why they said that Drogon was Balerion reborn, the 2nd coming of him. And safe to assume he would have been biggest yet at that age
  • @kharl6815
    In the books, Drogon is barely able to lift Daenerys up to the sky for couple of mile. Which means he should be smaller.
  • @noirangel6416
    Vhagar: One of the largest dragons in Westeros. Smaug: The smallest dragon in Middle-Earth.
  • The vfx producer said that Vhagar was 150 meters long, so. I actually think that when we see her again she will be larger than she was before, because in the book it says that by the time of the dance she had grown nigh as large as Balerion when he died.
  • Besides being bigger, Smaug is also wildly intelligent and cunning, like on par with a human being if a human being could live and collect memories for 100s of years.
  • The fact that drogon is half the size of vhaegar at 1/18 the age really says how fast drogon was growing.
  • @BrettWMcCoy
    Smaug is actually a fairly small dragon, at least in Tolkien's Legendarium (the movies made him much bigger). Tolkien's painting of Bilbo talking to Smaug shows the dragon to not be terribly large. The really big dragons lived in the First Age of Middle-earth, like Glaurung "The Father of Dragons" and especially Ancalagon the Black, who was absolutely enormous and was big enough to destroy the mountains of Thangorodrim, which stood above the gates Morgoth's fortress Angband, when he fell upon them after being slain by Earnendil. Of course, Tolkien's dragons had god-like intelligence and could weave magic with their malice (the "dragon-spell"). It's possible they were originally of the Maiar, like the Balrogs.
  • one major point to be considered is that aemond is too small compared to daenerys atleast at the time he claimed vhaegar. That scaling should be adjusted.
  • @mikerude5073
    The 150 length statement came from one of the vfx people. She meant wingspan. This was later clarified in an interview for ART of VFX, with Sven Martin, the vfx supervisor for HOTD: "Vhagar is supposed to be 90 meters long with a wingspan of 150 meters, so we added a digital double of Aemond to our turntables to get visually reminded about the scale of the dragons" - I would post a link, but then the comment won't show up. You can look up the interview easily on google with some key words.
  • @logan13wick
    This just puts into perspective how ungodly massive ancalagon the black was cause he made Smaug look tiny.
  • @Malicedesire
    It's worth noting, drogon grew at a rapid paste due to NOT being kept in captivity. Dragons like Balerion, and Vhagar only were moved out of the dragon pits due to out growing it, so it is likely drogon will be grow to be bigger than balerion.
  • Small correction, Smaug is one of the smallest dragon of the middle earth universe, there are many dragons that are far bigger than him, and the actually biggest dragon is Ankalagon, who was...yeah really big. Edit: Oops, didn't hear you said movie/series, sorry then
  • @the54th34
    When he said Jon snow is just a bit shy of 6ft I couldn’t trust any other measurements going forward 😂
  • @rothbardfreedom
    Ancalagon, The Black: "Look at these babies dragons... Aren't they cute and little?"
  • Balerion the Black Terror was the largest dragon ever to exist in the Game Of Thrones - House of the Dragon universe. He literally fits a whole mammoth in his mouth and could eat it.