北市幼兒園狼師侵害20童拍600影片!? 曝光後經過「空白一年」犯人仍不斷犯案!?【關鍵時刻】20240715-4 劉寶傑 張禹宣 姚惠珍 林裕豐 林裕豐 王瑞德

Publicado 2024-07-15
In 2022, it was exposed that the "son of the principal" continued to commit crimes in the past year! ? The director changed his name and "opened and opened again" and it was difficult for the city government to handle it for two terms! ?
Master Wolf keeps committing crimes and no one cares about it in Bei City? The Xu Qiaoxin Coordination Committee was held at the "crime scene"...the location was changed only after parents protested! ?
The horror kindergarten "The principal is the murderer" was exposed after the children told it themselves! Yao: Master Wolf committed a crime in front of his parents!
Master Wolf may be making money by continuing to commit crimes... "No evidence" and no prosecution? Yao: The then deputy mayor Huang Shanshan said otherwise!
Is the principal of the school the Wolf Master who keeps committing crimes during the "rename and reopening" period? Yao: Parents should go directly to the “director” to seek compensation!
The law protects the perpetrators... It is scary that young children commit crimes and "it will be illegal to be in the news"! Yao: "Self-initiated case" under the water is even more terrifying!
The suspect has pleaded guilty, but Beijing City has not closed the kindergarten...it has been suspended for one year and there are more victims! ? Lin: Everyone is an accomplice!
The child avoidance law "checks the water meter"...The criminal information is "opaque" and parents are helpless! Lin: If the government fails to deal with it, it is an accomplice!
"No one dares to deal with the sex crime case of the eldest son in kindergarten"? Wang: Providing a crime scene, the director of the "civilian" can't escape!
The law of children and teenagers serves as a "protective umbrella" for perpetrators... The media reports that the hands and feet are tied! ? Publicizing the case will not cause more harm!
If the Beijing Municipal Government cannot suspend him from his job, at least he should be transferred and quarantined first! Wang: If the government is more proactive, we can avoid many victims!
Huang Zijiao, who was charged with possessing indecent videos of children and teenagers, made a "pleasure change"! Lin: It’s “absolutely useless” to retract your confession after you’ve already confessed!
Child sexual exploitation prevention passed! Huang Zijiao changed his lawyer and changed his strategy to "retract his confession"! ? Yao: Sex offenders should be exposed!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • 願意做台北市幼兒園專題,必須要給讚
  • 這個罪犯的媽媽是不是知情,甚至和他兒子用影片謀利,這個園長一定要抓。
  • 為什麼檢察官會被律師兩三句話就打發,而沒有繼續追查下去才是重點.
  • 性侵犯的媽媽 也要接受調查 媽媽包庇兒子????? 永遠都不能再開其他 新的幼兒園
  • 現在大家懂了黃子佼私藏的片子來源從何而來了吧,可見社會上還有多少陰暗面不為人知
  • 請法官一定要判終生住勞裡,不能假釋,還有園長知情不處置,請已共犯一起審理,並讓這幼兒園不能在營業
  • 悲哀,台灣社會是發生什麼事?倒退到這種程度,這種幼兒性侵要搭配心理治療,都沒人管嗎?
  • 感謝製作人 拯救兒童 請查緝所有加害體系鏈
  • 狼師該判刑關起來,這種變態的人永遠不要放出來。園長媽媽知情不報也要負相同責任。太可惡了!
  • 台灣的民主社會不是讓這些變態拿來犯罪的,希望台灣司法部門嚴懲這些惡人,也希望NCC乾點正事支持新聞媒體報道曝光這些事情,台灣立法機構應該廢除什麼能改名字的等惡法應該電視上24小時不停曝光這些惡魔的照片姓名和地址!
  • 誰幫忙開調解委員會?那位立委要出來道歉😡🤬
  • 地方首長是怎麽回事,這種案子拖那麽久,對兒童性騷、性侵,拍成600部影片,可惡至極,還讓他一年內再犯案,這地方政府怎麼了,別人家的孩子受害是永遠的痛卻拖延此案,去查看有走後門的幫忙嗎? 這種人可惡至極要判他終身監禁才是。