范斯定調「美國最大威脅是中國」! 川普政府2.0將「集中火力抗中」習近平剉咧等!【關鍵時刻】20240716-4 劉寶傑 黃世聰 姚惠珍 張禹宣 林廷輝 王瑞德

Published 2024-07-16
In an exclusive interview, Vans said, "Quickly deal with Russia and Ukraine" to deal with the real problem! The United States must focus on dealing with China, the biggest threat! ?
"Trump concept stocks" skyrocketed, and all Chinese concept stocks collapsed! Musk supports Trump's "all-out suppression" of Chinese electric vehicles!
Vance believes that China is a "comprehensive threat to the United States"! It is required to produce a large number of weapons and "focus on a single battlefield" to protect Taiwan with all its strength! ?
Van Si has a Wall Street + Silicon Valley background! ? Wall Street's super financiers rally to support Sichuan...prepare to launch tariff war 2.0 with China!
Musk donates 1.4 billion to Trump every month! ? The world's richest man and Wall Street bosses are spending money to campaign for Trump! ?
Senior Trump administration officials take action! Several "quasi-officials" drafted a bill... to claim US$18 trillion in COVID-19 losses from China! ?
Canada says "it was a mistake to let China join the WTO 20 years ago"! Many EU countries support "anti-China tariffs" and China is frustrated!
Trump "turned his head to hide from the bullet" and the American people cried bitterly to welcome the chosen one? Yao: "American spirit" makes supporters desperate!
Trump's deputy Vance went straight from the "bottom whites" to the White House! ? The best-selling book "Songs of the Desperate" touches Americans!
Vans was born in the Rust Belt and serves as a living advertisement for the "American Dream"! ? Yao: The bottom working class supports Trump to "protect American jobs"! ?
Trump "resurrected" the Democratic Party so desperate that they don't want to resign? No one wants to elect... let Biden "lose the battle"! ?
Biden almost blurted out "MAGA" during his Oval Office speech! Trump's image as a strongman makes Biden appear "late and old"! ?
America’s legendary “Truckers Union” jumped ship to support Trump! ? I have only supported the Democratic Party for decades...not supporting Biden this time?
After Trump was assassinated, a large number of African Americans supported him! ? The African-American talk show supports "He can get shot and stand up just like us"!
Select an "absolutely loyal" deputy! Vance "emerged from the rust belt" and Trump is expected to become the next president of the United States! ?
Vance was born in poverty and "show you the American dream"! "The wife of an Indian-American academic master" balances Trump's racism!
The only person who can personally mediate the Russian-Ukrainian war? Wang: Trump is using both soft and hard tactics to prevent Putin and Zelensky from disobeying!
The Russia-Ukraine war affects the progress of Taiwan's arms sales. Wang: After taking office, Trump will stop the European military layout and "focus on dealing with Xi Jinping"!

All Comments (21)
  • @shantiEves
    范斯人生的轉捩點是從軍⋯這也是不少美國中低收入家庭孩子的選擇(可見他原生家庭經濟狀況)。 服役完再唸書(學費是政府資助),先州立大學再私立(私立可能是拿到獎學金或仍政府補助)。這個制度也真的替美國淘了很多好人才、窮孩子也能在年輕時改變命運(改變命運可不能等太久) 川普似乎很喜歡用軍人出身的人,因為他也是唸了好幾年軍事學院
  • @kaovodka
  • @yujenccc
  • @R-rt2vy
    支持美中全面脫勾 取消政治立場不一樣的國家,最惠國待遇!😊
  • @user-zn3bk8ln5d
  • @user-mi6ob6hv4y
    不到40歲的范斯苦難中的孩子,但智慧歷練 超人一等, 川普在培養未來接班總統的人選! 。。。。。。 有人83歲但智商卻只有38歲!
  • @mrshyushyu
    習近平知道民心對共產黨執政是很失望厭惡的(習近平說出了"亡黨亡國"的預感..)... "長江後浪推前浪..一代新人換舊人."..民智已開..民心思變是時代趨勢..勢不可擋的潮流趨勢...(反對一黨專政..沒有能力就不要霸佔舞台當主角...任何政黨要取得執政權..一定要有合理的"民意基礎"...真正的民意基礎建立在公正的選舉制度上..只靠槍桿子維持的政權必將敗亡...)
  • @imi831043
    牆內的最惠國待遇 這次應該會飛了
  • @mrshyushyu
    1949年中共篡政不久..1950年毛澤東聽從蘇聯史達林的命令參與韓戰(嚴格說..蘇聯並沒有真正參與韓戰..只是派了幾個架次的隱瞞國籍的米格機..範圍僅限於所謂"米格走廊" 沒有真正認真的接觸戰)...把二戰期間中國人民的盟友美國...用雙方的鮮血轉變為勢不兩立的敵對陣營...(這個極大的極嚴重的難以置信的轉變..影響國家民族的榮辱..影響至今...)(中共還經常洋洋自得地吹噓宣傳抗美援朝"韭菜志願軍"的戰果..)(這是永遠抹不掉的歷史傷痕..中共不能代表中國..)..
  • @-c-gu1je
  • @noviachou2991