Cylinder Trap (Season 7, Episode 2)

Published 2023-07-28
Cylinder Trap (24th Original Trap)

Season 7 (Episode 2 of 10)


After discovering the truth about his brother's guilt, Alexander finds himself in a dark abyss of confusion and regret. He seeks answers in Nathan, but in reality he is seeking someone to talk to as he has lived in torment ever since the Angel Fall Trap events.
Nathan wants to move on with the past and continue working on rebuilding his life, but once again his path is blocked when he finds another note left for him at the museum. This time with an address where he meets a mysterious man named Patrick Clozza. Nathan discovers the existence of 'The Angels' and now with the help of Patrick he must figure out why they're going after him.


Luke Malick is an ex convict who spent 5 years in prison after being found guilty of kidnapping a little 10 year old girl and keeping her hostage in his house's basement for a period of six months.
Luke never hurt or abused the little girl and even though nobody ever understood the reason behind Luke's actions, his motivation consisted of a frustrated Lolita fantasy and desires of power.
The court registered Luke as a sex offender. After leaving prison Luke slowly started going back to his old ways and fantasizing of repeating his frustrations which led him to collect local yearbooks and a large amount of illegal internet browsing which put him in the radar of The Angels.


Luke is trapped within the metal pipes of a large angled frame with two tracks holding a very heavy cylinder. Luke's body is strapped by the chest and legs to a chair making him unable to get out or move his upper body away from the tracks. The cylinder is held on top of the metal frame by a long chain which runs from from the cylinder to a hook positioned right in front of Luke. The hook rests on a metal pipe. Luke's goal is to grab the hook and pull the chain towards him in order to pull the cylinder back and all the way up.
This way rolling the cylinder out the the tracks before a small bomb goes off by the end of the chain connecting the cylinder. If the cylinder is not out of the tracks before 1 minute, the bomb will go off exploding the chain and the cylinder will roll down towards Luke and destroy his head. But if Luke is able to pull the cylinder out, then it will land on top of a platform which will release a blade moving fast towards Luke's legs (similar to a high striker carnival game).

Thank you so much to my voice actors!:

Hunter Lewis Hayes (Luke Malick)
Jack Warner (Alexander Wofford)
Nathan Snowa (Levi Wofford)
Jeff Davis (Rafael Howard)
Dylan Walker (Officer Austin Williams)
Nathan Gentner (Officer Blake Poston)
Flynn Everard (Wesley Loving)

You can see all the Season 7 process and official images in my Patreon page:




Thank you for watching!
btw I'm so excited for SAW X!!

All Comments (21)
  • @Trentaco715
    I just realized something. The angels group has a hyperfixation on shapes, such as the ventilation cube, the cylinder and next the hexagon
  • @damnwarren7915
    Loved the lighting and overall look of the trap in this one! Its really crazy to see the contrast between season 6 and this one, not that I didn't also enjoy season 6 but the writing, visuals, and voice acting have all improved so much!
  • @HackGameX294
    I admire the take on how SAW traps can be made and used as a dark web, I am excited to see how the story gets uncovered!
  • @LightBranch4246
    Love that you reused the decapitation blade from the Blood Pool Trap. Also glad to see that it worked this time!
  • @RetroDeath
    I miss the simplicity of Saw traps, this one was perfect, simple rules, simple consequences, brutal execution. It also can't be stated enough how incredible the sets look this season!
  • @CamsterdamSPguy
    This was honestly, very, very good work mate. I mean it- it truly feels like a TV show and you can see where things are going... You should be very proud of yourself. I like you music too- you can even hear the same notes in various tracks: very Saw-esque Predicting a "Sphere" or "Pyramid" shape trap coming soon based on the theme haha Looking forward to the next one
  • You have no idea how much these videos meant to me. So glad to have you back Luis
  • I'm glad you're making videos again!! It's nice to see a continuation of this after so long, seriously.
  • @brendanm603
    I’m loving this new series! The story has me in such a trance I can’t wait to see what happens next. So glad to have you back, Luis! 🤘🤘
  • @Chaotic_melon
    This is amazing, i love how unlike the real saw traps, some poeple Actually survive the traps and become better people and i like that you continued the story with levi, amazing trap, amazing story and amazing characters!
  • @Sparda8888
    I loving the story so far! Keep it on!
  • @hamzamaruf7428
    Hey love ur videos and I have 2 trap victims ideas 4 you 1- a clown who entertains children at birthday parties who steals children’s presents 2-a couple or two friends pretend to have cast on their legs to skip lines at carnivals
  • @DraconasTenZHG
    Your series is really great, that looks like incredible amount of work, especially since it's claymation
  • @timdogg54
    Awesome work as always, very invested in the story
  • @mo1leydo1ly
    I put this on my phone to listen to as background audio while I worked but it’s getting so interesting! I was literally so focused on it! I can’t wait for more episodes!
  • @HandThing
    Heeeey man! I loved your SAW claymations when I was a kid, I’m really happy to see you still at it!
  • Well, looks like you did it again JLGR, hats off to you again!. I love how you are capturing the story that almost looks like a series, besides that the games are very cool and creative, I can't wait to see the next episode! :D
  • Was looking forward to this ever since I viewed your community post teasing this episode. I've gotten really hooked on your videos recently, and in a way, you were always in the back of my mind when I was younger. I specifically remember watching a video you made based on your very creative and original idea of a "venom-pipe trap." I have no idea why, but that video, in particular, always stuck with me. I've been a huge fan of the SAW series for quite a while now, and the content you make is always so charming to me. I can tell you put a lot of effort into the plans alone of making each episode and/or trap. You've improved so much over the years, yet your style is still so recognizable. Never stop what you're doing dude, I have a big soft spot for passion projects like this :)