Historic Canadian tourist town Jasper left devastated after 100m wildfire | BBC News

The fierce wildfire which swept through the Canadian town of Jasper in recent days melted cars to the road and turned homes to ash.

The first images of the devastation at the famous tourist town have emerged, after a 100m (328ft) firewall swept through late on Wednesday.

It has been difficult to get a sense of the scale of what happened because the fire burned out-of-control for days.

Some 25,000 people were evacuated from the town and the Jasper National Park, in Alberta.

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コメント (21)
  • @ricsi576866
    Dear Canadians, I saw and heard about a wildfire in Jasper park. Your country is very very beautiful. There are wonderful national parks,lakes and amazing places in Canada. Canada is a treasure on the wordl. I wish you to succeed in controlling the wildfires. It is a tragedy to lose your own houses. I feel for you, I know how it feels to lose a house. I wish you all the best in Canada. The love must to win Greetings from Europe Eva
  • Hello from Japan. I empathize for them. And I’ve ever been to Alberta in canada
  • A really good book to read about these new kinds of wildfires that are also never going to go away is written by a Canadian American author, and the book is called Fire Weather. it is mainly about the fire in Fort McMurray, but it covers other terrible wildfires in a few other places and it is terrifying to read. Also, you really feel the destruction of peoples lives after the fire and the deaths of wildlife.
  • The recent wildfire that ravaged the Canadian town of Jasper is truly devastating. Images reveal a scene of utter destruction, with cars melted into the road and homes reduced to ash. The scale of the disaster is staggering, especially given the fire's uncontrolled spread over several days😢😢😢😢😢😢
  • @fredatlas4396
    This is not the first time they've had wildfires in Canada that have virtually destroyed whole towns and apparently it's getting worse. The wildfires are starting earlier in the season now and getting more frequent, they are having freek weather, much hotter summers than before. I watched some time ago a program showing some yrs ago about a wildfire in a town in Alberta. The local fire service couldn't cope with it, they had to call upon fire services from another nearby state. Then a few yrs later the same town was flooded after the local river was blocked by ice and overflowed. The fire destroyed a large part of the town, homes, factories, offices everything. The fire services managed to save a part of the town, but the homes had to be cleaned and re decorated etc because of the smoke got inside them. It was absolutely awful, can't imagine. Also the river was very wide but the fire just jumped over it, how can you stop a fire like that
  • @alankirkby465
    Im English, I live in England, UK. I once visited Jasper, many years ago. I recall Jasper, being a Calm / Pleasant, place. Awful now seeing this devastation.
  • @traceyg6458
    This is tragic. I visited Jasper on one of my trips to Canada and loved it, words just don't cut it, such a shame😢
  • Very sad for you all. My darling husband & I loved visiting here in 2013 ❤
  • there are no words to express my sadness to the people of Jasper. Ive spent countless days in Jasper at various times of my childhood and Adulthood. My heartfelt prayers to all those who have lost their homes and businesses there
  • @Sharon-marie
    This is heartbreaking 💔 sending love and prayers to our Canadian neighbours 🙏 from the uk 🇬🇧
  • @Viscosunwinds
    I want every right wing supporter to know about this & doubt their toxic views
  • @midasgold4223
    I hope everyone will realize that we all need to reduce consumerism to reduce pollution/greenhouse gas to the environment, it is not only using EV, it is reducing the number of factories building poor quality stuff that eventually litter the earth. Otherwise, we will be seeing more and more wildfires and flooding all over the earth.
  • @mousaka878
    Bit late with putting up the new video of Manchester airport brawl ????
  • Someone i know moved there a year or so ago and lost everything 😞
  • @Richard-dg7bf
    One finds it impossible to shed any tears over a destroyed town and its ghastly,man-made structures (clown boxes,etc)!!!
  • @joermnyc
    The Premier of Alberta cut wildfire protection funding 5 years ago to “save money”. Rebuilding a town like this will cost so much more!