Brexit breakdown: southern discomfort | Anywhere but Westminster

Published 2019-01-24
As parliament falls into uncertainty and deadlock, John Harris and John Domokos go back on the road, sampling a very English mixture of frustration, boredom and seething anger.
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En route to Dover, a lorry driver complains about the mounting political chaos, while in Portsmouth a Brexit debate in a Wetherspoons pub gets rowdy. From warehouse employees to tech workers, everyone has their own take on Brexit. But one big question cries out for an answer: which way will get us out of this mess?

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#AnywhereButWestminster #Dover #Brexit #Immigration #BrexitBreakdown #politics #UK

All Comments (21)
  • @Senkatuka23
    That lorry driver is more intelligent than most politicians.
  • @oliverwinks168
    That truck driver (6:34) is an absolute legend. He completely nailed it! What a guy!
  • We don't talk politics, we don't talk Brexit, we don't even talk to each other.
  • @danielwebb8402
    I like his videos. He asks people why THEY voted (particularly leave) and LISTENS. Rather than talks down to them that they were wrong. Fact he visits outside London is almost unique.
  • @DarkPeak76
    "I put in an order for 30 people, I only get 15" That's an interesting mindset. He seems angry at the idea of having to attract staff to work for him rather than just ordering automatons from an agency. When employers compete to attract staff the working man wins, this was the crux of the immigration argument
  • @tombennetts3787
    It's just a shame to see someone can't even speak German without being targeted for abuse, what has our country turned into smh.
  • I think one of the things that hits home here is the homeless woman who in the past would have had support, but under the conservative government has had her benefits stopped and is now living on the streets, for missing an appointment! I've been out the UK for 9 years now and every time I come back the drop in living standards becomes more obvious
  • @MrJason005
    Say what you want about the Guardian, this series of videos are excellently made.
  • @dorbid
    Brexiteers always angry. Will always be angry. No type of Brexit will ever solve that. Being angry is the only identity they have left.
  • @wolfiesmith7674
    Love watching these pre Brexit videos post brexit. I will never enter a weatherspoons again.
  • @kaze987
    The conversation with the biker outside the factory was amazing
  • @ig7639
    Truck driver is talking so much sense
  • @hayahmelek4485
    I came to UK with own scientist project and own grants. After 4 years of work and very good promising results, my British supervisor robbed me from all this and effectively destroyed my scientific career by telling 3 weeks before the end of my contract that there will be no other contract available and that I can still work in his lab but ... without being paid... ??? Yet, for the for the entire time of my stay he was always repeating that I should not worry because it is his priority for my project to go on... You can imagine that in a highly specialised scientific field finding a new job in 3 weeks is impossible. This had also a devastating impact on my family which has fallen apart but the university did of course say that all is fine ... Decent and responsible people do not do things like this. They do not deceive others in their trust and willingness to cooperate but my story and the current Brexit issues show it clearly what the true nature of British people is and always was throughout history... I only pity Scots whom I love for being deceived once again by Cameron and his government.
  • Same people first voting for Brexit and complaining on its consequences afterwards. New level of logic.
  • @SystemBD
    "They were telling [lies], but we believed them". It's important to realise that, even if it's a little late.
  • @ButchE30M3S14
    * drops off cliff * 'IT's ALL FEARMONGERIIIIIIIIIII.....* splat *
  • @willbaren
    Brilliant comment at 3:52. Not sure that mess was his first choice of word.