Beyond Brexit, Corbyn and Johnson: Stoke's politics of hope | Anywhere but Westminster

Published 2019-11-07
In the 2016 referendum, John Harris and John Domokos watched the Staffordshire city vote heavily to leave the EU.
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Since then, some remainers say they have grown tired of hearing vox pops from leave areas such as Stoke. But away from the election's noise and the political polarisation in the city, which has made one local MP's life incredibly difficult, there are trailblazing efforts to turn Stoke around, which we can all learn from

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#AnywhereButWestminster #Stoke #StokeOnTrent #Brexit #Politics #UK

All Comments (21)
    Lived there for 4/5 years. They have more issues than brexit.
  • @peteradaniel
    The problem I have with Vox pop is that their’s never a resolution. “It’s not about Boris or Jezza”: it’s exactly about Boris or Jezza. The Tories blamed the recession on labour incompetence and used it as an excuse to cut funding over the last ten years. This lack of money has exacerbated social tensions which they’ve exploited in a referendum on completely spurious grounds. Another 5 years of Tories means another 5 years of manufactured instability, class conflict and demonisation of the poor. That’s my problem with this Vox pop, it’s inconclusive. It amplifies the bewildered, muddled voice of the public, but never produces any clarity.
  • @SimianEncounter
    'the economy is going to tank, we'll lose 8% of GDP over 10 years' 'it'll come back' How encouraging.
  • @Dessydd
    And all these moments will be lost, in time. Like tears in rain
  • @public.public
    40 plus years of neoliberal lead parties and government... what could possibly go wrong? The establishment is by now regretting not introducing proportional representation 20 years ago. Did the middle class really think their piss on the poor policy would last forever without a reaction of some kind? The continual 'choice' of one neoliberal lead governemnt or another neoliberal lead governemnt or another neoliberal lead governemnt cornered a lot of people into ever increasing poverty. And like ANY cornered animal people lashed out... with brexit. Even though it will only crash the pound, as it was funded to do, and drive poverty even deeper and wider spread and leave OUR UK open to speculators and asset strippers from all over the world.
  • @BuddhistJihad
    This series is one of the best political things I've seen in a long time. Top work lads
  • @KingdomEnfilade
    MP walks into Turkey factory. 'What you voting for?' 'Christmas.' 'And you?' 'Christmas.' Narrator: 'all these turkeys have been eaten.'
  • @agt155
    500 Pottery factories closed since we joined the EU, then the last one closes and the Guardian suggests leaving the EU is the problem.
  • @karlanthony6715
    I grew up in Stoke and it has always returned Labour MPs. The film highlighted that the Labour party wants to remain but Labour voters, voted to leave. The question raised is do MPs represent their constituents or their political party's?
  • Political vox-pops are very optimistic in a way cardiac vox-pops aren't. No one conducting cardiac vox-pops expects Pete the electrician from Stoke on Trent to have more insight into cardiac surgery than a cardiac surgeon.
  • @MetalheadBen88
    I'm a very atypical person to be interested in anything the guardian makes (and I know the guardian account posted this but I consider it your material rather than theirs :) ), but it makes me sad to see you're considering yourself among the silly vox pops nonsense. Despite the fact I really am not a fan of the guardian's stuff, I think your journalism has been extremely fascinating in many ways, for readers/watchers/listeners who may be anywhere in the political spectrum. I have watched your material for a long time, and sincerely hope you continue to practise journalism. Have a great weekend~
  • @Maxime_K-G
    8:16 I agree that locals often know best people how to fix their own communities. But when we're super dependent on bad government planning it always fails regardless.
  • @spritecut
    I really enjoy these conversational gonzo journalism pieces, I wouldn’t really describe the as Vox pops.
  • @jake4101
    Stoke hasn't bounced back from the 1st Industrial Revolution yet.
  • @jibcot8541
    It makes me sad how John seems to have lost a lot of enthusiasm for covering Brexit since 3 years ago, but haven't we all! This country is going to be so screwed up and divided over this for decades, I don't feel like it's my country anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if there was mass demonstrations like in Hong Kong if it all goes wrong.