EU referendum: welcome to the divided, angry Kingdom | Anywhere but Westminster

Published 2016-06-22
As the big vote approaches and many voices say the EU referendum has whipped up the politics of hate, John Harris and John Domokos go on a five-day road trip from post-industrial Labour towns to rural Tory heartlands.
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In Birmingham, Leave voters cross racial and cultural divides; in Manchester, students uniformly back Remain; while people in the city’s neglected edgelands want out. And one fact burns through: whatever the result, the UK’s grave social problems look set to deepen

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All Comments (21)
  • @cookiej2011
    I love how at 3:38 when he mentioned the names of David Cameron, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn the camera focused on the road sign of a place called 'Three Cocks'.
  • @mart284
    This is probably the best video i have seen about the referendum. Not only does it show both sides equally, it also doesn't stereotype the voters like most reporting video's/articles do. I don't think giving my opinion on this topic matters since i'm from the Netherlands, but it is sad to see the UK in such a bad state at the moment, I hoped that they would have stayed in.
  • @craig581
    They were people who were angry, suffered job loss, wage cuts, austerity. This has been going on for decades. These were the people who were ignored. They didn't care about the pound or economics because they had very few to count. The lack of sympathy towards these people showed for generations. People who were privileged to receive high educational, job opportunities, prosperous futures due to who they are and what background they came from. There was, and still is an anger. An anger about inequality in this country. A country that is supposed to be one of the richest economies in the world, yet we still see food banks opening.
  • @QueenRhaenyra
    Those wise words of "even the middle class will feel it now" said a day before the referendum has now come to roost as the bank of England rose interest rates to 3%. Enjoy your Brexit or admit you got it wrong
  • @FintanHynes
    Wow, the EU seems to be cause of all problems in the UK. It's going to be so wonderful if they leave as all these problems will go away.......
  • @MartinBluck
    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” -- Joseph Goebbels
  • @z4k4z
    None of the recession and crappy life conditions are the fault of EU membership. Tory austerity. Voting "Leave" is wrong-headed.
  • @paulparis6347
    As a german, I'm very sad about the Bristish referendum. It seems as if many people's decision was based on their emotion rather than rational data and political/economical facts. Many people have not considered that the reason for their problems might not be the EU membership, but social problems within the nation itself.
  • Crazy looking back at this now, in 2023. 4% reduction in gdp attributable to Brexit, various sectors struggling to find workers, highest inflation in the G7 and lowest economic growth forecast in the G20 (below even Russia). Not to mention the potential tearing up of hard fought for workers rights etc.
  • @LRC92
    People seem to have forgotten we've just been through 6 years of austerity.
  • @Crosmando
    When are Britain going to leave NATO? If having laws and rules dictated by Brussels is unacceptable, then so is having the British armed forces under the command of a foreign (American-dominated) organization. Or is Brexit less about "independence" and more about getting closer to America?
  • @user-sq3ke5nz3l
    Shutting yourself inside your house seem like a great idea when you feel threatened. Until your house starts burning and you can't get out.
  • As a scottish man, let me give a warning to the remainder of the UK. Regardless of the outcome (and I won't be promoting either argument, that's not what my comment is intended for) the post-referendum UK has huge potential to be followed with bitterness and growing hate amongst one another for the foreseeable future unless action is taken immediately. Whatever the outcome, let us agree to move on and live with the result, and take the best course of action for the country for whatever situation we find ourselves in. After the scottish referendum, my country has never been the same and I blame both The Yes campaign and Better Together for offering nothing but hostility to one another. I don't want this to be repeated; if you aren't living in Scotland you cannot possibly even comprehend how depressing it is. It's heart breaking walking through streets and being ignored by people who were considered friends but now refuse to even look at you :( Please learn from this
  • @tingastar10
    This is happening because all of the MP's resides in the South and haven't got a clue how the citizens in the north are struggling desperately in getting by. MP's think everywhere is doing great because London is dripping with everything they need, but many outside the London bubble are literally starving and the MP's really don't care. British politics really need a drastic change of different type of politicians, the Brexit vote was a message to these politicians.
  • @beltingtokra
    For the record, in 2016 I was applying for jobs and I was broke, zero hours contracts etc, and I voted to remain because I saw through the lies of the Brexiteers. It has made us worse off as a society, have these people's lives Improved? Thought not.
  • @Preeno
    Who’s watching this in 2019?
  • @battles423
    This is my first time watching this. It’s 2022 and the UK is really suffering now. They almost crash their own economy and the pound.
  • @Listman11
    The problem is that the unskilled workers are being replaced by cheaper foreign labour. The stay was arguing that staying is a net positive. But what good is it if the positive only help the top half of the economic ladder?
  • @adamapple3006
    "We live in the 21st century, get with it" Wow, what great, constructive advice for the unemployed in a deprived area. A great example of the out of touch opinions that put those on low incomes off remain