Watch as I analyze and critique our subscribers rabbit habitats! \\ Please check out the Roborock S7 Auto empty dock here:

➭ Lennon's instagram:
➭ Lorelei's instagram:
➭ 2nd youtube channel:

✰ MERCH ✰…

Hay & Pellets (USA): (10% Discount)
Hay & Pellets (UK): (20% Discount)
Zen Tranquility Blend: (10% Discount)
Wonderland Play table: (10% Discount)
Pet First Aid Kit:
Rabbit Emergency Food Kit:
Pet Remedy (liquid):
Pet Remedy Travel Wipes:
Pet Stroller:
Odor Remover:
Storage Cubes:
Cord Protector:
Corner Wall Protector:
Puppy Wee Pads:
Oxbow Critical Care:
Metal Playpen:
Pop-up Playpen:
Covered litter box #1:
Covered litter box #2:
Travel (portable) litter box:
Bunny Carrier #1:
Bunny Carrier #2:
Collapsible Bowls:
Vest Harness:
Emergency Rabbit Window Sticker:
Feeding Syringe:


✰ Disclaimer ✰
I am not vet. Please contact a rabbit-savvy vet for any medical emergencies.
Always monitor your rabbits around new products or environmental changes.

#bunny #freeroamrabbit #rabbit

コメント (21)
  • I love this video. She gives specific details to make other people’s rabbits have a good habitat. My rabbit started from a cage and playpen to free roam when I see her videos. My rabbit is so happy ever since she has been free roaming.
  • Number 4 was mine! It means a lot that you included my set up as I went through trial and error making it look and function how it does today. Your channel literally made my bun's quality of life so much better. Thank you!
  • My rabbit recently passed away, watching your videos educated me on how to take care of rabbit and give her the best life she can. I know she lived the best life and was happy. So thank you and I hope you continue doing this and educating people on rabbit care so rabbits can live their best life
  • While I don’t personally have a rabbit, I am a grand-bunny-mom to my daughters well loved girl bunny! I have been following since she came into our lives! As a rescue she had to adjust to loving care, she was found in a parking lot by a rescue center owner! Must have been meant to be! It is so interesting to see habitats from all over the world! Blessed and safe days!
  • YAY! Thank you for doing another reaction video! “Rabbitats” Thank you for all you do for the bunny community, your voice has changed so many bunny’s lives.
  • Another amazing video, I love how you’re never afraid of telling people that there cage isn’t the best because if nobody could then bunnies would be something else to this world. Thank you for making all bunnies life’s better
  • I love the modern and sleek vibe people have for their rabbits, like honestly it’s stunning.
  • Oh gosh I loved them all. You have such attention to details that I would have missed if you hadn’t mentioned them. I want to thank you so much for this channel. When I brought my sweet boy home last April I did your litter box set up and it has been absolutely perfect. My guy is 100% free roam and is such a joy in our lives. ❤️❤️
  • @julesb777
    Words cannot express how excited I was when my rabbit and his setup popped up! We were number four! I could not survive college without my little guy with me and I will probably ask for a hidey house this Christmas!
  • @kassid.y
    right now, since my bun is young i have a ‘bunny condo’ as i like to call it. but after she is spayed i hope we can work on a free roaming situation. you’ve been such an inspiration. 🥰🐰
  • I've been watching since 2017 when I got my first pair of rabbits! They've gone from a small x-pen to having free-range of the Living Room. Thanks for your guidance over the years!
  • I get so excited when you post a new video! I actually just started having my bunny free roamed in my room which was exciting, and I shopped at HomeGoods after your video about going there. She is very happy right now and living the life lol! Thank you so much for making these videos for all the Lennies, we are all thankful so thank you! :)
  • @amylee435
    In defense for habitat 8, my bunny also lived in the bottom half of the closet as their home base and then free roam my bedroom when I was home because at the time I was renting out 1 bedroom from my landlord so I literally only had 1 small room to live in and have all my stuff despite having so much house available (but not available for me to use). Luckily, my clothing didn't smell (at least not that I was aware) but they were more prone to getting rabbit fur on them, which was why I also had an air filter as part of the enclosure
  • Hi Lorelie and Lennon! Thank you for featuring Bellflower & Bun Xéo's room the "Bunny Cafe"! What a pleasant surprise this morning! I wish I wrote you more info about it, so here it: The two buns have this as their dedicated room, they can also free roam beyond to our hallway and bedroom. Of all the other setups I really loved the one with ramps to the window look out! Very cute.
  • @Kiku91
    I think I found your channel around 2016-2017, because I was grieving the last of my childhood bunnies and your channel opened my eyes, as I raised my childhood bunnies with outdated knowledge, and though I knew they were loved, I knew I could do better. I watched your videos to mentally and financially prepare myself, and adopted my current pair in 2018. So thank you again for being a great and encouraging resource and advocate.
  • hi! thanks to you, I would have kept my bunny in a cage, and not giving him enough hay, now he has many hay feeders everywhere in his room, as well as a whole spare room to himself, and bring him out for exercise throughout the day (the whole apartment) he has a covered litter box, and a camera in his room. I have learned so much I basically raised my sweet boy from your vidoes! so im sooo soo thankful for you & your channel!
  • As someone new to bunny keeping, (my current bonded pair is my first) I’ve only owned them for 3 weeks and I’m already noticing how sweet rabbits are. Today for the first time while I was petting one of them and I heard a bunny purr. They free roam my living room and I’m currently trying to introduce them to the rest of the floor but bunnies are amazing!
  • @beag99
    I have been watching you for 7 months now! You helped me and my rabbits so much! Also, for school I had to write an essay about my real-life superhero, and I wrote about you! You're a real superhero! :)
  • When I found your channel I had just picked up 2 bunny’s not knowing what I was getting into and you helped me so much. Sadly now I have no bunnies and am so heartbroken and I miss them so much