Ethan's Depersonalization Recovery Story

Published 2022-11-15
⚡ Start YOUR 💯 recovery from DPDR today! 👉🏼

01:43 - DPDR triggered by Weed
03:00 - Ethan's DPDR Symptoms
04:00 - Weed-Induced Depersonalization
08:19 - Going to the Hospital
11:50 - Anxiety makes you misinterpret symptoms
12:45 - The strongest DPDR symptom
15:00 - Neck and Shoulder Pain
16:30 - Telling Family + Friends about DPDR
18:20 - DPDR being worse in the Morning / Evening
21:30 - Becoming obsessed with DPDR
23:18 - Hitting the Lowest Point
25:18 - Personal Hygiene and Showering
28:46 - Driving with Depersonalization
31:37 - Finding the term 'Depersonalization'
33:26 - Starting recovery from DPDR
36:22 - The DP Manual
37:40 - What does Depersonalization recovery feel like?
42:01 - Looking back on DPDR after recovery
45:11 - Watching SciFi / Horror films with DPDR
49:04 - Life after Depersonalization

Check out my website and recovery program at:

Connect with me!

Disclaimer: Please note that the medical information contained within this video is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a professional physician and is not a recommendation of specific therap

All Comments (21)
  • Shaun, the information in your manual has helped me more than any therapy ever has. It’s been about 3 three weeks since I purchased the dp manual and you have helped me get my life back. I still experience anxiety here & there but the symptoms from dp are long gone due to the combination from reading your manual and making some crucial lifestyle changes.
  • @kateeee_15
    If you are reading this know that you will be okay and that this is temporary! The more you calm the anxiety about the dp, the better you will be. Also, remember to not give those crazy thoughts any more energy, they aren’t true! You are here, on earth, with all the other billions of people, just as you always have been. I went through this and 100% got better. Be consistent and patient and you will get results with the manual. Having anxiety sucks but you are stronger than it, I promise!
  • @PJ-Hoops
    Im fully recovered guyyys!!!!!! Im so happy. I know that everyone has it in them to fully recover . Does someone wants to share their situation with me?
  • @altanilcin958
    I'm not fully healed, but I've come a long way. I love you my friend. Your articles have been very helpful. I'll make a video when it's 100% good. REMEMBER THIS IS NOT A DISEASE! YOU ARE NOT SICK !
  • The DP manual has helped me a lot ! Not fully recovered! But I’m on the road to recovery ! Can’t wait to start living my life again !
  • @abelalex6114
    Not gonna lie, i felt I'd never recover from it. But it's over 2 years now and i can't remember when last i had any symptoms
  • Hey Shaun, It’s been a while since I watched these videos. But I am doing amazing, following all your steps. I just really took Time to focus on myself and reconnect to life. Im going to be 16 this year, and I am looking forward to a full recovery. 🙏🙏
  • @PromoMIAR
    Ethan has articulated his symptoms very well here. "Rubber band" makes great sense. Very interesting to hear the different ways to describe such bizzarre sensations. Thanks to you both.
  • @sam5694
    This channel has actually put things into perspective for me and I am finally realising and getting help. I have had DPDR and bad OCD for about 15 years (from what I can recall). I am now in my 20s and conscious of my experiences, it's all about being conscious and actually realising you may have issues which can take a while. Unfortunately for me it started when I was 12 and I went through school with it and now into my 20s as you get older you become aware of things. I really appreciate this channel for raising the awareness and helping so many people. I dont know anyone who has had it as long as me but hopefully now I can get to a recovery stage and start being who I have always wanted to be. P.S I really do believe some social media platforms and pornography from an early age could create these issues and how it effects the brain and how we're put into programs. Joe dispenza has really helped me for anyone seeking more help. Thanks.
  • @kenzooo7088
    I’m here to say that you will get through this! I experienced DP/DR for months on end not knowing how to function and having anxiety attacks everyday. I feared everything and it came on very quickly. You will eventually grow used to how to react towards it but, it takes time! My best advice would be to stop looking it up on google and how to fix it because you’ll ultimately focus on it more, find distractions like hobbies or something to do, and remind yourself that this is only temporary and that your in the present I tried meditation. Hope this helps :)
  • @chickadee317
    Listening to this is so reassurin as I my way to a dentist appointment today my head started feeling fuzzy when I left the house. I felt like I was on a drug and felt my heart racing, the fear of my experience became so overwhelming I sat down in the wet street thinking I was having a heart attack. I have panic attacks so I eventually calmed down enough to continue my journey but it was difficult as I was having derealisation and a bit "hung over" from the panic attack adrenaline. I got to the dentist and the bright lights and people brought on another panic attack as I waited. I wanted so much to just run away but I knew the feeling would follow me anyway and I really needed the work on my tooth done. I got into the dentist chair and felt a bit calmer as "I was doing it, my anxiety didn't prevent it" the work on my tooth actually grounded me a bit but on the way home I was still checked out and exhausted by my panic. When I was on the bus it was so dark and I couldn't recognise where the bus was, everything looked and sounded distorted and I was really concerned I'm going crazy or have a medical issue. Hearing the commonalities in these stories is real solace for me right now. I'm determined to heal from this. I hope whoever reads this knows I'm rooting for you too.
  • @kokonana7475
    Hi Shaun you create your new youtube vlogs channel the people are motivated to watch your videos.Lots of love for you ❤️.
  • Its good to hear that this guy is better! I have the same story, extremely bad panic attack caused by weed, this happened this year july 8,and i have dr evere since, i dont feel any symptoms of dp, only dr,in the beggining i used to panic over it a lot because i didnt understand what was happening, but then luckily i found your youtube channel which iam so thank full about ❤️, and then i understand the whole thing and iam not that worried about it anymore, BUT.. 2 days ago i was sitting on a chair in my house and i looked outside the Window and i saw the tippical "unreality" of everything but i was lik:"meh its jut the dr" but then all the sudden i felt something that i havent felt before then, my house which i live in for 17 yrs now, it not just feelt unreal which was okay for me because i know that it was dr but it seemed completelly unfamilliar and it scared me because even tho i had dr for 3 months by then and i got used to the feeling,but i havent feelt this before, like i know that i was in my house sitting on a chair but it feelt completelly unfamilliar, like that typical feeling about my home was gone like i was in a completelly different place for the first time, and i looked outside my Window and my street and everything about it feelt completelly unfamilliar, and this is my only question towards you, is it dr, is it normal to look at familiar things and walk at for an example places in my city where i w been thousands of times in my life and not having that typical feeling about it, like feeling like beeing in a completelly different, unfamilliar place?
  • @xbxllj
    I’m 9 months in with this, it’s 24/7, I can’t wait until I fully recover, sometimes I have my good days then sometimes I have setbacks where it seems like i’m starting back from day 1. I haven’t even had a panic attack since july but I definitely do live a stressful life right now because of my financial situation. Hopefully one day I can buy your manual when I get money or maybe i’ll be able to recover without it. Will see. Love the video!
  • Hello! My derealization and depersonalization started 1 year ago after a bad trip and now I'm much better. During the first 4 months, it was very hard. Then I tried to get out of it. (meditation, breathing exercises, see my friends). And infact what really made me "cure" is acceptation. I accepted that if it had to, i could live with these symptoms for the rest of my life. Because in fact it's only symptoms. And even with dr/dp you can keep running, talking, laughing. I realized that I could stop paying attention to it because I wasn't in danger and I wasn't sick. I could go on with my life despite these symptoms. So take the time you need but accept and welcome these symptoms, it will take time but that's the key. Today I do not do derealization or depersonalization anymore except sometimes when I'm really tired but it's like everyone else and it doesn't scare me anymore!
  • @t0adstoolll
    I love seeing this dpdr videos. Shedding a light on it makes me feel so much less alone. Another thing Iw anted to add was can you please make a video about a connection with dp and being sick? I recently got the flu and during being sick I have had the worst dp episode in my life. The episode has lasted around 3 days in a row and I feel so overwhelmed. Is it normal for dp to happen when you get sick?
  • @xxreens420xx7
    Experienced it twice before now and now I'm struggling again, I also realised mine was triggered by smoking cannabis, I am also on medication due to other underlying mental health conditions, I've never had therapy and its hard to get in the UK, especially the right kind, I'd love to be able to purchase your book but have so many financial struggles, it's really effecting my daily life, I am a single mother and the intrusive thoughts are so bad, I've tried yoga, meditation all sorts I just feel like I'm not getting anywhere, these videos give me hope, mine flare up, go away then come back 6+ months later ..