Bedrock's Redstone SUCKS, Here's Why.

Published 2023-02-17

All Comments (21)
  • As one smart redditor once said Java edition redstone is like 2 + 2 = 5 Bedrock redstone is like 2 + 2 = 4, sometimes 2 and sometimes 7
  • Bedrock is better for beginners, the problem with being better for beginners is that you can do less. Java may be harder to learn but the skill ceiling is enormous
    The language isn't the problem, it's the structure you make with it. It's not impossible for parity between languages, they just didn't for some reason.
  • @ArtyI
    Old Minecraft devs: oh oops pistons think they're doors. Wait that's useful? Fine, enjoy! New Minecraft devs: Oh the copper lamp takes a tick to update? NUKE IT, FUCK THE UTILITY
  • @kgaming7599
    I was actually confused about QC until you said they copied the door. Now everything makes sense 😂
  • @dzrknss
    As a bedrock main myself, I can fully agree with this statement.
  • @kerbaltubehd5737
    As someone who started out with bedrock redstone and is transitioning to Java, I can safely say that Java redstone is miles ahead of what bedrock has
  • @basdejong1598
    Years ago, I switched from bedrock (PE back then) to Java and never looked back. The only thing I miss about Pocket Edition is that you had moveable tile entities. Allows for some fun hidden traps.
  • @lolli_popples
    Me: This doesn’t seem so bad. Purplers: Observers don’t detect noteblocks. Me: bro what
  • @Flamme-Sanabi
    Also, this video actually made me understand how QC works. Pistons have the hitbox of a door.
  • @cm4nxd
    Also if you don’t mind modding, you can add those nice bedrock features to Java, like movable tile entities and redstone on glass etc.
  • @Micke_113
    As a bedrock redstoner I can say, bedrock redstone sucks
  • @pezpizza6475
    what makes this worse is there was nothing stopping them making Redstone act the same on bedrock during development because there's already an identical system they could have worked from in c++ on the original console versions of the game Redstone acts identically to java and is written in c++
  • @ovencake523
    the thing is, you can add all the benefits of bedrock redstone to java through mods with none of the drawbacks, but not the other way around
  • @giddledude
    I feel like a good solution to Pistons is adding a new variant to both that acts as it counter part, thus adding java pistons to bedrock and bedrock pistons to java.
  • @SnoFitzroy
    I've been using a binary counter in my current survival world that makes use of QC. I built it by following a tutorial because I simply needed smth that worked - this video saying "Pistons think they're doors" suddenly made everythign about this machine click for me. It works by quasi powering pistons to push redstone blocks under other pistons, that push blocks onto the quasi powered pistons, allowing for a signal to go through that block the next time a pulse comes through, quasi powering the next piston in the line. I could never have intuited how this works, but now that I know that pistons think they're doors, I can actually use this info to maybe make some of my own stuff. I feel so much smarter about redstone for simply understanding a glitch that was changed to be a feature!
  • It’s also true that a lot of the positives you mentioned with Bedrock redstone can be modded to Java minecraft without sacrificing any of the good things in Java minecraft.
  • Real Bedrock players will never feel offended by this video, this is the purest form of truth regarding the bedrock and Java differences. You're tha man.
  • @Jack_Zandara
    I feel I need to defend bedrock a bit. Bedrock is inferior in the way it is because it's getting held back by mobile. EVERYTHING has to be functional on mobile or mojang doesn't ad it, that's why bedrock doesn't have a functional off-hand. Bedrock has many cool exclusive features, but in the end it doesn't matter because mobile support basically lobotomizes it.
  • @masonaxenty4869
    I remember designing a 3x3 flush piston door in bedrock and had the worst time with piston retraction order. The door would frequently break because I was powering multiple pistons at the same time, but wasn’t able to find a way to make the redstone compact enough to find any other solution.