[4 WEEKS DELAYED] Hello 2024 and Goodbye 2023

Publicado 2024-01-27
Hello everyone! Happy late new year! It is now 2024 and I started off the year on YouTube by delaying the new years video because I am busy and I value my life over my crappy YouTube channel so here I am.

As a promise and an apology, I will start to upload my normal videos again after this new years video around 24 hours after this video releases which is good. So I hope you guys so far had a nice happy new year and a nice run through the month of January. Stay tuned soon and don't get too impatient, I am trying my best to manage both of my lives right now.

About my upload schedule, it will go from a randomized order of either daily uploads to every 3 day uploads which is still fine for you guys I suppose. I will be doing this to around the second week of February and then I will go back to 3-4 day uploads. During that time I will start to make long form videos again and that will be good.

In about a couple weeks time in February my school will have a small break for the students to rest and relax. On that week I will be finally returning to live streaming again and hopefully we can have some fun when that week comes by. I will be uploading more videos on that week too so prepare for some more interesting long form videos.

Also you guys please go check my community posts for more info on this so that I can provide small bits of info over time and not have to type an essay like this one. It will be useful, trust me.

Yeah I'm done with the info now you guys can stop reading this description now. But also Happy VERY LATE New Year 2024! If you haven't subscribe and somehow made your way to the end of this description please do subscribe, it will help my growth and so I can start to realize that all my subscribers have not left my channel yet.

This is the longest I have typed but that is how it is I guess. No links, no other things, just a long essay on what is going to happen in this one new years description. But that is how it is I guess. Remember to keep checking my community posts, it will help. This is all the info I have for now so the rest of the info that I will soon talk about will then be on the community posts. But anyways, goodbye!

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