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0 subscribers

About Neotecho123

This is a gaming channel made by Neotecho123 Gamesz (sorry for my cringe channel username I made it 4 years ago πŸ’€).
Current goofy ahh milestone: 100 subs and 20,000 views (took me 2 years to get 10,000 more views man wtf).
Possible goals I *might* reach:
100 Subs: βœ… 22/5/2021
200 Subs: βŒπŸ’€ (help me)
300 Subs: ❌
400 Subs: ❌
500 Subs: ❌
1000 Subs: ❌
I will make videos for no reason because I can't stop hitting the YouTube grind. (I changed the channel bio lmao)
From 17/2/2024 I am starting to change my channel preferences so that it won't appear as cringe as it used to be even though it is still cringe. I am going to change everything soon starting with the layout and more. I got rid of the channel trailer and featured video because they are now irrelevant. That is it for now.

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