Here's Why The Production Cybertruck is a Failure - TheSmokingTire

Published 2024-05-17
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The Tesla Cybertruck is perhaps the most hyped vehicle of the last 12 months. Looking like nothing else on the road, the truck promises "Truck 2.0" meaning a new evolution of what a pickup truck can be. But in reality, it disappoints on almost every level, mostly because everything about it is in service to a shape and design that doesn't work in reality. Here are a bunch of reasons why driving one didn't change my mind that it's deeply stupid.

Out of Spec Motoring provided the vehicle for this review.

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Here's Why The Production Cybertruck is a Failure - TheSmokingTire

All Comments (21)
  • @rugbyguitargod
    The beeping at 18:28 was probably the truck letting you know that you had exceeded its daily allowable limit of verbal criticism lmao
  • @ArthurSperotto
    America has no pedestrian impact standards?! Bring back pop up headlights!
  • It's kind of wild that America gives us the FREEDOM to buy a steel monster truck with NO safety precautions for people outside of it, but we can't buy a Japanese Kei truck unless we import one that's 25 years old or orlder.
  • @DCG909
    As a former sheetmetal engineer, I had my doubts about the cybertruck, but the close ups of the front and rear only made it worse....
  • Petition for a Matt's cooking video where he can only use the cybertruck to prepare the dish 🤣
  • "The word 'cyber' hasn't been cool since it followed by 'sex' in the '90s" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Omfg, a man of history
  • EU automotive engineer here, we have (by law) child safety, in this form, the cyber truck can't be sold in the EU.
  • My mother saw one at the grocery store, asked what it was, and her only reply was "It looks homemade" I got a good laugh
  • @josefgordon7712
    Being a “screen solution” company I’m shocked the rear view mirror doesn’t switch to a screen for the rear camera when the cover blocks the window.
  • @BogeyTheBear
    16:39 It's an apocalypse-class vehicle, if your idea of the apocalypse is navigating the mall parking lot on Black Friday.
  • 'At this point, I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on earth', yes Elon, of course you do
  • @ReadTheShrill
    9:55 Little did he know, that by using a cucumber on his Cybertruck, he voided the warranty and did irreparable damage to the electrical system.
  • @bman828
    Time to break out the popcorn
  • @downshiftpedal
    Imagine if any other manufacturer produced this this knife edge unfinished product.
  • I was a fan of the design when it launched. I was under the (perhaps naive) impression that the design must have been driven by an engineering process. We always hear about Elon's companies being driven by "first principles" and hardcore engineering know-how. The price was amazing. The range was amazing. The "exoskeleton" concept was amazing. Here was an engineering marvel in the form of a work of art being sold at a price that couldn't be beat! And just imagine... if THIS was the first electric truck on your block, ,that might get some conversations going about electric trucks. And then. Sigh. The first hint that all of it was a lie was the windsheild wiper reveal. If the design had been driven by engineering, then surely that would have included them solving the wiper problem. The over-sized, over-priced wiper just sort of tacked on as an afterhtought proved that this wasn't even remotely first principles... more like last principles. Instead of form follows function, we have function compromised by form. Then we find out it will cost twice what it was supposed to. Then we find out it only gets a fraction of the range it was supposed to. Then we find out the towing rating is lower. Then we find out that the exoskeleton thing was complete rubbish and it's basically a traditional body-on-frame design with a very heavy body on that frame. And we find out that despite being praised as a cheaper, faster alternative to stamping, Tesla actually found it very difficult and expensive to impliment manufacturing of the body. And then we see the interior and instead of minimalist, futuristic, sleek but still ergonomic... it just looks cheap and crappy and not really well thought-out at all. And worst of all... instead of being the first electric truck on the block... it's the last. Companies who announced their trucks after the Cybertruck reveal still beat them to market. There are a few interesting things happening with the Cybertruck in terms of innovative manufacturing, but like you said, none of them are consequential to the form factor. It misses basically every mark Elon set for it... even in the looks department because that wiper is hideous and dumb. They couldn't even do that right. Baffling.
  • @ccharlot
    "This rubber that's forcing itself out like a tumor" is hilarious
  • What you want in the apocalypse is Running on plant matter, Full self driving Full self defending And something you can eat when it stops working You want a horse.
  • @demcomp
    Whoever thought Kinder Surprise eggs were more dangerous in the US than a Cybertruck.. 🤣
  • @tz8633
    "I'm not going to make fun of you... to your face." 🤣🤣🤣🤣