How To Cure "Brain Fog" | 3 Tips for Mental Clarity

Published 2019-01-23

All Comments (21)
  • @PolarSky
    What has worked for me: - Cutting down technology use. This includes checking my phone/Facebook regularly. I only have a glance three or so times a day. I feel for me personally this was the biggest culprit for such fog. - trying to avoid processed foods when possible, having a predominately plant based diet - aiming for better sleep - a decent morning routine (exercise, shower, meditate) - reading books daily - time management and regular goal setting
    I just realised i can't even concentrate on this video because i was scrolling through comments while it was playing
  • 1. Over stimulation; dopamine fast, meditation, less stimulation 2. Prevent being scattered; don't procrastinate, minimize the internal worry.Write goals, objectives and tasks; prevents sub conscious worry 3. General health; sleep, water, food, exercise (most important)
  • @derposki
    "Don't procrastinate" Yeah...totally not watching this as a form of procrastination.
  • @analuizauchida
    Tips: 1. Meditation 2. Don’t procrastinate 3. Write down your goals 4. Exercise
  • My brain fog can almost make me feel intoxicated at times. Anyone else feel like this?
  • @KazzyOfficial
    You're one of the best content creators I've come across
  • You know what really sucks? Trying to watch a video about brain fog while experiencing brain fog so intense you forget what's being said moments after its said. I swear it's like being on LSD but not as trippy and more painful.
  • Love this guy. He makes fun of himself on camera and keeps it moving. Not hiding or editing his mistakes and fumbling over his words makes him an authentic raw human being 👍
  • @AntiParallali
    The part about giving your subconscious mind too many things to hold onto was spot on! I'm putting things down on paper right now and it's helping already!
  • @Xoaeb100
    "when you have a task to do, write it down it'll free up mental RAM" I'm so gonna use this sentence furthermore in life
  • @KikiMoralez
    Im glad I’ve finally been able to realise what was wrong with me. Im tired of not being able to recall what I did yesterday, realised that I remember significantly less at work and just being mentally tired. It’s so sad that I actually need to write all the points of this video down because I’m already struggling to list the points 😩
  • @ashdonsimmons01
    I’ve been taking all the daily supplements, working out, and drinking plenty of water and quit social media. For the past month or so I’ve felt like a different person mentally and physically, I feel like my life is back on track.
  • @XxGiO13xX
    Man , this is awesome. I never understood exactly why I had brain fog on certain days, but you literally hit it on the head. I procrastinate and then worry, Now that I understand this and to write shit down, it sounds so simple but until you made a video about it, I truly didnt realize this was the cause of it. I'm now eating much healthier, no sugar or carbs, that really helped, but some days were still plagued with brain fog, and it happened to be when I was worrying about stuff I had to do that I put aside. Thanks man! (Subscribed) Keep these videos up, their awesome.
  • @AppelhansRS
    You really touched on the solution with meditation. I can explain. Everything is solved by it. Before cell phones and tablets, it used to be that you'd stare out the window when riding in a car, daydream nearly everywhere, wait in line, talk to people face to face 90% of the time etc. There were many quiet moments throughout the day. These were moments for our spirit (mind) and soul (emotions) to rest. These words, spirit and soul, are actually defined as mind and emotions in the Greek found in the Bible. It's rarer today, but there used to be these moments, and a little voice inside would tell you "You're special. You're loved. Why don't you try doing this? That's not good for you, don't do that. Why don't you talk to so-and-so? Help that person. Be respectful. You have so much potential." There is peace in silence because there is healing in silence of what is out of order. The voice of God puts things back in order. We've become spiritually deaf by being consumed with noise and activity. Moderation is life changing.
  • One of the best videos I’ve ever seen. I suffer with this on a daily basis, only having roughly a day a month where it doesn’t affect me. For years I have tried my absolute hardest to try and feel productive, awake and present and have only been focusing on health (which u mention). However, I have not considered the other factors and causes that u mention in this video. Now that u have, I can see 100% the effect that my actions are having, and why they’re causing me to feel like this. Thank you so much for making this, I’m really looking forward to implementing these tips and seeing how I improve.
  • @DanXDelion
    8:29 this. Fake being an energetic person until your body & brain believe you - and do everything to support you in being more energetic. Works tremendously well!