What to do when you feel stuck in your DPDR Recovery journey


コメント (5)
    Hello, i'd like to tell everyone who has problems that it will all pass and to not focus too much on what other people say online since, well those who have healed tend to want to forget what happened and just move on with it. I also had problems with existensialism and i think ive managed it, partly thanks to Robin i think. Don't worry about it too much try to do what you like even though you might not have that at the moment and time will do the rest :>
  • Hi Robin, I just want to say thank you so much for all you do. Months ago I was in such a state and I am now feeling so much happier. Felt like I wouldn't get out of it because of the nature of DPDR and existential anxiety, but with exercise, yoga and meditation and doing things I usually enjoy, like getting out and about, it has 'dissolved'. I think the greatest thing was finding your channel and learning I'm not going mad and my thoughts are not dangerous. The thoughts are not your true beliefs. It is fear of the thoughts that amplifies them and scares you more. It really is about welcoming everything. Welcoming the way you view the world. Once again, thank you Robin, you're helping set me up for a happy and peaceful life.
  • @mingramh
    Great idea, thanks!!!! Have fun on vacation.