美國航空 B777 商務艙 (洛杉磯 - 香港) American Airlines B777 Business Class (Los Angeles to Hong Kong)

Published 2019-04-16

日期/時間: 2018年12月22日 11:50pm
出發地點: 洛杉磯國際機場
目的地: 香港國際機場
航班編號: AA193
飛行時間: 14:45 (+15小時延誤)

A review on American Airlines B777 Business Class. Not exactly a smooth flight if I may add.

Date/Time: 22nd, December 2018 11:50pm
Departed from: Los Angeles International Airport
Arrived at: Hong Kong International Airport
Flight no: AA193
Flight time: 14:45 (plus 15 hours delay)

All Comments (21)
  • @frenscoify
  • @jimmy3567
    Well Uncle Bob, waiting for your next journey, thumb up
  • @tonyyuen3010
    Thanks for your sharing. Wait for the coming videos :)
  • @tom8639
    其實之前坐了幾次United polaris,三藩市的lounge有點餐服務和座位也都不錯,就是機上餐食和服務感覺跟AA差不多
  • @brookzou8627
    QF lounge locate at TBIT is better than AA. There is a connecting tunnel between T4 and TBIT.
  • @zoeyeung9459
  • @jason1434414344
    兩公婆坐Windows seat 一前一後好定係坐中間可以傾下計正啲?
  • @WernerHuang
    AA 搭特定頭等艙可享受 First Dining,還不錯
  • @MaoRX
    焗魚嘅伴菜係飯同強烈氣流... 我好唔爭氣咁笑咗XD
  • @woteva6891
    Thanks Bob! Sad they didnt give u the burger option on board
  • @jokerfanz
    Bob叔有冇拎你張AE claim delay