香港航空 A350 商務艙 (香港 - 洛杉磯) Hong Kong Airlines A350 Business Class (Hong Kong to Los Angeles)

Published 2018-11-08
之前有網友留言話香港航空好過國泰, 今次飛去美國呢程我哋就搭香港航空, 睇下係唔係真係咁先。
日期/時間: 2018年11月1日 12:00pm
出發地點: 香港國際機場
目的地: 洛杉磯國際機場
航班編號: HX68
飛行時間: 12:29

A quick review on Hong Kong Airlines A350 Business Class (Old seat version).
Date/Time: 1st Nov, 2018 12:00pm
Departed from: Hong Kong International Airport
Arrived at: Los Angeles International Airport
Flight no: HX68
Flight time: 12:29

All Comments (21)
  • @hsmek
  • @xxxtsuki1
    慘,唔知有冇人咁覺得,我係第一次見bob叔講飛機片講到頹頹地,冇乜心機咁LOL you get what you paid for真係貼題到不得了
  • @felixma5361
  • @hkairlines
    你好Bob叔,首先多謝你選乘我哋嘅商務艙到洛杉磯及寶貴嘅意見,你嘅分享對我哋改善服務十分重要,我哋亦好重視你嘅意見,所以已經將你嘅意見轉達俾相關部門跟進,以提升及為大家帶來更好嘅服務。 我哋嘅全新A350商務艙產品宜家已經投入常規洛杉磯航線,除左有更加現代時尚嘅設計同更寬敞舒適的座位空間,我哋亦都更新左先進的機上娛樂系統。 我哋會繼續努力同進步,希望下次可以再係香港航空嘅航班上同你見面!
  • @scar-l5935
    Hey bob, just want to let you know that i am really happy that you kept making videos. I get bullied at school on a daily basis and cried after i got home only to watch your videos gives me a reason to live
  • @liyu7462
    香港航空呢個新lounge--傲堂 原則上系香港航空同合作夥伴維珍澳洲的biz class和elite member用,當然也會offer俾一d用緊中場客運廊的航空公司使用(因為其實提供lounge服務都系一個很賺錢的途徑)但信用卡好似系只限香港航空聯名卡的其中幾款高端版本得,所以成個lounge無premium plaza果個咁客流雜亂的
  • @nicwonders
    Uncle Bob! Have a great holiday with Ms fung! Lots of videos coming up I hope. Warm wishes for a splendid time.
  • @vtdl88
    Love your sense of humor.
  • @yourarse
    if you’re into mexican food, then king taco is a must when you’re in LA. family run business. get the carne asada (steak) combination burrito without beans. if you’re down with spicy, which i think you’re not, then get the red salsa. it will clear your sinuses. lol have a good trip to my hometown!
  • @jasonlai8618
  • @tangkinkeung
  • @kriskrislau
  • @delmonte4824
    Evtl you'll go to palawan or boracay, philippines.i hope you can then fly with the A350s of philippine airlines from hongkong-manila,too and review it.thank you so much!