Reeves needs to scrap ‘arbitrary’ and ‘peculiar’ self-imposed UK borrowing targets | Howard Davies

“Those targets are arbitrary. I mean, they’re self-imposed and they don’t make a lot of economic sense, frankly.”

Chancellor Rachel Reeves should “articulate a case” for flexibility on government borrowing, says former NatWest Group chairman Sir Howard Davies.

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コメント (21)
  • @HXT_916
    Can anyone find Dido Harding and the stolen £29Bn?
  • @mattbooth307
    The Tories spending loads of money on "consultancy" isn't unusual, is it? How many of these consultancies were mates of mates or owned by spouses?
  • @dazzwsmith
    Dont you mean inherited economic woes from the disaster of the last 14 years of tory mismanagement?
  • @roun101
    Thats why we are in a mess....he advised the tory government.
  • @lockymonster
    They could save billions just be stopping giving money to organizations and people who just talk and produce or provide anything worthwhile.
  • When a recording came to light of Sunak telling a group of conservatives that he had changed the rules to direct funds to them, away from the needy, then Tory “creative accounting in a limited and specific way” I’m sure is widespread.
  • Welcome to simple economic reality . You can make all the political promises you want , but if there is no money you can’t go very far !!! And economic growth is something we don’t control as it depends on so many unknown future events which none of us can foresee 😊
  • @pip1723
    All inherited from the tories ... What a mess they've left.
  • @leet3207
    Never trust what a bankster advises
  • @inbb510
    1) Stop blocking infrastructure projects and cut red tape so that thinga actually get built. 2) Don't let public pressure groups block projects half way. 3) step 1 and 2
  • @guydreamr
    The trouble is not with accepting new ideas but with escaping old ones. - John Maynard Keynes
  • Yes. Quite right. The nations finances are a big problem, which is precisely why the government should do literally everything it can to maintain the unjustifiable spending of billions of pounds on housing foreign criminals, rather than simply deporting them.
  • I'll never vote Labour again if they take away any pension tax relief. Tax on the way in and then tax on the way out is insane.
  • @cunawarit
    There's an easy solution. UK shale gas could generate annual revenues of £3.7 billion, based on a scenario where 4.4 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas were extracted over 30 years. That's 74 billion pounds in total. We just need to frack.
  • Labour are regarded as spend thrifts, but the Tories are skin flints. Putting money into the economy stimulates growth, cutting public services is another pledge broken.
  • @cbusheden
    They have had full access to the books because we have the OBR. They knew exactly what they were inheriting.
  • Don’t believe the Labour Party supporter lies, Gordon Brown sold 401 tonnes of gold for 3.5 billion pounds, now worth over 21 billion pounds, that would certainly cover the 20 billion pound blackhole.
  • @smiggo1481
    what all that Starmer fully costed fully funded nonsense about?