Jacob Rees-Mogg on why he lost his seat & the need for 'PROPER conservatism' | SpectatorTV

Published 2024-07-12
Join Fraser Nelson, Katy Balls and Kate Andrews, along with special guest Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, for a live edition of Coffee House Shots. A week on from Sir Jacob losing his seat, he declares 'I can speak freely now'. So, why does he think the Conservatives lost the election?

The team also answer a range of audience questions, including: how will the Conservatives win voters back? Is Nigel Farage here to stay?

00:00 – Introduction
01:41 – Katy Balls on Keir's first week
04:26 – Kate Andrews on Labour's economic outlook
07:40 – Why Jacob lost his seat and who is to blame
15:09 – Where did all the Tory votes go?!
19:16 – "Should the party move towards the right and embrace Reform?"
28:57 – JRM: "It's nonsense to say that we win from the middle", and the Conservative's competency problem
34:05 – Jacob's pick for the next Tory leader

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All Comments (21)
  • @goodcat1982
    The Tories don't deserve to make a comeback until they recognise and accept their level of betrayal
  • Problem with the conservatives is the parliamentary MPs are light years away from their voters. That’s why they failed.
  • @peternicho
    I think the panel has misunderstood the voters, the public have had enough of all the parties not keeping their words.
  • Katy Balls texting away on her phone on stage while the public are asking questions says it all about what she actually thinks of the general publics views and perspectives
  • @suzimonkey345
    The Tories have overseen the vast increase in poorly paid, crap jobs like delivering parcels for Amazon, whilst importing a vast number of poorly qualified workers, slashing the wages for traditional, working class jobs! A few generations ago the traditional working class family = A father working, supporting a wife & 2 or 3 kids. A nice home + a summer holiday every year. Now BOTH husband & wife can work full time & be POOR! 😳
  • @DeanP111
    Sorry JRM, we 4 million aren’t the easiest to get back. A lot of us will never vote Tory again
  • @61sven
    Complete myth mass immigration causes economic growth. We’ve had record immigration and at the same time the lowest growth on record.
  • @Pat121V
    Controlling borders. Cheap energy. Lowering tax burden. I reckon that is actually the center ground.
  • "I can speak freely now" eucht. I am sick of all politicians of whatever stripe who betray their constituents by their cowardice. Our country is in a mess because people like Andrew Bridgen who have the courage of their convictions are few and far between.
  • Rees-Mogg, Suella Braverman, Liz Truss et al, once out of office they all say: 'now I'm free to say what I really think' but who cares? If you didn't speak your mind when you were an MP, Home Secretary or Prime Minister while you had the power to change things then now it's all words - worthless.
  • @SimonWallwork
    Message to JRM and the tories. Either YOU be conservative, or we will find another who will be. It's that simple.
  • I didn't strike me that Jacob Rees-Mogg is being complacent here. He was very realistic and aware of why the Conservatives lost. Many of the other Conservative members are those that are complacent and in denial.
  • @ericbrown7297
    The Tories lost because they ceased to be Conservative, Starmer did not win, in fact his share of the votes, from previous elections, went down, the final result is hardly a mandate from the electorate. Reform, only achieved 5 MP’s, with a larger majority of the votes than the LibDems. JRM was very truthful and he was actually spot on in assessment of what is to come. Net zero, is an absolute disaster policy which will definitely bite them.
  • @LeslieOgilvie
    Starmer does not have the intelligence to take the UK forward, Tories a gone and Labor is going to be an absolute nightmare.
  • @mjones4083
    Moggy should have crossed the floor to Reform .
  • @paulbriggsy
    The problem is, the Conservatives are no longer conservative.
  • The biggest problem with politics today is the apathy of the voters. For years the turn out has been very low. The exception was on the BREXIT referendum which was highjacked by the politicians and never implemented to the fullest extent. Nigel Farage was the main player in the referendum that instigated the furore of the people to vote against the politicians and hopefully his entrance into the Political Spectrum will return the British voters back to the polling booths at the next election
  • @Isclachau
    What ?The Country has gone. Labour is just going to destroy it further. This is not rocket science.