They Did An Experiment On Him, Then He Became An Immortal Demon

Published 2022-05-21
Numbers are engraved on a person's body, representing something related to that persons life. These Counts determine a person's power in a post apocalyptic town called Alcia. If a Count reaches zero, the person is sent to the Abyss.

Anime Name: Plunderer

All Comments (21)
  • Sounds like Alcia is so obsessed with discriminating against anime protagonists with dreams and ambitions that the city forgot to make the law that says you can't lie about your freakin' numbers.
  • I'm glad Plunderer is finally getting some recognition. I picked this lil gem up about a year or so ago and fell in love with it. I really hope there's another season.
  • @o_o-037
    Imagine having a number that represents how many photons of light reached your eye. Even if you lose a fight, your number will just shoot straight back up from 1.
  • 4:20 His original count on his original Ballot Replica is 300000, and reached 1,500000 when activating Schmerman's blood lust genes. His original count stands for how many people he has killed in place of his friends and loved ones
  • @yeastori
    The Manga is amazing. The only thing bad about this series is the start is a bit slow and could make you lose interest before you get to the good stuff
  • @nharviala
    Nana's is easy. If she only cooks for herself, she lives a long, natural life.
  • @nomukun1138
    This is a glitch that happens in some video games. Some value is counted down and something happens when it reaches zero, but sometimes the value can become negative and it just keeps counting forever. An example is the aggression level for Doom monsters. The value is set to some random value and counted down to make the monster attack at random times. If you are very lucky and the value gets decremented twice at the perfect time, the monster will end up moving around and never attacking forever.
  • Plunderer is the name. This is a pretty cool anime. They started off a bit slow, but once they revealed the "Demon" i was fully invested haha. The anime picked up from there as well and took a more serious tone which i liked .Looking forward to season 2.
  • You cant defeat me. My number is higher than yours!. Ahhahahaa I was joking, my true number is not this XXXXX its this XXXXXXXX.. Whole Plot explained
  • @SsniperHunter
    I like your summaries, but more importantly how quickly you get into it but don't skip anything.
  • @gostyle5337
    “To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved, that’s everything.”— T. Tolis
  • @brosephmyth
    These recaps are the best! Thanks so much for your hard work! 🙏
  • @mellou543
    Lol I've watched like almost all of these anime that you've posted so far, but come back anyways to see how you summarize them.
  • @dandoge8999
    This show was actually pretty good with a nice twist in the end.
  • @alguientu
    thanks for saving me a few hours from dissapointment, from what i saw the story started nice then it went all over the place with everyone hiding their random power levels and the hands rules conveniently forgetting they wanted to kill licht
  • Keep up the great content, just found most of your video from recommendation. I'm having a depressing week for now, and these kinds of videos has gave me a bit of smile especially being the typical anime fan. I really appreciate the content ❤️✨
  • @ImSoTired..
    everyone: you can fly?! Licht: no, jump good.
  • Wow your videos everywhere!Keep up this content I finally have something to entertain myself