He Ate Demon Meat And Became A Demon Lord With Immortal Powers

Published 2022-05-04
Hidden in plain sight, spirits known as youkai inhabit the world. While most are benign, a certain subset threatens the tenuous peace between youkai and humanity.

Anime Name: In/Spectre Summary

All Comments (21)
  • @issaisolis183
    “A human transforms into a fox” The raccoon spirit: am I a joke to you?
  • Great channel man! Sometimes don’t have time to watch all animes, but these short summaries are great for me to choose if I’d like to watch them
  • @tikuzaii
    from what im hearing rn this is a very good anime, on top of the you explain every detail and undermine every detail there is, good job<3
  • @Lioness006
    In/Spectre was better than I expected it to be. Definitely hopefully and looking forward to a 2nd season!
  • 10:40 My man really said, "Death is meaningless because I have infinite lives on and foresight."
  • @onlyforherr
    hey! Ik u kinda started recently but I started watching you since your first videos. (I JUST REALIZED I WASN'T SUBSCRIBED- NEW SUB)
  • I actually really enjoyed this one. Kotoko was just adorable w all her little oddities ❤
  • @HikoNoMori
    Me after reading the title: Me: runs to fridge Me: grabs the salmon Me: eats salmon Me: yes i am the salmon lord. fear me Breaking news! Timothy, the great salmon lord has died of old age. May he rest in piece… or pieces 👀
  • @aadd1191
    So, the steel lady is basically like SCP-001(there are many 001's), the scarlet king. The more the people believe in him, the more real and powerful he gets. Damn, that sends a shiver down my spine.
  • @goldeneye1182
    like how your voice is very chill and together with the piano song, gives the chills a bang
  • I'll be honest, calling kuro the main protag was just wrong lol, the main protag is kotoko, he is def the supporting main throughout season 1, no doubt, but damn was she sooooo much more important. I haven't seen season 2 if there's any so maybe he is more important there.
  • @nasmboyd1573
    This is good. Like an audiobook with pictures. Nice nice. We need more. Especially with animes no one has watched before. And hopefully mangas. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Just got a new subscriber
  • Thanks for the recap I really didn’t remember anything before this video
  • Super good restart for your channel mate but i cant Finnish it cuz I'll spoil somestuff so I'll just go and watch it
  • @haywiredz2929
    9:21 that spirit is called a gashadokuro they are massive spirits that come out at night and eat humans, suprisingly it is rare to spot one of them, as they are masters at hiding, and they are often found near places where lots of people have died without a proper funeral such as places where wars occured
  • It’s awesome that In/Spectre is getting more attention, it’s one of my favorite mangas!
  • @FakeEgg
    "a human turns into a fox" The human, questioning his own existence because he actually turned into a tanuki: am I a fox????