Watch again: Priti Patel answers MPs' questions over Rwanda asylum seeker policy

Priti Patel faced questions from MPs after announcing her Rwanda asylum seeker policy last week.

She overruled reservations from officials about her plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, documents published by the government on Tuesday showed.

The plan seeks to act as a deterrent to migrants who make illegal boat crossings, but has drawn heavy criticism from the opposition and campaigners.

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コメント (21)
  • @Pollllz
    ‘Organised criminals that profit from human misery?’ Could be describing her fellow cabinet members & chief
  • "Our compassion may be infinite" what a joke. Priti is the worst debater
  • i wonder why PP family didnt immigrate to Rwanda instead. would have been closer for them ;)
  • All of their parents were economic refugees in this country, who were given a chance at a better life. Today they are some of the most racist politicians against people of their heritage. They are prepared to illegally force traumatic people on night flight 4000 to a war zone and a place e of the worst abuse of human rights in Rwanda. Why? Why? why? Priti Patel Uganda Nadhim Zahawi Iraq Ricky Sunak Kenya Sajid Javid Pakistani Kwasi Kwarteng Ghana Alok Sharma India Suella Braverman India
  • No doubt Priti Patel's parents would have been very grateful for a one-way ticket to Rwanda directly on arrival in the UK from Uganda fleeing from Idi Amin. What a pity for the UK and for current asylum seekers that these rules were not in force then.
  • This video should be titled “Yvette cooper destroys lying Home Secretary”
  • Priti Patel should remember her parents immigrated from Uganda. Human being do forgot very first. I believe she will be the most hated homeoffice secretary in UK history.
  • UN doesn’t recognise the democracy of Rwanda but how can you send people to non democratic country?
  • The way she drops her g's and the regional accent betrays her background and limited intellect. It beggars belief as to how this person got into power. She is a known bully, disrespectful, entitled and actually useless at her job. The shadow minister runs rings around her.
  • How is she still in the job after being found guilty of bullying
  • I've never once talked about 'sending someone back where they came from'. It's regressive, it's ignorant, and it does nothing to actually tackle the problem...but if we could send Priti Patel back to the dankest, bleakest womb in the darkest malebolge of Tartarus, that would be just grand.
  • She can barely read out prepared statements and she is our Home Secretary!
  • I believe Priti Patel is been use by the Tories on immigration issues because she was an immigrant child. This will destroy her political career for good.
  • @hobahoba
    Why all of Tories just full of LIES?!?!?!