Why Radical Trust and Fearless Love is SO IMPORTANT right now!

I talk about where humanity is in the Yuga cycles, Satua yuga (Golden age, 4800 x2 back to back, Treat yuga 3600, Dvapara yuga 2400 then 2x Kali yuga 1200yrs back to back before ascending back upwards, (where we are now), back into Dvapara yuga and so on.
This is why, although we still need to do what we can to live our best life, we can begin to relax and trust the plan...

I also touch on the amount of breakdowns we are going through and other things that all tie into this period in our story.

#yugacycles#Kaliyuga#breakdowns#nervousbreakdown#Radicaltrust #Fearlessness #Spiritual #spiritualpractice #Godsplan #endtimes #collapse #heartcoherence

コメント (21)
  • There is a archetype that modern day has deemed the narcissist. I believe that this archetype has been the biggest contributor to separation from God. No one wants to let their stories go. We grasp out of fear a desperate need to define everything! That is the Mind disconnect from the Heart.
  • It’s beautiful to hear my spirit through other voices. one voice. universal consciousness. STAY STEADY IN LOVE FRIENDS - rooted in the heart💗💗💗
  • I absolutely agree with this. I stay aware of worldly news but I do not give it my energy. I refuse to live in fear or sadness of things I cannot control.
  • I love that,"if you're breaking down,may you break through soon"
  • I’ve been feeling such existential dread lately, hopelessness about the state of humanity and the world, losing momentum in my awakening and healing. Today I’m so grateful I found you and this beautiful message. It reminded me why we are here and what we are fighting for. I feel hopeful again. Thank you for uplifting the world during these uncertain times 💚
  • This was beautiful and right on time.... Hear no evil; see no evil; speak no evil ... Flow and grow and be prepared for all that will come.... Thank you Ma'am ❤❤❤
  • I said to my housemates last year that i could feel a great change coming, and if you're afraid of change it will feel like a tsunami come to drown you. However, if you can begin now to embrace the huge changes that you've always wanted, grab your surf board and run towards that wave. People need to see some of us riding those waves of change with relative ease. One of the key things to be able to ride it will be compassion, primarily for ones own part actions, and therefore for ones fellow travellers.
  • @johnd8538
    I personally believe in ancient British and Irish beliefs. I had a massive "overdose" of our native Liberty Caps when I was 21, and many, many, other trips, whether acid tabs or the real thing.. My life's been a complete rollercoaster of learning and disillusion, I always felt like that before, like a very old soul but that one trip in particular really changed me and I'm 56 now. Everything will be fine, we have no say in it. We will be fine and we are just starting to realise it. Energy is endless and that's all we are.
  • I am in hope and gratitude seeing this video at this exact moment and reading comments. May we all be with the support inside of us while waking up to the remembrance of who we are. You are never alone 💖
  • @faith2691
    I gave up main stream TV services and news 4-6 years ago. I made a huge positive impact on my happiness and stress levels.
  • What a treasure ! Thank you for such a loving ,clear and uplifting message .Everyday almost ,I experience chaotic personal events , one after another and seemingly stepping up in intensity .Indeed there is one situation which has arisen which is challenging my basic living needs in a 3D world As a result ,I am questioning my trust , surrender and looking again at my internal dialogue .Noticing at I am feeling fearful ,worried ,angry ,overwhelmed and sad .Your mention of "Radical Trust " fortifies me greatly , thank you so much . I have decided that whatever the challenging and pretty horrible feeling events that arrive , I will acknowledge it ,feel it , allow the feelings ,then return to my heart .I will care very deeply for my well being and focus my attention inward or towards creativity ,my mission ,the beauty of nature ,breathing deeply ,meditation , a walk or simply going to sleep and resetting my energy .Ha ha haha , I rest and sleep so much ,that I have pondered on starting a dream journal ,the capricorn in me likes that idea .
  • this is one of the most powerful messages I’ve heard lately. thank you for crossing my path. thank you for being a reflection.
  • Awesome 🙏🏻 I’m Totally Resonating with this Message and Feel such Sorrow for Family and Friends Still Addicted to the Antics of 24/7 Rolling News Freak Show that is Created Around us. My Journey of realisation to this point has been short but Intense and am leaving many behind to find their own path as I move forward on my own and will be there for them when they Catch up. My Mantra is “Blessed & Protected” and Everything that’s meant for me will not pass me by. I used to think that Self care equated to Selfishness but Realise (along with so many other things) that this is not the Case. I am so Blessed to have Found Great Teachers on this Pathway and I Look for ward to Diving into your previous messages on this platform. L&S 🙏🏻✌🏻💛✨
  • This was the video that "randomly" popped up on my timeline to keep me going. Thank you! 🙏🏼🌈💞 bless be! 🤗💚🌱
  • @Z-r0rg
    Thank you so much for sharing. I have felt so lost and energetically depleted in and amongst the spiralling misinformation-regurgitation for so long... It is emboldening to witness such honesty (virtually); in a world of so much greed and fragmented falsity... I feel like now is the time to transmute all focus into a centre of acceptance, and to just let go of all expectations, in order to greet any degree of change with a calm and loving embrace.  Nothing owed, nothing lost.  Experience has been a wonderful gift, regardless. Take Care All.
  • Time is over for divided mind! The parts of this body who understand we ARE the parts must continue to meet injury with kindness ❤
  • @ebonyh6258
    Loved that~ i got a boost of excitement, adrenalin and strength to face what i am facing. Allowing myself to be taken apart like an engine to be rebuilt! Great analogy ❣️ Thank you for sharing 🌟