《泰山頌-第二樂章: 遠望》墨爾本肇風中樂團 Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra-《Ode of Mount Tai - 2nd movement: Distant View》

Published 2023-10-05
《泰山頌 - 第二樂章: 遠望》 指揮: 陳一平
《泰山頌》是一部以山東民間音樂為素材、以雄偉壯麗的泰山為背景的大型民族管弦樂作品。這部富有哲理性的民族器樂曲, 由四個樂章組成。各樂章的標題為:日出、遠望、松濤、攀登。從逐段標題看,它們顯然都是描寫性的篇章,但從樂曲表現的實際內容來看, 它們又主要是藉景抒情, 寓情於景。
第二樂章:“遠望” 作者在通過對泰山景色的描繪來讚揚勤勞的人民。

《Ode of Mount Tai – 2nd movement: Distant View》
Conductor: Yat Ping Chan
Composed by Xi Jin, Gui Yan Xu, and Yu Li
Ode of Mount Tai is a large-scale national orchestral work inspired by traditional folk music from Shandong province, set against the majestic backdrop of Mount Tai. This profound and philosophical instrumental piece consists of four movements titled “Sunrise”, “Distant View”, “Sound of Pine Waves” and “Climbing”. From the individual movement titles, it is apparent that they are descriptive chapters. However, in terms of the actual content portrayed in the music, they primarily serve as a means of expressing emotions through scenic descriptions.
In the second movement “Distant View”, the composer praises the hardworking people.

Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra 肇風中樂團 thank the following volunteers for their time and effort!
Audio recording: Tom Harman, Oliver Fleming,
Tim Rangi, Lachlan Kenny,
William Lawson, Jan Wong
Sound Mix: Numpark Sribanditmongkol
Video recording: Peter Guan, Lisa Guan
Video editing: Xiao Jin Ling
Recording Equipment: RMIT and CFCO
Production: Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra 肇風中樂團

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