《天山盛會》墨爾本肇風中樂團 Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra - 《Grand Festival at Tianshan》

Published 2023-10-05
《天山盛會》 指揮: 陳劭航
此曲是《春天組曲》的第五樂章。樂曲以豐富多彩的民間音樂為素材,描述在春天的節日來到了,各族人民盛會在天山脚下,姑娘們翩翩起舞,小伙子們引吭高歌, 人們沉浸在 歡樂的海洋裡。

《Grand Festival at Tianshan》
Conductor: Aaron Chan
Composed by Guan Ren Gu
This piece is the fifth movement of the Spring Suite. It is based on rich and colourful folk music depicting the arrival of the spring festival. People from various ethnic groups gather at the foot of Tianshan Mountains, where girls dance gracefully, young men sing with joy, and everyone immerses themselves in an ocean of happiness.

Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra 肇風中樂團 thank the following volunteers for their time and effort!

Audio recording: Tom Harman, Oliver Fleming,
Tim Rangi, Lachlan Kenny,
William Lawson, Jan Wong
Sound Mix: Numpark Sribanditmongkol
Video recording: Peter Guan, Lisa Guan
Video editing: Xiao Jin Ling
Recording Equipment: RMIT and CFCO
Production: Chao Feng Chinese Orchestra 肇風中樂團


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